The wall is symbolic of your core tonight Hulksters…

 Tonight marks the beginning to a new daylight… A daylight into your future that you will be made painfully yet heavenly aware of tonight. Tonight, we dine… in the House of Hulk ;).

Not only does the first core workout of Hulk: Round VI make its debut tonight, but this will also be the LONGEST workout we’ve had yet! I’m introducing one thing and one thing only tonight… “The Shovel.” Get ready to dig deeper than you’ve ever dug before!

I’m talkin’ y’all are the Gramercy Riffs and I’m gonna pull my best Cyrus impression (just make sure nobody kills me).


Warriors, come out to play tonight…

What I’m saying is be on the lookout for “The Shovel: The Video.”

Get what I’m sayin’?

Y’all better get hyped or get skyped cuz that’s the only way anybody is gonna want to talk to you… from afar. I’m talkin’ get so geared up that you tear up! Put your helmet on because we’re gonna have a blast! Make sure your ticket’s out cuz this train is about to leave the station! Clear the villagers from down below, this snowball of motivation has no brakes.

– Hulk

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