You should have seen Alan's face! Click on the picture to hear the song that soon overcame the situation and was all that could be heard as everyone in the room drifted away and all that was left was long standing eye contact between Alan and I, the music of our hearts, and a dimly lit room filled with the smell of sweat and difficult decisions...

This was Alan's face. For those wondering.

Hey Hulksters!

So, we’re almost at the halfway mark of this challenge, and I wanted to do something to commemorate that. I figured there was no better way to vamp up the excitement than to give you a little 1 minute teaser clip of the 25 – 30 minute slideshow to be presented at the Trinity Wrap Party on March 31st! We’re gonna bring in April Fools day with a Toga party Hulk style!

Hulksters, I look forward to sharing the rest of this slideshow with you in a month and a half :).

- Hulk

PS it was completely unintentional that the very last snippet you see on the slideshow is Alan and I sharing a broment. Unless you ask Freud probably. 

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