I loved Jessica's Hulk shirt so much, I bought my own šŸ™‚

Last night’s episode of “The Voice” was intense! I gotta say, I enjoyed every single original song from every contestant. Surprisingly, I think my favorite song was Dia’s! She is tearin’ it up something fierce right now! Not only is the song really awesome (hint hint, song of the day, which can always be found by clicking the first picture posted of the day for those of you who forgot) but the message behind it is GREAT. Quit creating problems where there are now. Recognized what you are blessed with and latch onto that as opposed to getting hung up on problems just for the “woe is me” factor.

As for everybody else, jeepers they were fantastic! Vicci, Beverly, and Javier all destroyed not only their original songs, but they’re duets as well. Beverly and Christina’s rendition of “Beautiful” was amazing, and I really liked the Tom Petty cover Blake and Dia did! Alright, enough of “The Voice!” Especially since my man Nakia didn’t make the finals (but the tour is the top 8 performers so it works out!)

I want to thank everybody for the continued support of Hulkster Amanda Martin, her Husband Jeff Martin, and their son Jon Michael. We’ve got a website in the works for them, countless people hoping to donate money, and even more people willing to donate time, labor, goods, and skills to do a silent auction. Together, as a Hulk family, I promise we will make sure you’re taken care of Amanda!

Hulkamaniacs, we have 10 days left in the current challenge. I need to reiterate how proud I am of each and every one of you. Seriously, this isn’t just a “light fluffy” challenge meant to give you something to do, this is a COMMITMENT. This is DIFFICULT. This is a challenge designed to incinerate the “old you” and leave a new, refreshed, healthy you standing. Well, those of you still with me (25 out of starting 26 – Best ending Hulk turnout yet), you have done just that and then some. Similar to how I LOVE the midpoint of the challenge when we do measurements because it shows exactly what you’ve accomplished, I love the last day for the very same reason. The “after picture,” the improved fit test results, the renewed measurements… I can’t wait to show you all the accomplishments you’ve made. Even those of you who know how kick ass you’re doing (a lot of you still don’t know how awesome of a job you’re doing, but that’s ok… you’ll know soon enough!) STILL won’t have the full spectrum of your transformation until the very last day…

… Which is 10 days away… 10 days of opportunity at its finest! To get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do! By planting that positive seed and getting that positive flower… By digging deeper than you’ve ever dug before and uncovering the you you’ve always wanted to be. “We could have had it all” will be changed to “we got it all and then some.” Hulk is growing everybody. I can feel it. You can feel it. It’s outreach is expanding the realms of the aerobic room here at Anytime Fitness on Santa Rosa Ave. and blossoming to something bigger than I ever imagined. All thanks to you.

– Hulk

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