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Last night was great!

TWSS Jessica.

So, I’m just going to get right to it and say that I think Hulk Food Group was a success. There were about 20 or so people who showed up at the gymnasium at 7:30pm right after Hulk Poseidon got done mopping the floor with… themselves? It was refreshing to say the least. Motivational to say a bit more. Eye opening on top of that. It was a tangible realization (I hope) that “being healthy” is not going to be a walk in the park, but it is MORE than doable and you are FAR from alone. 

That was actually the first point I brought up… I asked everyone to notice the volume of people showing up where they didn’t even really FULLY know what to expect, they just knew it dealt with nutrition and they needed help. If it were easy, everyone would be in shape and I’d go back to waiting tables and slangin’ diet sodas with double cheeseburgers. Unfortunately, it’s not easy… Doing the right thing takes a lot of hard work sometimes. Most of the time actually. But that’s ok… The things most enjoyed are those that are earned. That spark pride and self assurance. That allow you to feel good about yourself all day because you made a great decision where a moment of instant gratification would be MUCH easier to succumb to in the moment. What makes y’all Hulk (ANYBODY reading this, not just “official” Hulksters) is the recognition and ability that you have that fight in you. That you’re worth that fight. Last night, at the first HFG group, I saw the start of something great. A collective group of people choosing not to settle. I emphasize “start.” This is just the beginning!

There are big plans in the works for HFG! I was originally going to have it at my house, but when I put out the poll question in the “Hulk – Trinity” forum, the response was so overwhelmingly positive that the gym was the only place it could be done! I thank you all for that :).

A special thank you to Liz Rait (Hephaestus) for her volunteering her fantastic knowledge on the subject of Gluten Free (and much more) nutritional advice! She asked me the night prior if I’d like a little help, and I’m really glad I said yes because she offered insight that as much as I know, I couldn’t possibly know the nutritional side of things the way SHE knows. She has also offered to collaborate and make this thing as helpful, informative, and kick-ass as possible. Again, we have big plans!

Also, a special thanks to Bobbi Rivera for bringing in an AWESOME Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe! If anybody knows how to throw down in the kitchen and still be healthy, it’s this girl. I urge everyone to check that recipe out!

To give a little overview of what we talked about:

  •  Handed out homemade protein bar recipe, Bobbi’s chicken tortilla soup recipe. and my “alcohol effects” handout (posted below)
  • Talked about the importance of proper nutrition in accordance with “over training” (I quotation over training because if you’re not giving your body the proper amount of nutrition then it turns “intense” training into “too much” training).
  • Liz gave a brief overview of what gluten actually is, the misconceptions on the matter, and opened the floor to any questions anyone had
  • Briefly discussed the battle of “logic” versus “fatigue and emotion” and how it’s very hard to intertwine the two and make the “right choice” (see previous post) when you’re anxious and miserable with what you’re doing.
  • Ended with open floored questions and discussions pertaining to individual matters. 
  • Afterwards, I printed up copies of my 3 page universal guide to better nutrition and gave them to anybody who wanted one as well as went over any nutritional journals anybody brought in.

 Next Wednesday, it is going to be at the same place (Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave.) at the same time (7:30pm) with a similar structure, only newer topics, recipes, and odds are… a bigger group of people :).

Thank you again everyone for showing up! 

You get the results that people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do… 

– Hulk 


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