My measurement day face!

This challenge

5 weeks – 23 people measured: 120.7 inches lost


Last challenge

10 weeks – 25 people measured: 197.5 inches lost


It’s safe to say (and I say this every time) that every challenge gets better and better. We lost 120.7 inches today, when we’re only 77.5 inches away from what we did TOTAL last time. I’m looking forward to setting a Hulk record this challenge with inches lost.

More importantly, today marked the day I was WAITING for (and why I “ranted” on Facebook about wanting people to be excited and stay for the commitment) because it showed you clear in the face how wrong that scale is. Yeah, we’ve got quite a few lbs lost so far, but I’m not posting that just yet INTENTIONALLY. Today showed EVERYONE that magic is happening. Sometimes, you just need the tangible kick in the pants to realize it. Seriously, I am SO proud of my team, I can’t even put it into words…

Good thing I have a blog I guess!

Also, I need to give props to Kristina Lamb for losing the most inches out of everybody! 11.5! In 5 weeks! What CANNOT be lost here is that these inches, these accomplishments, and this vigor and new-found mentality is all within a month and a week. We lost as a team 120.7 inches in a month and a week. What? Serious? YUP!

Hulk: Round VI Pictures! (Click here!) I added new pictures from today, and I’ve got new videos awaiting to be put up, including Tye kicking y’alls butts and Zumba Hulk style! Plus more Captain’s logs to come 😉

Song of the day? Chingys back!

– Hulk

  1. cheryl says:

    WAY TO GO Kristina!!
    and Josh I just love that measurement day face!! Keep it coming! 🙂
    Go Team Hulk!

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