3 weeks left Hulksters...

We’ve got 3 weeks left after today Hulkamaniacs… 21 days… We are on the final homestretch and all y’all are STILL killing it!! What do you do when you see the finish line? You don’t leisurely make your way across the ticker tape… You sprint for that bastard like it’s got the antidote to some rattler venom you’ve got coursing through your veins and you’ve got about 30 more seconds to live. Well, with 3 weeks left, start sprinting!!! Just be sure to bring your shovel with you…

Maggie Shuck, your energy was off the CHARTS today at bootcamp! For reals, you were in beast mode so hard “The Avengers” are thinking about recruiting you! Good god woman, work it like you’re unionized!

Chenoa Busic (Cheen-Wah as I like to say), you are just absolutely amazing. With 3 weeks left and the numbers you’re putting up, you are a MAJOR darkhorse coming up strong! I need to publicly recognize how much butt you’re kicking Chenoa. You lost 4 and a half lbs this week! In week SEVEN!!! That’s almost unheard of girl! No need to psych yourself out, start psyching yourself UP, because you MORE than deserve it! Also, thank you so much for the kind words today. They always, ALWAYS mean the world to me and you are one of the reasons I am the luckiest fella in the whole, wide world. Why? Because I get to work with people like you on a daily basis!

Everybody, Bud’s back is killing him. It’s getting better, and he wanted to be there today more than anything, but gotta rest those injuries!

Art had a work gig and Kathi is tending to her injured daughter, but they wish everybody the greatest as well!

This Thursday… We have a theme workout… I will make the announcement tomorrow since the details are still being ironed out… but it’s gonna be a fun one ;).

This Saturday, I also plan on having an outdoor bootcamp at the park!

Everyone, enjoy the rest of your Saturday… I’ve got a slideshow to work on 😉

– Hulk

PS the song of the day is top 3 ALL TIME favorite workout songs.

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