Bring Hulk Toys!



DECEMBER 10th!!!!

It’s time to get into the giving spirit and help Hulk help hearts once again! By now, most of you should know I’m into the whole “helping people out” thing. Well, on December 10th, next Saturday, I have q boot camp I’m running. The cost? A toy (Must be new and unwrapped) or 2 bags of food. Or both. Bring whatever amount you deem necessary, there is no “minimum” so don’t feel like I’ll turn you away ever! Bring what you can, as much as you’re willing, and let’s partake in making some families holiday season just a bit better this year!

Date: December 10th

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave, CA (Click Here)

Cost: A toy, 2 bags of food, or both! As much as you can! Toys must be new and unwrapped!

Time: 10am – 11am

Please let me know if you are planning on attending so I can keep track. I top out at 30 people, so I gotta know!

We have the barrels here, we will have people prepared to pick the food and toys up at 11am, all you’ve gotta do is help Hulk help hearts! I look forward to seeing you all! Also, spread the word… pass this link around… Show the world!

Also, you don’t have to do the bootcamp to show up and drop stuff off! The more, the merrier!

– Hulk

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