What is “Hulk?”
(Find out in the video below)

Last night, I went about “What is Hulk?” a little different with Team Green than with Team Black. I had a few messages that, at the last second, changed my approached. I’m not going to point anybody out or name any names, because that’s not the important thing. The important thing is that those who expressed concern about not being able to make it through to the end… Well I hope you got the message. This goes for Team Black as well… Please take these lyrics into account and apply them if necessary. If not necessary for you, keep a watchful eye… You never know when someone is having a hard time and they just don’t know how to/want to show it. One of the biggest lessons I learned in my struggle is to ALWAYS ask for help if you need it. I know it feels like sometimes your burdens are your own and it is selfish of you to project them on others, but WELCOME TO HULK. This is your zone to reach your hand out, to grasp at the hope of another and encouragement of many.

This is your time to fix you. To love you. To be you and be proud.

I will accept nothing less.

– Hulk

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