Archive for October 26, 2011

Alright y’all, here is the breakdown! If you were NOT a participant in “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII” then this pertains to you! I want to measure you!

Team Heart:
9:30am – 11am (Please come no later than 10:30am)

Team Soul:
11am – 12:30pm (Please come no later than 12pm)

What to expect:
I will be taking circumference measurements (neck, chest, waist, belly button, hips, thigh, and arm) as well as a before picture and initial weigh-in. NO body fat % will be taken as well as no blood pressure (let’s just get through the Holidays folks, we’ve got enough to worry about!). I will also be having you fill out a questionnaire and commitment contract (oh yeah, you’re in for the long haul aka 2 months :D).

If you are NOT able to make these times, please e-mail with available hours to possibly do a make-up and I will do my best to pick a make-up date that works for everybody!

Be on the lookout for in another day or so the complete schedule for “Holiday Hulk” so you can mark your calendars and prepare for themes :).

Fit Test

The FOLLOWING Saturday (November 5th) I will be conducting the fit test for everyone who did not participate in “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII.”

Team Heart:

Team Soul:

Expect to see how long you can hold a wall-sit, how long you can hold a plank, how many crunches you can do in 60 seconds, how many push-ups you can do in 60 seconds, and how long you can hold “Thor’s Hammer.” Don’t worry if you are working with any injuries, I can work around those.

Again, if this time table doesn’t work for you, then please e-mail so I can do some “make-up” tests. This will give you a 7 week opportunity to improve upon your fit test scores. I would like to do it on day 1, but with my last challenge having JUST ended, this is the way the Hulk cookie crumbles (SMASHES) so… thank you for your flexibility!

– Hulk

PS Holiday song a classic! If you’re new to “” I attach a song to every picture I post. Just click it 🙂