Hulk vs. Hulk!

So right off the bat, Hulk vs. Hulk is warming over well with a lot of individuals. I figure with no competitors in sight, I’ve got to make my OWN competition! The official announcement will be this weekend, but seeing as how I only have about 10 spots left out of 50, I’m putting the word out now! Start date is August 13th and the end date is October 22nd (With the midpoint falling on September 17th… the day right before Tough Mudder baby!!). If you’d like to reserve one of the few spots left, hit me up! (Click here)

First, I want to give some extremely heart-felt wishes to Amanda Martin on behalf of Team Hulk. Amanda, for those of you who don’t know, had a baby recently and he’s suffering from complications requiring multiple surgeries and intensive hospital care. That was the reason she wasn’t at Hulk last night nor will she be there this Saturday. She sends her best to the team and wants everybody to know she will be back Thursday! Well Amanda, on behalf of Team Hulk, we wish YOU the best, hope everything is going well with your son, and that if you need ANYTHING from any one of us, we’ve got you :).

Last night’s Zumba was amazing! I got Eric Van Diest to join in so right away it started off a success. Then, I let the rhythm get me so bad that Gloria Estefan’s tour bus flipped right side up (that reference is acceptable because she turned out fine). Jessica kept in my Britney jam and I was as happy as a Mavericks fan last night (Damn you Miami… Were you even THINKING about Tosh Tuesday?). Fellow Hulkster Chris Kelly joined in too! He even guest instructed once Jessica saw how much his hips influenced Shakira (not the other way around)! That last part may or may not be a lie… I’ll let you decide.

How many of you remember “ring ding dong” by Dr. Dre? You know, the “Friday” soundtrack and whatnot… Anyways, if you remember the song, do you remember the part at the end where he says “I know you’re bobbin’ your head…” Well, when that song first came out, I remember first hearing that and being AMAZED that Dr. Dre knew I was bobbing my head! It was like magic!

Then I realized I was an adolescent idiot.

Song of the day – I miss you Korn! Er… KoRn… Don’t want to offend anybody…

– Hulk


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