The Beast

Posted: April 27, 2011 in AhhhhOOOOO!!, Josh Smash!, When they ask...
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You better be getting pumped up...

I wasn’t even going to update this early, but I’m feeling like a Kelly green PHOENIX right now! Oh yeah baby, rising from the mucus and lung-constricted ashes that are my pollen, grass, and dander induced allergies emerges a new being… A stronger being. Nothing in my way is an obstacle, more so a destruction derby contestant just itchin’ to lose hard in the first round. Drawing from “Thor’s Hammer” has wielded an ungodly Hulk capable of even the most impossible of feats…
Well, actually, I guess I’m just back to normal, but whatever.

So we’re 3 days out and that’s a Ron Burgundy (big deal). Tomorrow is the last “public” bootcamp before it gets overtaken by tenacious green and “AhhhOOOOOOs” at every corner. Before we have workouts so intense that the room OUTSIDE the aerobic room fills up with sweat and condensation. Before I need to sweep the floor with the mop every 10 minutes so people don’t slip and slide dangerously on the salt-and-electrolyte encrusted floor boards. Before I start waiting to see whether Art ends up doing cardio after the workout or not (because if he doesn’t, then that means it was a KILLER workout. Art, my goal is to make it so you don’t have the energy to do cardio after these bootcamps. By the sheer fact that I said that though… you’re gonna be doing cardio just to spite me. I love it :P).

One thing I forgot to mention is I’ll be doing my own challenge this challenge! As most of you know, I’ve gotten my body fat percentage down pretty damn low… Well, I’m going back to my bread and butter of strength training. The catch? The goal is to maintain low body fat percentage with significant size and strength increases. I look forward to seeing what I can pull off! I’ll be putting up pictures and stats, don’t worry :).

Alright, off to go kick some ass! I’d take names, but I already know them… so just kicking ass is good enough!

Song of the day? The one you hear when you click on “Thooom!”

– Hulk

  1. cheryl says:


  2. Tye Rivera says:

    I will be there making sure you dont cheat tomorrow! 😉 Just “Joshin” ya!

  3. Art Villarreal says:

    Josh: I did not see this post prior to the Thursday workout, the upper body workout destroyed my arms, but my legs were still able to carry me. I had errands to run and did not do cardio. As I said before to you “all I want is enough crawling power left to make it home”. But somehow, I always find a little extra energy. All thanks to TEAM HULK. Go TEAM HULK!!!!!!!

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