Archive for November, 2011

Hulk Helping Hearts in conjunction with Liz Rait!

Here we go again y’all! On December 14th at Powell’s Sweet Shoppe in Windsor, Liz Rait in conjunction with Hulk Helping Hearts has organized a fundraiser benefiting Jon Michael Martin! Starting tonight, come by the gym and pick up these flyers so you have your ammo to do a little good on December 14th (Wednesday).

20% of your total purchase will be donated to the Jon Michael Martin foundation, as long as you have one of these flyers! The flyer is good for all day! They have more than just candy too… You need stocking stuffers and gifts from the heart to give to families and friends anyway, am I right? Of course I am :).

Need to know more? E-mail me at

– Hulk

Fair warning… This post is all about me. Yup, like you don’t get enough of me… This post is to help you understand the psyche I carry behind Hulk. My mentality before every workout that started the “train leaving the station” saying way back when no one really knew what Hulk was…

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You see, I approach every single Hulk workout like it’s the Superbowl. Yes, that intensely. Not because I’m so high on myself that I’ve lost all sense of reality, but because… well, why shouldn’t I? To me, Hulk is my baby. I’ve been kicking, screaming, and raising this little guy since he was entered into this world 3 years ago. I fed him, washed him, taught him the tools necessary to be as great as he can possibly be, and gave him enough love for 3 back-to-back lifetimes that to know anything BUT would be an impossibility… That’s when he grew. Hulk grew up into a beautiful monster. A Frankenstein unlike anything the world has ever seen, nor will it again at the rate Hulk is consuming everything it gets its hands on…

Enter: Gameday. I spend all day thinking about Hulk. Every minute it is on my mind in some capacity. From who said they aren’t going to be there to the people I know need to be there the most. From the workout I’ve got designed for the evening to the approach in which I want to make it. From special “audibles” that need to be called from time to time to the faces I can’t wait to see contorted in beauty.

Every Hulk workout is an opportunity to say “I’ll be damned, I really AM amazing!” or “I had no idea I was capable of this kind of hard work…” right on down to “I’ve worked out, but never like THIS.” Not all, but to many, this is a game changer. This is a life changer. When I say “this” I’m not referring to my challenge, I’m referencing the moment when you’re on the ground doing a plank or in the thick of the most push-ups you’ve ever done in your life and a small whisper creeps up behind you saying “I know this is hard, but you can do this” and ending in a primal internal scream bellowing at the top of your souls lungs saying “I AM DOING IT.” It’s that very instance in which you can subconsciously grasp on to that one moment when you thought you were a loser, and you were the greatest you’ve ever been. Your brain will NEVER forget that. Nor will your heart… What are the two things success listens to the most? See where I’m going with this?

I reference how life is one big Hulk workout, and I’ll stand by that forever. Life is not pretty, and life is anything but easy, but when you are hit with that moment of “I can’t handle this…” you do. You handle it. You have to. You have no other choice. Do you want to lay down and “settle” or do you want to rise up and battle? I want to battle…

My intensity is born through years of being meek. My screams are the voice of many, and everything from the lighting to the music needs to be perfect. In the House of Hulk, in that very moment, I am king. You are king. We are all kings. Why should the championship game be reserved for sports stars? In the House of Hulk, we’re a team taking on insecurities, vulnerabilities, low expectations and the paralyzing vision of failure constantly dancing on our retinas. We are the underdogs with the bookies stacking all the numbers they know against us. We are the Rudy’s. We are the Rocky’s. We are the Bad News Bears. We are a rag tag assortment of individuals that come together under the lights and will stop at nothing to grab that championship shovel, hoist it high above our heads, and let the look in our eyes say it all… We won.

Wanna know why I’m so intense? Because every single day is the Superbowl. That’s why.

