Round 6 starts tomorrow. I mean… Tomorrow. That’s t-o-m-o-double R-o-Double U. Tomorrouu! I mean Tomorrow! I mean, I don’t need to stress it anymore, because You get it. Trust me, you get it.
That’s all I wanted to say. It’s about to gettin’ poppin’ like some zits in this piece cuz tomorrow we’re gonna Erupt like Eddie Van Halen! We’re gonna rock like granite, so take nothing for granted! If you’re not pumped you’re gettin’ dumped. If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’, and y’all know how alive I am ;). T-minus = 16 hours and 20 minutes till start time. T-Mac = Tracy McGrady…

Be on the lookout for the results of my fit test and pictures/videos of “Friday before Hulk!” Grab on to your seat… and make sure nobody steals it… A gang of gypsies have been seen running amuck lately…

Song of the Day: I was going to make it “Friday” by Rebecca Black but I respect you too much for that. So instead, click on the image you’re going to need to get used to seeing…

– Hulk

  1. Chenoa Busic says:

    Hey Josh…Did you still want me to bring the coffee and donuts??? Haha. JK. Can’t wait to get this thing jumpin and start pumpin!

    • JosHulk says:

      hahahaha, I love it Chenoa! Coffee is ok… and Donuts ONLY if they have the maple glaze, otherwise get that business outta here! Not a worry, it pops off in a few hours 😉

  2. Tye Rivera says:

    I AM HULK!

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