Archive for October 17, 2011

Happy Holidays!
Team Heart – Every Wednesday at 6:30pm and every Friday at 6:30pm:
  1. Jessica LaVenter
  2. Cara Tocchini
  3. Bobbi Rivera
  4. Tye Rivera
  5. Amy Tocchini
  6. Kima Lovold
  7. Tammey Clark
  8. Lindsey Caddy
  9. Art Villareal
  10. Chenoa Busic
  11. Mara Crabtree
  12. Kristie Clay
  13. Kim Yoxall
  14. Alan brogdon
  15. Rachel Brogdon
  16. Gina Sarpy
  17. Kelly Dawon
  18. Alisa Tocchini
  19. Ruben Martinez
  20. Tami Larsen
  21. Tanisha Larsen
  22. Randy Larsen
  23. Raquel Hockert
  24. Terri Baker
  25. Dezi Reeves
  26. Carlo Piscitello
  27. Tanna Allen
  28. Anne Musaelian
Team Soul – Every Tuesday at 6:30pm and every Thursday at 6pm:
  1. Meghan Auerswald
  2. Karen Donahue
  3. Kristie Lamb
  4. Tracie Larcom
  5. Jodi Curry
  6. Cheryl Taylor
  7. Megan Hendricks
  8. Kristina Tovani
  9. Rich Stritzel
  10. Chanra Gill
  11. Mike Mazanec
  12. Holly Hanson
  13. Whitney Lindsey
  14. Alyx J. Livingston
  15. Lorna Kenney-Klein
  16. Denise LaVenter
  17. Chris Keys
  18. Sara Keys
  19. Amanda Vallee
  20. Brad Rush
  21. Laree Barrow
  22. Jisaela Tenney
  23. Ian F*$#ing Nickles
  24. Kamala Dionne
  25. Victoria “T-Bones” Nicolas
  26. Julie Hogg
  27. Megan Gill
  28. Jamie Bywater
  29. Pete Macias

Starting November 1st, this is your Holiday line-up! Before I go into a couple points I’d like to make, I have an inarguable statement to make:

I spent the last 2 weeks carefully crafting these teams based upon the information given to me and days presented to me. Assembling these teams was FAR from an easy task, and I thank everyone for their cooperation and flexibility! With that being said… Love your team. I will hear no complaining. If I hear the words “I’m just bummed because so-and-so is on the other team” my response, and my ONLY response will be “There are 29 people not on your team. There are 28 other people you DO have on your team. Enjoy what you do have, don’t become disheartened at what you don’t.” I took extreme and meticulous consideration of backgrounds, personalities, experience, friendships, family, introverts/extroverts… I did NOT randomly assemble these teams. Trust in the fact that you are on a team with a GREAT group of people. If you don’t have an enjoyable time, it’s because you’re not letting yourself, and I will stand by that fact till the day I drop dead, because I KNOW what is being brought to the table. You can either get consumed with all the people who aren’t on your team, or you can recognize that EVERYONE has started a challenge a rookie before. You used to know SELECT FEW TO NOBODY when you first signed up, veterans. Part of Hulk is developing new bonds, new friendships, and recognizing that just because you’re not in the same room at the same time with previous team members, you have forged a friendship and bond so steadfast that it will not be lost :). Your team WILL be different than any other experience you’ve had before with any other previous team, but it’s up to YOU to make that a bad thing or an AMAZING thing. Returning Hulk, show the new people that are nervous but won’t admit it right away what it is to be a part of such an amazing group of people! Lead by example how to branch out and meet new people! Make it a point to know everybody’s name within the first 2 weeks! Show me why you signed up :).

Next, I want to let all Hulksters who are currently doing “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII” your initial beginning fit test, measurements, and everything else will be unnecessary to do since you will be coming off a challenge only a week prior. I will just use your end results from this current challenge! All you newbies though (including those who have done a challenge before, but NOT “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII”) be on the lookout for the fit test and measurement schedule :).

Lastly, I have no more spots. Please don’t ask :). January is right around the corner, and I must say that I have quite the big plans for January, so it’s never too early to let me know you want in on that, but this CURRENT challenge is filled to the brim. That also means that unless under specialty circumstances, I can’t take very many “guests.” That’s not to say that we won’t be able to have guests from time to time, but it will be very rare. 29 people is full enough as is, I gotta keep it fair!

There will be more updates concerning Holiday Hulk as it becomes available, but for now… Here are the teams!

– Hulk

PS I mean it when I say I will present the information as it is applicable. A lot of you try to squeeze details out of me… Just wait :). Love you all! Mean it!