PS I swear on all that is holy I have never seen this video in my life. I created the Hulk chant on my own, sitting in my room. I think Drew Brees knew a good thing when he saw it…

Hulk Helping Hearts! Just a fraction of the turkeys! Thank you to Kristie Clay (click here) for donations, pictures, and kicking butt in the workout!

So, this weekend, I had a goal of raising 25 turkeys for 25 families by running a bootcamp on Saturday with the cost being… 1 turkey! Well, thanks to Hulking Helping Hearts (Special thanks to Jodi Curry!) we successfully doubled that goal. Not to mention clothes, blankets, and additional fixins’ for a Thanksgiving feast for those who wouldn’t normally have such a pleasure! Not to mention ALSO that the workout was pretty killer… One of those workouts where when the workout is done and I turn the music down, everyone stays sprawled out on their mat in silence. My favorite :). Thank you SO MUCH everyone for helping make the holiday season a little more enjoyable for families in need out there. I want to take this opportunity to have everyone save the date for December 10th! That is the date I’ve got a big event planned to collect toys and food for families of Sonoma County. Details to come shortly 🙂

Hulk Helping Hearts

Hulk Conquer!

I just wanted to remind all you Hulksters of Heart & Soul that we’ve got a FOOTBALL THEMED workout tomorrow and Wednesday! Come decked out in your favorite teams gear! Or a cheerleader! Or a ref! Get ready to Tebow the hell out of this fit test workout, which is going to take our fit test exercises and do them in new, creative ways that are going to leave your body aching for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries (canned please), corn, twice baked potatoes with bacon and cheese melted on top, yams, Hawaiian bread rolls, and whatever other Thanksgiving delicacies your tummy desires! Which brings me to my next order of business…

Post Turkey Day Master Trainer Challenge!

Heather Muysken (Click here) and myself will be running a TWO HOUR MASTER TRAINER workout where we combine our talents and rock your holiday socks off and get you back into gear and out of the insulin-soaked coma a lot of you are going to be in.

Date: November 25th (BLACK FRIDAY – This Friday…)
Time: 1pm-3pm
Cost: $20
Location: Anytime Fitness off of Santa Rosa Ave.

All levels of fitness are welcome, as well as people who do NOT belong to Anytime Fitness! If you’d like to sign up e-mail either myself ( or Heather Muysken ( Be prepared to sign a waiver and sweat your tryptophanned butt off!

Next post? Be ready to read my interpretation of how I treat every Hulk workout like we’re the underdogs in the superbowl. Same level of importance… Think it’s a little exaggerated? That’s fine, you’ll see it my way soon enough ;).

– Hulk


Heart Attack

Team Heart's Second Workout

What does it mean to be a part of Hulk? By now, you’ve all come to find out that it’s more than “just a boot camp.” The reason I bring this up now is because halfway into week 3 (I told you time was going to fly!), I want people to understand what we’re doing here. I like to think that our actions are our mission statement. For those that are a little more lingual, let me feed your literary taste-buds:

Hulk Mission Statement

Hulk is a process starting from within, not from without. The goal is self improvement, starting with your strongest muscles; Your heart and soul. Hulk is here to overcome fears that manifest physically and translate into the thought “this is too hard for me.” Once those fears are battled (not conquered… life will forever be one big “hulk workout”), it’s because you’ve got the confidence to battle them. You get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do. Getting the confidence to hulk smash your fears and insecurities with a balled up fist and a primal scream is the hardest work there is. As Hulksters, we do it. We battle. It may not always look pretty, and it will not always be comfortable, but it will be a journey that leaves you standing taller. Prouder. Full of the realization that you are the king of your own castle.  As Hulksters, we refuse to take “I can’t” or “I’ll always be this person…” because settling for anything less than supreme respect from yourself is unacceptable. As Hulksters, we live by what I’ve dubbed “The Hulken Rule.” Treat others BETTER than you wish to be treated. As Hulksters, we open our arms to vulnerabilities and insecurities because we know the struggle. As Hulksters, we will NEVER turn away those asking for help, even when they don’t ask for it. As Hulksters, we stand atop a mountain of downtrodden emotions and lack of self worth with our hands stretched towards the sunlight screaming “Join us! The view from the top is beautiful!” As Hulksters, we are worth it. We are Hulk.

