Best MC Hammer impression... Too Legit 2 Quit (hey heeeeeey)

So, a couple of things…

First off Happy belated Mother’s Day everybody! Mostly to the moms though… Actually, mostly to my mom too. I’ll share some of the happy, but I hope my mom is the happiest. Sorry “other moms.”

Second off, I saw “Thor” yesterday and it was  awesome. Just pure awesome. Got me SO psyched for “The Avengers.” What aided in that “psychedness” was the fact that “Captain America” had an extended preview in the beginning I hadn’t seen yet. Evans and Hemsworth… You guys are GINORMOUS (Enter “Buddy the Elf). I still am waiting who’s going to play the BEST Avenger now that Edward Norton’s dive status got him kicked out…

Third off, Bobbi and Tye come back from Maui today. Unfortunately they had the best vacation ever so all of our jealousy was with merit :/. Glad to have ya back guys!!!

Fourth off… It’s Monday. Welcome back to the GRIND (Get Ready It’s a New Day). We’ve got our very first CORE workout this Thursday Hulkamaniacs! You thought you hated me after legs and upper body… Oh boy! Alright, short and sweet today. Gotta get to my morning meditation!

– Hulk

PS Song of the day is one of my FAVORITE workout songs ever (@RandyPaul). It reminds me of going through a transformation… Of being something other than human. Beat that chest, shake the tree limbs, and breathe that fire!!!! AhhhhOOOOOO!!!!!

  1. cheryl says:

    ??song of the day??

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