Archive for August 16, 2011

Hulk Smash!!!

So as I was doing my cardio this morning, I was listening to the playlist I worked out yesterday for TODAY’S 1st Team Black workout of Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII, and I gotta say… I am FIRED UP. I felt that familiar feeling again… A feeling of power bubbling at my heels before surging skyward and lifting me up by the shoulders, making me light as a feather yet strong as a speeding freight train with a vengeance…

That freight train leaves the station tonight ladies and gentlemen. The momentum gets built TONIGHT under the lights of Anytime Fitness’ Aerobic Room, or as I like to refer to it “The House of Hulk.” If you are a part of team black, you are going to OWN that room tonight. I will make sure of it. Follow me with everything you’ve got, and I promise the sky is going to light up tonight. Tonight is YOUR night to prove something to yourself. To look yourself dead in the eye and say “I refuse to be my own worst enemy ANYMORE.” Tonight, you get to do something about that. You see, I hear all the tales of everyone coming in here scared that they aren’t going to be able to keep up, or that it’s going to be too intense for them, or that the pictures are too much to handle. I hear everything, believe me… But I also know those worries too. I was once that very person. I went from not being able to even HOLD myself in a push-up position to being able to do 113 in 60 seconds. Pull-ups were not only an improbability, but an impossibility. Now, I lose count…

I let my fears control me for far too long to ever let them get in the way of anybody else. Ever. Trust me when I tell you it’s going to be alright. Believe me when I tell you I know what it’s like. Be inspired when I promise that it gets better if you let it. I have been in most of your shoes. As bad as it gets, I’ve been there. Depression, cutting myself, eating disorders… You wanna talk issues? I can talk issues. PAST issues. Issues that controlled my mind and body for far too long until my soul gave way to mutiny. So remember when that feeling of “I can’t do it…” starts to come to mind, replace it with “I CAN try” and you will win EVERY TIME. For you see, the outcome isn’t predestined for you… The outcome is controlled by effort and effort alone. You get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do… We’re gonna do the work people don’t do starting TONIGHT.

– Josh Cox