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So, I gotta say… I’m excited. I’m excited like this is the first challenge I’ve ever done. I’m excited like a 5th grader who just got the powder blue schwinn he’s been aching so badly for for Christmas, only instead of some sweet new wheels I’ve got some awesome new people who are going to be entering into my life just as much as I’m entering their’s. I’m not S***ting around here people, I’m so amped up I cramped up!

I’m so stoked I could float!

I’m so jacked up I’m cracked up!

Get pumped or get dumped!

You get it… The point is, I’m ready if you are. I know you all signed a commitment contract. You know this as well. I also know you’ve heard about the magic that Hulk brings to the table, but it’s not an individual effort made by me, it’s a TEAM effort. It’s a “I’m gonna get out of my comfort zone because my comfort zone no longer works for me” kind of effort. It’s a “be who you WANT to be, not who you’re comfortable being” kind of effort. You’ll see…

I lose my voice every single workout. I have permanently scarred my vocal chords from Hulk. The kicker is it makes me want to scream louder, harder, more passionately… Because I care. This is my baby. This is my everything. This is my world. I live for Hulk. I live for you. I dare you to take part for a week and tell me you doubt me. I have crafted something so special, it’s been described as “a movement.” You know what? I’m ok with that… Because you can’t have a movement out of necessity. You can’t have the NEED for a movement with being backed into a wall and having no other option. For many of you, this is Custer’s last stand… Only we’re winning. Undoubtedly. Confidently.

“In the end, the hilltop was probably too small to accommodate the survivors and wounded. Fire from the southeast made it impossible for Custer’s men to secure a defensive position all around Last Stand Hill. On Last Stand Hill, the soldiers put up their most dogged defense. According to native accounts, far more Indian casualties occurred in the attack on Last Stand Hill than anywhere else. The extent of the soldiers’ resistance indicated they had few doubts about their prospects for survival. According to Cheyenne and Sioux testimony, the command structure rapidly broke down, although smaller “last stands” were apparently made by several groups. Custer’s remaining companies (E, F, and half of C,) were soon eradicated.” (credit)

So you see, we are Custer’s crew… So backed into a corner that what OTHER prospect is there? Fight for life, or take death as it comes… It’s up to you, but I promise that if you join me in the battle cry, that we will beat down these demons and insecurities that have taken over.

If you’re just in it for the workout and don’t need any mental stimulation to go with it, don’t worry, I proudly run one of the toughest boot camps in Sonoma County. Remember though, if you are in it for the “getting in shape” aspect and nothing more, fake it for me… You never know if you’re the person who someone is looking up to…

– Hulk

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