Awkward introductions… But not for me!

Posted: April 26, 2011 in Bangarang!, Boo Nickleback, Josh Smash!
My favorite is actually cookies and cream...

Get it all in before Saturday...

So far the random introductions between new team Hulk members is going great!

“Hey Maggie, this is Tyerone! Look at him! Now Tyerone, look back! You’re best friends now!!”

I’m a firm believer in things are only awkward if you make it awkward. I just so happen to be really good at making things awkward…

So allergies? Haven’t had them really in a long time… until they slapped me with an orange-and-sand filled sock Saturday night and haven’t stopped since! Ever seen that scene (yay grammar!!) in “Full Metal Jacket” where… well, if you have you know what I’m talking about. Well, I’m Vincent D’onofrio (spelt his name right BEFORE I checked it… that’s spelling-winning at its finest) and my allergies are the platoon that are sick of me enjoying myself.

I wish I was as handsome as Jake Gyllenhaal (I forgot only ONE “l” before I checked… I dare you to do better!), that way I could live in a plastic bubble and not feel so guilty about it (don’t you judge me for how my mind works).

PS if any of you Hulksters fill out “Nickleback” on the questionairre under the portion “music that pumps you up the most” on the first day this Saturday… you’re off the team.

Today’s theme song… Anything BUT Nickleback.

– Hulk

  1. Bobbi says:

    How about Creed? Is Creed acceptable?

    • JosHulk says:

      You KNOW that’s just as abd, if not worse… I should kick you off out of principle! Although Scott Stapp’s solo music is alright (that’s one of the surprise themes… Scott Stapp. That’s it. “Scott Stapp” themed Hulk workout. You’re welcome).

  2. meghan says:

    but i like nickelback… i play pool to it…when tug takes me in public that is…

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