I say we strive for better, not perfect, for a reason. Perfect is a default for striving to be better. Perfection is also an illusion. If you are constantly trying to be perfect, you’ll never be able to truly enjoy life’s imperfections that make life so wonderful in the first place.

Remember… You are only as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside. Until you learn to love yourself, you will always see ugly in the mirror.

– Hulk

PS Team Heart I encourage you again to listen and absorb this song. Team Soul, it has been made very evident that you all need the same musical therapy tonight. Consider tonight’s workout rewritten.


The way I see it... Every Turkey collected is a family fed on Thanksgiving. Let's do this.

Goal: To collect at least 25 turkeys for less fortunate families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to enjoy a home cooked meal on a day where many of us take for granted how fortunate we REALLY are.

How: I will be hosting a boot camp! It will be a total body blitz, so be ready to feel pretty damn euphoric after being responsible for feeding a family AND getting your adrenal glands dumped while your endorphins get pumped!

Time: 11am-12:15pm

Location: Anytime Fitness on Santa Rosa Ave.

Cost: 1 Turkey. That’s it. A turkey. If you can afford a boot camp, you can afford a turkey. There will be someone here from the food bank to collect the turkeys at 11am sharp so be sure to be on time!

Date: November 19th (This Saturday!)

Special Note: PLEASE E-mail me (NO OTHER METHOD PLEASE) to let me know if you plan on attending so I can keep track of head count. I ask you e-mail me so I can consolidate responses :). Social networking can be a nightmare when you’re busy!

The way I see it, Hulk Helping Hearts is going to make a big difference in a lot of lives this Holiday season, starting this Saturday. Plant a positive seed, get a positive flower. We all have so much going for us even when we think life is miserable… As tough as life can be sometimes, ask yourself if enjoying a home cooked meal on Thanksgiving is one of those issues. If it’s not, let’s help those out where it IS an issue!

If you’d like, you are MORE than welcome to donate more than 1 turkey! I hope that goes without question ;). If you need me to come pick up a turkey in the morning because you’re not able to make it to the gym, just let me know and I’ll pick it up in the AM! E-mail me at and I will be your liaison.

Lastly, PLEASE spread this link on your facebook page. For every 5 people that would like to go to boot camp but can’t make it, at least 2 of those people will donate a turkey even if they can’t attend so SPREAD THE WORD! HULKSTERS, SPREAD THE WORD!

See you all this Saturday, at 11am, for a butt kicking workout while making a difference :).

– Hulk


the 49ers are Hulking out for SURE.


So a couple things… My 49ers are rad. I will let it be known that I have been a fan since childhood. I remember celebrating in 1994 when the ousted the Chargers in Florida. Since then? There have been flashes… flashes that literally the last DECADE have not only been non-existent, but made us one of the leagues laughing stocks. We were the easy win on every other team’s schedule. Well, the last decade I have stood by. Rooted. Cheered. Never gave up hope, just figured it had to get better sometime…

That sometime is now…

Anyways, I want everyone to know a food and toy drive is in the works! I plan on having a big even in December, so be on the lookout for the date and what to expect this week. I want to put out there that we have this many people in positivity’s corner, we might as well use us! If Hulk is a movement the way it’s been project, well let’s move some people ;).

Great job on the evening weigh ins everyone! Pretty sure nobody died and everybody smiled so let’s chalk it up to a success ;). Next week I will start posting results, but for now let’s just get geared to get through (like we are currently) this holiday season with as little misery as possible!

Love y’all!

– Hulk

PS Jessica is back! That means Zumba too! YAY!!!!!!!

Hulk Hulk Hulk!

Holiday Hulk Time!

