Hulk Helping Hearts! Just a fraction of the turkeys! Thank you to Kristie Clay (click here) for donations, pictures, and kicking butt in the workout!

So, this weekend, I had a goal of raising 25 turkeys for 25 families by running a bootcamp on Saturday with the cost being… 1 turkey! Well, thanks to Hulking Helping Hearts (Special thanks to Jodi Curry!) we successfully doubled that goal. Not to mention clothes, blankets, and additional fixins’ for a Thanksgiving feast for those who wouldn’t normally have such a pleasure! Not to mention ALSO that the workout was pretty killer… One of those workouts where when the workout is done and I turn the music down, everyone stays sprawled out on their mat in silence. My favorite :). Thank you SO MUCH everyone for helping make the holiday season a little more enjoyable for families in need out there. I want to take this opportunity to have everyone save the date for December 10th! That is the date I’ve got a big event planned to collect toys and food for families of Sonoma County. Details to come shortly 🙂

Hulk Helping Hearts

Hulk Conquer!

I just wanted to remind all you Hulksters of Heart & Soul that we’ve got a FOOTBALL THEMED workout tomorrow and Wednesday! Come decked out in your favorite teams gear! Or a cheerleader! Or a ref! Get ready to Tebow the hell out of this fit test workout, which is going to take our fit test exercises and do them in new, creative ways that are going to leave your body aching for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries (canned please), corn, twice baked potatoes with bacon and cheese melted on top, yams, Hawaiian bread rolls, and whatever other Thanksgiving delicacies your tummy desires! Which brings me to my next order of business…

Post Turkey Day Master Trainer Challenge!

Heather Muysken (Click here) and myself will be running a TWO HOUR MASTER TRAINER workout where we combine our talents and rock your holiday socks off and get you back into gear and out of the insulin-soaked coma a lot of you are going to be in.

Date: November 25th (BLACK FRIDAY – This Friday…)
Time: 1pm-3pm
Cost: $20
Location: Anytime Fitness off of Santa Rosa Ave.

All levels of fitness are welcome, as well as people who do NOT belong to Anytime Fitness! If you’d like to sign up e-mail either myself ( or Heather Muysken ( Be prepared to sign a waiver and sweat your tryptophanned butt off!

Next post? Be ready to read my interpretation of how I treat every Hulk workout like we’re the underdogs in the superbowl. Same level of importance… Think it’s a little exaggerated? That’s fine, you’ll see it my way soon enough ;).

– Hulk


  1. Lyka Ricks says:

    Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other. ~ Euripides obtained from

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