You can't even see the other half of the team 🙂

Hey y’all! Just wanted to let you all know that this weekend was a GREAT one. It is worth repeating that as a group (both teams together) about 50 lbs were lost. in 7 days.

Again, about 50 lbs were lost. in 7 days. You are all DEFINITELY Hulk…

Another thing I’m proud of is that LAST challenge… I was pissed at the second weigh in. The video below not only will showcase how absolutely appalled I was at everyone’s reaction to the scale, but why. This is a GREAT reminder for EVERYONE who ever feels like that goddamn scale controls your life. It doesn’t. I know a lot of you have seen this video, but please, watch it again and remind yourself that YOU control your own destiny, whatever you want to achieve. The scale is merely another tool to use, not your life source. Do NOT let that scale control you…

I also wanted to share that we’ve got some GREAT stuff in the works going on! Team Green, be on the lookout for certain members of Team Black to be contacting you with their awesome ideas :). Team Black, you do the same :). With 1 week and 1 day down, remember we’ve got another 9 weeks to go. That’s over 2 months y’all… You’re going to achieve what some people take 2 and a half YEARS to do in 2 and a half months. Why? Because you’re motivated, have all the tools, and I’ll be honest… I’m pretty good at what I do :). I’ve taken out all the mistakes because I made all those mistakes myself! All that’s left is good good work!!! I love you all :).

– Hulk

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