Well Holiday Hulksters, here we are! The complete schedule for Holiday Hulk is here and in your face… BLAM!

First and foremost, I want Team Heart to know that you will be weighing in EVERY Friday evening. Team Soul, you will be weighing in every Thursday evening. I will be posting a video this week about why I’m embracing the opportunity of doing “night weigh-ins” as a chance to teach a little something about the scale. Stay tuned to see what I mean!

Read this VERY CAREFULLY. Everything you need to know is listed here!

Without further adieu…

11/8 (Soul) – Upper body explosion/ Introduction to “The Shovel”
11/9 (Heart) – Upper body explosion/ Introduction to “The Shovel”
11/10 (Soul) – Lower Body (Be prepared for a special “fear” exercise!)
11/11 (Heart) – Lower Body (Be prepared for a special “fear” exercise!)
11/15 (Soul) – More Core!
11/16 (Heart) – More Core!
11/17 (Soul) – Upper Body Bonanza!
11/18 (Heart) – Upper Body Bonanza!
11/22 (Soul) – FOOTBALL THEME! Dress in your favorite football apparel and get ready to rock a fit test workout! Get ready to give thanks Hulk style with a special exercise I have planned 😉
11/23 (Heart) – FOOTBALL THEME! Dress in your favorite football apparel and get ready to rock a fit test workout! Get ready to give thanks Hulk style with a special exercise I have planned 😉
11/24 – HAPPY THANKSGIVING! No workout (makeup workout on Monday)
11/25 (Heart) – Lower Body Blitz
11/28 (Soul) – Special “Monday Make-up for Thanksgiving” workout. Lower Body Blitz
11/29 (Soul) – More Core!
11/30 (Heart) – More Core!
12/1 (Soul) – Black light Special IV (Upper body madness!)
12/2 (Heart) – Black Light Special IV (Upper body madness!)
12/6 (Soul) – Total Body Blast
12/7 (Heart) – Total Body Blast
12/8 (Soul) – Legs of Reckoning
12/9 (Heart) – Legs of Reckoning
12/13 (Soul) – Total Body Blast: Revisited
12/14 (Heart) – Total Body Blast: Revisited
12/15 (Soul) – Country Core! Come decked out in your best country western gear, as we rock a country style holiday season workout unlike anything ever done before 🙂
12/16 (Heart) – Country Core! Come decked out in your best country western gear, as we rock a country style holiday season workout unlike anything ever done before 🙂
12/19 (COX) – Train the Trainer! Starts at 6pm (Monday). Get ready to hand my ass to me 🙂
12/20 (Soul) – Upper Body Workout
12/21 (Heart) – Upper Body Workout
12/22 (Soul) – Christmahanakwanzika themed workout! Come donned in your best holiday decor! Legs (LUNGES!)
12/23 (Heart) – Christmahanakwanzika themed workout! Come donned in your best holiday decor! Legs (Lunges!)
12/27 (Soul) – Fit Test! Starts at 6:30pm (motivation to be “better” over the Christmas weekend! This fit test is for EVERYONE)
12/28 (Heart) – Fit Test! Starts at 6:30pm (motivation to be “better” over the Christmas weekend! This fit test is for EVERYONE!)
12/29 (Soul) – Final Measurements! Come in at 6pm to get your final measurements! VERY IMPORTANT!
12/30 (Heart) – Final Measurements! Come in at 6:30pm to get your final measurements! VERY IMPORTANT!

I want to point out there is no “halfway measurement” point due to the fact that this challenge is 8 weeks, not 10. Again, read the schedule carefully and refer back to here if you have any questions. If there is something I have not addressed, let me know and I will address it!

I look forward to seeing you all!

– Hulk

Schedule! TBA

Posted: November 6, 2011 in Uncategorized

I know I promised the schedule tonight, but a long, long drive has erased that possibility.

Which means you have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

Love you! Mean it!

– hulk