Archive for August 13, 2011

The last 2 and a half minutes of Mr. Randy’s record-setting, action getting, ultra sweating 9 minutes and 8 second plank! Are you not entertained?!


Team Green Photos (click here)


Team Black Photos (click here)


Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII has officially begun! I’ve gotta say, the last 3 days of fit tests and measurements have been not only been key in documenting the whole “Hulk process,” but it also has been a blast! I’m having fun at least, which you’ll come to find out is MOST important… I kid ;). For those of you who are feeling a bit shy, or like you’re the “new kid,” get that fear out now! Everybody on Hulk at one time or another was “the new kid.” Well, I make it not only a priority, but an uncompromising condition that “Hulk” is a comfort zone. You will ALWAYS be greeted like a great friend. You will ALWAYS have the support of your teammates. You will ALWAYS have my leadership. You will ALWAYS be allowed to be yourself and… wait for it… be accepted!! Whether you’re a professional athlete or a first timer, y’all are gonna ride this wave on the same surfboard. That surfboard, ladies and gentlemen, is colored green and black…

I wanted to take this time to clear up the “competition” aspect of Hulk vs. Hulk! Now that everything is all said and done as far as fit tests and measurements are concerned, the competition has begun! So the competition is broken down BY the fit test. I will be taking the average of BOTH teams fit tests, and comparing them to one another (for example, if Team Green averages 47 push ups and Team Black averages 49 push ups, Team Black is awarded the point for the “push up” category). There are 5 total points allotted (one for each exercise) thus it is impossible to have a tie (damn NEAR impossible, anyway). Whichever team has the most points at the end of the challenge, wins! What do you win? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see ;). That, ladies and gentlemen, is how “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII” will be played.

I will be posting the TOP fit test performer in each category tomorrow (with team alliance clearly established per individual) as well as each team’s averages! Then, starting after next weeks weigh in, you will be able to find the top ten per team “body composition loser” posted either at the gym or on this very website. Get used to eating, sleeping, and breathing “Hulk!”

This week I will also be posting a schedule of what to expect each day, what I’m going to be discussing, and what days our themed workouts are :). For instance, this Tuesday and Thursday, Teams Green and Black will be learning their new chants :). “The Shovel,” your team songs, and “What is Hulk?” will be following shortly thereafter!

Finally, Tuesday is “the day.” It starts with Team Black. Team Green, your turn is 2 days later… What is the significance behind this day you ask? It’s the day the train leaves the station and doesn’t get back until October 22nd. It’s the day where you see MY inner Hulk. The day where all the newbies see my demeanor morph from goofy to vein popping, glass shattering, floor shaking intensity. The day where you see that I WILL lead you to fitness levels beyond your wildest imagination (I’m not exaggerating, I promise you that), but only if you extend that hand and let me grab it. Tuesday marks the day that the REAL Hulk is unleashed. If you think you’ve done an intense bootcamp before… make that assessment after this week ;). The best part? You’re going to feel the best you’ve felt in a long, long time. You will be left smiling from ear to ear and like you’ve experienced something that other people only dream about. That is the ability to push yourself past your comfort zone and awaken something that has lied dormant in you for so long that once its legs are stretched, it’s an unstoppable force. YOU hold the power to rewrite human nature. You get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do. That’s another promise. I always make good on my promises…

Sound Off…

– Hulk

Grab yourself some... Get pumped or get dumped!!!

PS for all you new Hulkamaniacs, I always post a song of the day that you can find by clicking on whatever picture I have decided to post on here. Since I decided to start with a video, here ya go… 😉