You better be ready to HULK SMASH those legs tomorrow

I would like to start off by saying that of the 17 people who finished last challenge, for 13 of them the goal was weight loss. Out of those 13 people, they lost a total of 165 lbs. Out of the 17 total people who completed it, 197.5 inches were lost. More importantly, a new grasp on life was seized. Those numbers I just mentioned? Yeah, I care… but those will come no matter what. That’s the cherry on top. Wanna know what I REALLY care about?

I care about the husband and wife Hulksters who have a new found lease on life. Who have gone from miserable and sinking to daring their grandchildren to keep up.

I care about the Hulkster whose back doesn’t hurt to brush his teeth anymore.

I care about the 3 Hulksters who recently told me that they can tie their shoes without holding their breathe anymore.

I care about the children of the people on Hulk who send me private messages about how they thank GOD their parents found Hulk, because they are positive it saved their lives (I’ll never tell).

I care about the Hulkster who has lost 140 lbs total and has gone from going to bed every night CONVINCED that was the night he was going to die to going to bed every night having never felt so alive in his life.

I care about the Hulkster who was convinced she could never play soccer again due to past knee injuries, but who has a soccer field with her name written all over it in the very immediate future (I’m still going to get you those cleats!)

I care about the Hulkster who couldn’t do a squat with his own body weight, and now is running circles around everyone around him doing lunges, squats, push-ups, planks… There is nothing this man can’t do now.

I care about the Hulksters who have lost ALL of their pre-diabetic symptoms. There are quite a few of you.

I care about the Hulksters who have perfect blood pressure now, beating hypertension.

I care about the Hulksters who want to live for their kids. Be better wives or husbands. Better boyfriends or girlfriends. A better son or daughter.

I care about the Hulksters who want to LIVE, not float.

With that being said, Eric Rhodes has lost 6 lbs since Saturday y’all. It’s Wednesday. AhhhhOOOOO!!!! The MOST important factor? His eating is perfectly healthy, not restricted. His workouts are spot on, not “too much.” His balance of training is even between cardio and resistance. He’s doing it the RIGHT way people. Nothing extreme, nothing unhealthy (the complete opposite!). I care about THAT Hulkster!

I’ll let you know now, the song of the day (located by clicking the badass Hulk picture) is what we are going to start our wall sits too tomorrow after “The Story of Et Ducit.” Listen and get pumped, or tomorrow you’re gettin’ dumped!

– Hulk

PS everybody, I’ll be deadlifting with our very own Hulkamaniac Bud Hull tomorrow morning, so everyone remember that this cornfed freakshow is coming in with some of his armor stripped. He’ll be more “humanish” for the leg workout…

PPS Bud I’m just messin’ with ya man! Except we really are gonna deadlift into oblivion tomorrow morning.. AhhhhOOOOOO!!!!!

  1. Jessica says:

    Thank you for your words of inspiration and for making me tear up while reading your individual Hulk anecdotes. I am so proud to be a part of the new HULK and know this is going to be better than ever!

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