Click to here a past team song perfectly suited for what we're about to embark upon...

Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and girls. Clowns and trapeze artists. Hulk and Hulk alike, I bring thee…

The Official Hulk X Roster

If I spelled your name wrong, got you on the wrong day, or you don’t see yourself when you’ve talked with either myself or Jessica about being a part of Hulk X, don’t worry! All is not lost. Just a quick e-mail to and we will get everything properly adjusted. For now, I strongly encourage everyone to get to know your new team members and of course welcome returning! Utilize Facebook and your new networking group… Put a virtual handshake out there! Hulk vets, organize some group workouts to get some new Hulksters used to the welcome embrace they’re hulk smashing into! Get to know these names real well… You’re about to go through heaven and hell together…

Team Gamma – Tuesday Night @ 6:30pm and Friday Night @ 6:30pm:

Alyssa Solberg
Amanda Vallee
Austin Finch
Samantha George
Bud Hull
Chenoa Busic
Cheri Whiting
Cliff Crocker
Fatima Pacheco
Hilary Buckley
Janine Crocker
Karen Solberg
Kim Yoxall
Kristie Clay
Kristina Tovani
Lorna Kennedy-Klein
Mario Pacheco
Matthew Moniz
Megan Gill
Nicole De Loach
Nicole Eaton
Nykky Graydon
Sam Enos
Shauna Bronson
Taylor Hull
Tony Geraldi
Victoria Nicolas

Team Beast – Wednesday Night @ 6:30pm and Saturday Morning @ 10am:

Amy Vander Vennet
Angela Scheing
Bobbi Rivera
Cara Jones
Cheryl Taylor
David Moody
Devin Booth
Jamie Bywater
Jerry Langerman
Jessica LaVenter
Katie Fahy
Kelly Dawson
Kelly Moody
Kima Lovold
Lindsey Caddy
Maricela Aguirre
Paul “Randy” Larsen
Rick Dawson
Tami Larsen
Tammey Clark
Tanisha Larsen
Tanna Allen
Tracie Caven-Larcom
Tye Rivera
Lucy Avalos
Alan Brogdon 

Team Banner – Thursday Night @ 6pm and Saturday Morning @ 11:30am:

Alyx Livingston
Art Villarreal
Carlo Piscitello
Sander Seymour
Erin Tenney
Gina Sarpy
Jessi Hull
Jisaela Tenney
Karin Bowhall
Kathi Tyler
Lori Knapp
Michelle Huntley
Nikhil Aiyer
Ruben Martinez
Shreya Naik
Tom Walton
Kristina Lamb
Lori DeMarco
Patricia Moyer
Shannon Mills
Nester Nazario (I hope!)

Remember… This is not just a commitment you’re making to yourself, you are making a commitment to these names you see before you. You are not only honoring the change you are pledging to yourself, but these very same individuals who are planning to honor YOU just as much. You are in this for a reason. This is not a toy. You WILL be signing a commitment contract promising that you will not shirk off the fire that is expected to be lit under you upon Hulk X’s arrival. If you are not ready to dig deep and get stripped of your comfort zone, then step off the ride now. I mean it. If this is just “something fun” you’d like to give a shot then please make way for someone who is going to give their best AHHHOOOOOO every time they show up. Clear a path for someone who is going to refuse to mutter any semblance of “I can’t” no matter how daunting the task. Move aside for someone who is going to live by the Hulken rule, which is treat others BETTER than you wish to be treated. Open up for someone who is going to recognize and implement the fact that you are providing hope for someone just as much as you are embracing hope from another. You are a leader and a follower when it comes to Hulk. We all are. We all lead by example and follow in the foot steps of those before us. If that’s not up your alley, let me know. If your boat is not floating, your cup of tea doesn’t seem familiar, and your rocks are in the full “on” position after reading that, then I beg you to speak up…

If that DOES work for you… Welcome to Hulk.

Click here to hear the Team song that originated the Team song...

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