Champion. Newly Certified

Goodness gracious, emotions keep overflowing now don’t they! I would like your eyes to avert upwards towards the newest personal trainer in the HULK family. Tyrone Rivera, through blood, sweat, tears, unrivaled determination, and a ferocity this side of the West Coast has never seen has lost over 152 lbs and quit his job at being the best guitar maker of his generation (not an exaggeration, more as an important indicator of how big of a deal this is) to become a PERSONAL TRAINER. The photo above is smilin’ Tye, complete in Hulk shirt (he said it was the reason he passed, I think it more fell on how awesome he is, but tomato/tomawto), after he passed his certification test through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). No more group leader for this man, he is now a certifiable threat!!!

I want to extend this post to the importance of the accomplishments this man has achieved, as well as…

Bobbi lost 90 lbs officially today!

I will NOT let it go unmentioned that today, Tyrone’s better half hit her OFFICIALLY 90 lbs down mark. Bobbi, you are just an inspirational, you just take a more quiet approach. The world needs all sorts of heroes, and whether you like it or not, you are one of mine.


– Hulk

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