Yeah, we're pretty badass.

Team song; Introduced. Chant; instructed and implemented. Sound offs; Loud. Energy; infectious, kinetic, and monstrously growing. What do we have left?

2 months of Hulk smashing the hell out of this challenge, that’s what.

I wanted to give y’all just a glimpse of what Hulksters got to experience of the course of getting their team song introduced to them. Here is a “video” of Apollo gathering around and gearing up for the song “The Believer” by Common. It’s less of a video and more like an audio excerpt. I keep it dark so that emotions can be expressed comfortably without fear of embarrassment or judgement and the song and message can be fully absorbed. Lights off means focus on. After listening, I urge you to go down to the post below this one and check out the song by pressing “play” on the video, while subsequently reading the lyrics.

Powerful stuff if you let it be :).

One final note… TRINITY TRAGEDIES TONIGHT!!!!!!!

– Hulk

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