Jon Michael Martin!

Don't Be a Diock - Support Jon Michael

First off, educate yourself on what this little boy and his parents are going through by visiting his official website:

Click Here to Learn More About Jon Michael Martin’s Heart Condition and How You Can Help From Home!

Get yours now!

Hulk Helping Hearts - Jon Michael Martin

$10 for Zumba participation gets you one of these bracelets.
Or you can buy one for $5
You know you want one!!! Can’t wait to see you all at the fundraiser for Jon Michael 😀

Hulk out celebrating Taryn's birthday! Sporting the bands like champions 🙂

Part of the Hulk crew sportin’ the bands at Jackson’s for Taryn’s birthday. These things are flyin’ like Hot Cakes!
Jon Michael gettin' down
He supports himself!

 Alright y’all, here’s the skinny… We’re doin’ this Zumbathon on October 16th (Sunday) from 12pm till 3pm here at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. You’re going to come and dance your butt off to some sweet Zumba moves. If that doesn’t tickle your fanciest of fancies, then we’ve got some baked goods for sale by several of our awesome Hulksters. Want more baked goods? Your opportunity to pre-order the first ever “Hulk Cookbook” fit to be published this winter will be at this very event. If anything, I’ll be there to make sure you’re smilin’, jivin’, and wilin’ in the name of Health via Jon Effin’ Michael!

In all seriousness, every bit of proceeds goes towards this remarkable little boy and his remarkable parents. Every single penny of profit. Please take the time to visit his website (link above) and learn about what this family is going through. To sum it up, we’ve got a couple Hulksters (Amanda Jane Martin and Jeff Martin) who had a beautiful baby boy recently. This beautiful baby boy was born with a rare heart defect that requires 3 surgeries. Insurance covers the first 2 surgeries (which have been successfully completed), number three falls on the family… I know I don’t have to tell you how expensive that will be. Think “John Q.” only instead of Jeff holding up a hospital and trading his heart for his little boys… We’re raising the money together :).

ANYBODY can come to the Zumbathon, all you have to do is show up with a smile ready to soak in the support (and hopefully add some of your own, not just financially either)!

For information on how to get a bracelet please contact Jessica LaVenter (Click Here for facebook page to message her) or email her at

October 16th! 12pm-3pm! Can’t wait to see you there Hulksters and Co.!

– Hulk

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