Archive for March 10, 2012

Hulk X... Are you ready?

Start: May 1st (Fit tests 4/24 through 4/26, Measurements 4/27 & 4/28)

Ends: July 14th

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave.

Boot Camp Days: One team will meet every Tuesday 6:30pm/ Friday 6:30pm, one team will meet every Wednesday 6:30pm/ Saturday 10am, and one team will meet every Thursday 6pm/ Saturday 11:30am. Boot camp lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: $300 for members and $350 for non members for the entire 13 week experience. Members get first priority! If you are not a member but sign up after joining Hulk, your nonmember fee of $50 goes towards sign up!

How to sign-up: E-mail me (Josh Cox) at All I want you to do is tell me you want to be a part of Hulk X. Nothing else. I will ask for all other necessary information (like what team you will be on, contact information, shirt size, etc., etc..) as I need it.


Are you ready? I said ARRRREEEEE YOOOOUUUUU REEEAADDDYYY?!?!?! Hulk X is here, and I’d like to welcome you to the Hulk Nation. This Hulk challenge is going to be the most epic Hulk challenge yet. Get ready to join Team Gamma, Team Beast, or Team Banner as we create one, unified Team Hulk. This time around there will be ONE team color, ONE team song, ONE team shirt, and ONE team goal (to be announced…). Weekly weigh-ins, before/after photos, circumference measurements, body fat percentage testing, “sound offs,” award certificates, a complete “what you accomplished” certificate, and a support group the likes of which you have never seen are all just a fraction of what Hulk X is going to bring to the table. I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve for this one. New themes, new exercises, new “callouts,” and much more are what lay ahead. Hulk is a movement… Are you in?

This time around, I expect only the most committed. When you put that pen to paper and sign that commitment contract, I want it to MEAN something. This is NOT a toy to throw away and come and go as you please. It is an experience that is what YOU make it. No, you will not have the same experience as any challenge you’ve ever done before because it is DIFFERENT. You will have different, new teammates. There will be new themes, new points brought up, new events surrounding this challenge that will make it impossible and fruitless to aspire for “challenges past.” I PROMISE I will make this challenge amazing, you’ve just to meet me halfway. Bring your enthusiasm, step out of your comfort zone, refuse to submit to old habits. You WILL be forced to step outside of your comfort zone, but in the best way possible. Hulk wouldn’t be as big if that last statement wasn’t true.

Life’s best lessons are learned outside your comfort zone, so why stay in it? Your comfort zone is doing nothing for you except falsely convincing you that your habits and lifestyle are totally ok when the fact that you’re even thinking about joining up with Team Hulk means that clearly isn’t true.

Again, I ONLY want the most dedicated, the most excited for change, the most hungry for a team spirit unrivaled by anything this side of the Mississippi and beyond, and the most cognizant that this isn’t just a “boot camp,” this is MUCH MUCH more. If you match all of that criteria… WELCOME TO HULK!!!


– Hulk

ps Get excited!