Archive for March 22, 2012

We all know the feeling...

Alright y’all, with there being about a month in between Hulk challenges, I’ve been telling everyone I will be offering classes in between to keep everyone’s fitness palate up to standard! I also want to remind everyone of classes going on here at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa ave. so that the options are endless!

March 28th, April 4th, and April 11th (all Wednesdays) I will be bringing back my BOSU class for 3 weeks! This class starts at 6:30pm and will be $15 per class for the hour. The class will have to be a sign up class since I am limited to 12 people only (e-mail me at to sign up!). I also have to give Anytime Fitness members top priority, so if you are NOT a member of the gym but would still like to try it out you can also e-mail me and I will be sure to put you on an alternate list in case Anytime Fitness members don’t fill up all 3 weeks. Due to the limited numbers, once you sign up you are signed up for the cost. I will need 24 hour cancellation if you’re not able to make it. I can’t wait to bring this bad boy back!

April 3rd and April 10th (both Tuesdays) I will be running Tough Mudder style circuit work centered around building total body strength, endurance, flexibility, oxygen utilization, and variant forms of movement. The class will be at 6:30pm both days and cost $10. It is a very high paced workout with very little break time. I encourage those who sign up (E-mail me at Limit 25 people due to space) to NOT have this workout be the first time you’ve worked out in awhile ;).

April 5th and April 12th (Both Thursdays) I will be running a Hulk style core workout emulating what a regular “Hulk style” core workout would look like. High paced, high volume circuit work with a focus total core utilization (not just crunches). The times will be 6:00pm both days (right before Zumba at 7:10pm!). E-mail me to sign up ( 25 people limit due to space.

Zumba will be on going! Every Monday at 6:40pm and every Thursday at 7:10pm! I personally Zumba MOST Thursdays, and if you need a Hulk like presence at Zumba on Monday, I’d be glad to go (barring conflicting schedule) if it means you’ll go! If you’ve never Zumba’d before… Then get out of your head you’re going to be a laughingstock and ridiculed. It’s a great workout that coincides with the Hulk mentality… Get out of your comfort zone! ZUMBA!

Every Friday morning at 9:30am I will still be doing Tough Mudder training with the exception of the 20th of April (out of town). I will be announcing additional group led style runs/circuit training within the next week!

Anytime Fitness’ own Heather Muysken also has circuit style boot camps available EVERY Monday and Tuesday nights at 5:30pm! The cost is $10 a class, with punch cards being available at the gym. The last two weeks of April TRX group training will be available in the daytime and evening as well!  E-mail Heather at to find out more information! Click HERE to “like” her Facebook page!

Lastly, Heather is also running a Foam Rolling Seminar on April 15th (Sunday) at 10:30am. Sign up sheet is at the gym. The cost is $10 and the cost is needed to be put down WITH your signature so as to hold your spot (same story as my BOSU class, limited availability so get your spots held!) Also like my BOSU class, top priority goes to Anytime Fitness SR Ave members first. E-mail Heather at to learn more!

So there you have it… options to keep you busy until Hulk X runs amok and leaves a big green foot print on Sonoma County! Again, e-mail me at if you have any additional questions! I look forward to Hulk smashing with all of you 🙂