Ahh!! So excited!!!

Black light special!! It’s tomorrow! I couldn’t be more excited… I mean really, I truly couldn’t. I mean… I posted a Captain’s Log (Click here!) about it! I have special LED lights, more black lights, and more tricks up my sleeve for this one… I promise you, I’m gonna make this a workout you will never forget. If you’re not able to make it tomorrow, don’t worry, I’ll be doing more! I won’t leave ya hangin’ Hulkamaniacs ;).

Now, the next thing I’m about to say could sting a little bit… I just hope some people don’t get too offended, because that is never the goal. However, I need to say what I’m about to say or I’d feel like I’m not staying true to myself…

I’m stoked The Heat took the first game. Miami all the way baby.

Whew… there… I feel better.

“The Voice” last night was pretty good. I’m excited for the live shows! Hit me with some Vicci Martinez, Nakia, and Jorge Cologne please. Sing to me baby birds, sing to me…

Just a reminder to those who maybe didn’t get the e-mail, we’ve got Tyerone Rivera leading a group workout this Friday at 6:30pm. He’ll be doing an assortment of things that DON’T involve too much of legs (since I’ve got that covered the day before :D). I’m excited to see how it turns out, because I know it’s gonna be a doozy! The workout will be personally approved by me, so it will be Hulk worthy no doubt. Not like you all don’t have faith in Tye ;).

Song of the day… We sure are! ALL of us!

– Hulk

  1. Tye says:


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