Team Gamma, Team Beast, and Team Banner... Here we go!

Alright y’all, it’s that time… What time might you ask? Well, it’s that time to get excited as excited can get because in roughly 3 weeks… HULK X IS HERE! Now, in order to start Hulk X off with the epic motor rev that it deserves, the orientation is going to be something you’re not gonna want to miss… Let me give you a few reasons why:

  • DJ Peter Panic will be orchestrating the music and providing the sound system, complete with Microphone set up (yes, I get a microphone, you’re in for it now!)
  • “Hulk memorabilia” displayed everywhere. From all the shovels, “Book of Failure,” “Scrolls of Success,” Banners, flags, past shirts… Everything Hulk will be available to check out so you can get a full feel of the legacy you’re about to embark upon
  • Slideshows will be playing on flatscreens so at any given moment you can catch a glimpse of yet another small sliver of the beautiful road you’re about to travel down.
  • Guest speakers! A few select Hulksters will be speaking about what Hulk has meant to them, and give the new Hulksters some insight on what to expect.
  • A 1 hour outdoor boot camp will immediately follow! Details below….

Date: April 29th

Time: 12pm-1:15pm (Orientation) 1:30pm –  2:30pm (Outdoor Boot Camp!). I suggest getting there a little early to check out everything displayed and to meet some new Hulksters. Shaking hands and learning new names never hurt anybody :).

Cost: Absolutely nothing at all in the slightest.

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave.

What to expect: To learn about the subtle theme of HULK X. To hear the story of how it came together. To learn the chant and how we sound off (plus a couple cool new editions), to hear what is expected of YOU, and to hear other Hulksters’ person accounts of their own experience (and what you might be able to draw from it).

Parking: VERY IMPORTANT!!! Due to the minimal parking, I need to encourage car pooling to the MAX. If you need help finding someone to carpool with, cruise the Hulk X forum on Facebook! You can even talk with me and I can try to set something up for you. There are also people who live near the gym (myself included) so you can also park your car where THEY live and either walk/drive over together. I need to stress this point so the business parking for the places AROUND us don’t get over run with the power of the people. Let me know if you have any questions here, but it went off without a hitch last time so I expect the same to happen this time! Because you all are quite awesome :).

Who’s invited?: EVERYONE! Scream this invite from the mountain top! This is your chance to bring friends and family together in one spot to show them EXACTLY what Hulk is all about. This is also an opportunity for the new people who have a tough time explaining what they’re in for to bring friends and family so you are able to say “Here ya go, this guy will explain it WAAAAAAY better than I can!” No need to ask me if it’s alright to bring anybody, because the answer is yes to WHOEVER it is. Trust me, this is something you’re going to want to share… 

Boot Camp Afterwards: IMMEDIATELY after the orientation is done, I will be leading all of those willing and able (friends of Hulksters included) to the park down the street for a total body demonstration of what a Hulk workout consists of. All levels are welcome. There isn’t a soul that’s not invited. There is not a single cost to be sprung upon you… A FREE workout with ALL of Hulk on a sunny day after getting charged up to the point of exploding from the orientation… How are you gonna find a reason NOT to hop on board and sweat with a smile? THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! Remember, dress accordingly because there will be a 15 minute intermission after the orientation and then we make like Tebow and JET!

So I leave you with this… Spread this link like wildfire. Share this page with anyone who will listen. Make fliers and turn this thing into a frenzy. You’re not gonna want to miss this…


PS Official Team Rosters announced on Wednesday… 

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