Archive for February 13, 2012

Rain or shine... Boot camp time!


As a quick reminder… we have measurements this Friday/Saturday! Be sure to wear the same articles of clothing you wore on the FIRST measurement day! We are ONLY doing weigh-in, measurements, and body fat percentage testing. Everything else gets repeated at the END of the challenge.

I want to put out there real quick to be prepared to have your mind blown. I LOVE measurement day, because it provides a tangible answer to all the hard work you’ve been doing that the scale hasn’t been as kind in showing its appreciation quite as much. I’ve had MANY people lose little to no weight, even go u a pound or 2, yet lose TREMENDOUS inches… So keep rockin’ the better eating, getting proper rest (as much as you can!), and workin’ up a sweat as often as you can, and you’ll be sure to see a new side of results this weekend some of you weren’t necessarily expecting :).

Now, because measurement day means no boot camp, I have decided to do a boot camp at 1pm this Saturday! Hephaestus, Apollo, and Poseidon are ALL welcome! We don’t have a limitation on how many people because… we’re gonna be outdoors! That’s right, it’ll be the first outdoor workout of the challenge. That means dress accordingly. Long sleeves and pants if you have a grass allergy. I encourage everyone to bring their own mat, water bottle, and rock star attitude. Rain or shine, it’s gonna happen!

The cost will be $5 per person (keep in mind, this is extra in addition to the measurements, NOT part of the original challenge) and we will be meeting at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. to start. From there, I will lead the way! If you have anybody you’d like to bring or have participate, then make sure that you have steered them to this page so they get the gist of what’s going on, they sign the liability waiver when they get to the gym if it is their first time working out with Hulk, and that you let ME know so that I can be prepared for a fresh face :).

Also, Hulk’s own Jessica LaVenter will be rocking a Zumba class at 12pm! If you are a part of Apollo’s measuring group, I’ll make sure you are taken care of before Zumba starts so that you can get measured AND show how truthful your hips are! It’s $5 for members of Anytime Fitness and $10 for non members. Ready for the best part? All of the funds raised from the class will be going toward Jessica’s Relay team the TransFormers who are running 199 miles to raise money for Organs ‘R’ Us! So, you get a great workout, have a great time with great people, and it all goes towards a great cause! I dare you to find the downside!

See you all soon!


– Hulk

PS a LOT of you asked what song I played with “the high pitched guy in it.” That song, ladies and gentlemen, is THIS song. See what you started Austin!