Can't Wait for Diamondhead!

Hey hey, long time no talk! Well, there’s been reason for that… Those reasons which will be seen, heard, and experienced starting mid August… Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII is RIGHT around the corner! That, actually, is why I’m updating!

Before I get into that however, I would like to say… ALOHA! But, the “bye” version, because this guy is headed off to Hawaii! My wonderfully amazing girlfriend Taryn and I are headed to Oahu bright and early 5am tomorrow morning and needless to say, we’re excited! I will be BACK to regularly scheduled programming (for the most part) on August 8th. Until then, be sure to send me an e-mail at with any important inquiries or statement and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Now, everyone who has done a challenge before knows that it is a ZOO the first day. It also, unfortunately, takes a LOOOOOOONG time. Well, in order to make the process a whole hell of a lot smoother, I have decided to split apart the fit test and the “measurement” day. Here is the schedule. Be sure to read everything ALL THE WAY THROUGH before getting flustered and writing me immediately:

Team Green Fit Test – August 11th (Thursday) at 5:30pm (will be conducting fit tests until 7:30pm, but please come as early as possible so as to start the fit tests right on time at 6pm)

Team Black Fit Test – August 12th (Friday) at 5:30pm (will be conducting fit tests until 7:30pm, but please come as early as possible so as to start the fit tests right on time at 6pm)

If you are not able to make it to your designated teams fit test date, but ARE able to make it to the opposing team’s fit test date, that is completely alright! Be sure to e-mail me so that I have advanced noticed :).

If you are not able to make it to EITHER of those dates, then please e-mail me and we will schedule your make up fit test.

PLEASE keep in mind that it is VERY important that you make it to the fit test. I humbly request that everyone does everything they can to make it to one of these 2 dates for the fit test so as to maintain my sanity :). If there is NOTHING you can do and HAVE to reschedule your fit test date, I understand and will work with you if you are able to work with me. Everyone else, get ready to hammer out a work out those dates ;).

The way MEASUREMENT day is going to work is as follows:

Team Green Measurements – August 13th (Saturday) at 9am until 11am (show up no later than 10am).

Team Black Measurements – August 13th (Saturday) at 11:30am until 1:30pm (Show up no later than 12:30pm)

Both teams will be getting your circumference measurements recorded, blood pressure tested, body fat percentage tested, initial weigh-in, and “before” picture taken. You will also be filling out contact information, a questionnaire, and a “commitment contract”, as well as getting to know your fellow teammates!

I have stressed the importance of the fit test dates, but I REALLY have to stress the importance of the first day… I humbly request again that everyone does everything in their power to make it to the first day. Not just for me, but to be part of the experience… To meet everybody. To feel the anticipation and excitement in the air as it becomes “official” the journey you TRULY are about to embarking upon. Just like the fit test however, if there is NOTHING you can do and HAVE to miss the first day, e-mail me and we will work it out. In the meantime, get pumped or get dumped baby!

Also, I promise, this competition is a FRIENDLY competition. I know we’re intense, but not in a mean spirited way at all! If you have to do some stuff with the other team, don’t worry, you will be treated as you are… an adversary. After all, we’re all in the same boat, fighting the same good fight TOGETHER! Remember, you have a SAFE PLACE on Team Hulk :).

With that, I bid you all a farewell, for I have some packing to finish up… Meaning some tank tops and board shorts to throw into my bag ;).

I will miss you all! Aloha!

– Hulk

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