Archive for July 31, 2011


Now that we’ve got that cliche out of the way, we’ve got a problem… That problem being Jeff and Amanda Martin are in Palo alto for their little boy’s (beautiful Jon Michael Martin) heart surgery (one of several). Well, they just so happen to have been left of the loop of a place to stay!

Long story short, the Ronald McDonald house where they WERE going to be staying was max capacity. With all funds being put into their little one, that leaves money left for a hotel!

I humbly request that if you are able, please donate whatever you are willing to spare. Many hands make light work, and if you find the ability to donate ANYTHING chunk of change to helping this wonderful family out, then read no further, click on the URL below, and help out an AMAZING family in need.

(copy and paste the link into your browser if it doesn’t come up as a clickable link. Updating my site from my phone can be tricky… )

We are Hulk.