Archive for April 17, 2012

Fit test day is a very important day for many reasons. First and foremost, it’s another tool to measure your success. Secondly, the improvements are THROUGH THE ROOF at the end of a challenge (when committed!). I’m talking double, sometimes triple (and more!) times the improvement. There will be 5 exercises you will be tested on:

  1. How long you can hold a plank
  2. How many push-ups you can do in 60 seconds
  3. How many crunches you can do in 60 seconds
  4. How long you can hold “Heph’s Hammer”
  5. How long you can hold a wall sit

Remember to give your absolute all! Sandbagging is strictly prohibited, but even if you DO want to sand bag… Why are you doing this then? Give your absolute everything so that in the end, you know your improvements are due to ACTUAL improvements rather than ego inflating strategy. Aw, who am I kiddin’… Y’all are Hulk! You wouldn’t do that ;).

April 24th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma) – Fit Test!
April 25th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast) – Fit Test!
April 26th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner) – Fit Test!

Measurement day is a very important day if anything for the fact that to know where you’re going you’ve got to know where you’ve been! These beginning measurements are key in telling your story, so let’s tell it right… Be sure to make note of the outfit you wear on picture day so it can be the exact same as the last day for a direct comparison. Cara Jones will be taking your picture, and rest assured if you have not met Cara, she is the perfect person to be taking your picture (ESPECIALLY if you are self-conscious!). You are in very good hands, so knowing that be sure to stay positive and encourage yourself to either take your photo shirtless or in a sports bra. I can’t tell you how often I hear “I wish I would have taken my shirt off, I was just so self-conscious!” Hindsight is 20/20 and part of what I’m here for is to BE that hindsight. Trust me. You will be pulled from your comfort zone, but remember that THAT is what we’re here for!

On your measurement day, I will also be giving you an “assignment” to be completed by your first boot camp. You will learn all about it then. You will be filling out your commitment contract, doing your initial weigh-in, testing your body fat percentage, and doing your circumference measurements. Initial photo will be taken as well as stated in the paragraph above. Once you are done filling things out, getting your stats recorded, and mingling with your new teammates, you are free to roam!

April 27th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma) – Measurements! Weigh-in every Friday
April 28th – 10am (Saturday – Beast) – Measurements! Weigh-in every Saturday
April 28th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner) – Measurements! Weigh in every Saturday

For those of you who DON’T know what is happening April 29th… 

Click here to hear the Team song that originated the Team song...

April 29th at Noon! FREE boot camp afterwards at 1:30pm for all who would like to attend! The boot camp will be outdoors, so come to orientation prepared to work out. Dress accordingly!

Let the boot camps begin!

May 8th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Legs! Introduction to team song
May 9th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Legs! Introduction to team song
May 10th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Legs! Introduction to team song
May 11th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Upper body! 1st weigh-in since measurements. This is also a Mother’s day themed workout! Wear something in honor of the lady who gave birth to ya! That can be a shirt, color, bracelet… Doesn’t matter, just something that reminds you of your mama! Something very simple to do that I hope everyone takes the time to do.
May 12th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Upper body! 1st weigh-in since measurements. This is also a Mother’s day themed workout! Wear something in honor of the lady who gave birth to ya! That can be a shirt, color, bracelet… Doesn’t matter, just something that reminds you of your mama! Something very simple to do that I hope everyone takes the time to do.
May 12th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner):  Upper body! 1st weigh-in since measurements. This is also a Mother’s day themed workout! Wear something in honor of the lady who gave birth to ya! That can be a shirt, color, bracelet… Doesn’t matter, just something that reminds you of your mama! Something very simple to do that I hope everyone takes the time to do.
May 15th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Core! Introduction to “4 Corporals”
May 16th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Core! Introduction to “4 Corporals”
May 17th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Core! Introduction to “4 Corporals”
May 18th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Legs! Get ready for the first ever “Yin Yangerang” work out!
May 19th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Legs! Get ready for the first ever “Yin Yangerang” work out!
May 19th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Legs! Get ready for the first ever “Yin Yangerang” work out!
May 22nd – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Upper body! 1st circuit blast!
May 23rd – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Upper body! 1st circuit blast!
May 24th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Upper body! 1st circuit blast!
May 25th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Core galore!
May 26th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Core galore!
May 26th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Core galore!
May 29th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Legs! Self reflection exhibition
May 30th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Legs! Self reflection exhibition
May 31st – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Legs! Self reflection exhibition
June 1st – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Upper body!
June 2nd – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Upper body!
June 2nd – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Upper body!
June 5th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): More core! Special guest: Legs
June 6th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): More core! Special guest: Legs
June 7th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): More core! Special guest: Legs
June 8th – 6:3opm (Friday – Gamma): Midpoint measurements! Just measurements and weigh-in
June 9th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Midpoint measurements! Just measurements and weigh-in
June 9th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Midpoint measurements! Just measurements and weigh-in
June 9th – 1pm (Saturday – TEAM HULK): An optional boot camp to still get a workout in! Open to EVERYONE! Cost: $10. Location: Outdoors!
June 12th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Legs! Going outdoors on this one!
June 13th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Legs! Going outdoors on this one!
June 14th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Legs! Going outdoors on this one!
June 15th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Upper body!
June 16th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Upper body!
June 16th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Upper body!
June 19th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Blacklight 6.0! Core
June 20th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Blacklight 6.0! Core
June 21st – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Blacklight 6.0! Core
June 22nd – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Total body beatdown!
June 23rd – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Total body beatdown!
June 23rd – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Total body beatdown
June 26th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Time traveling legs… 80’s night!
June 27th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Time traveling legs… 80’s night!
June 28th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Time traveling legs… 80’s night!
June 29th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Upper body! Self reflection: Part II
June 30th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Upper body! Self reflection: Part II
June 30th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Upper body! Self reflection: Part II
July 3rd – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Get ready for a thrill because this is gonna be one BAD workout! This Michael Jackson themed core workout will be going down in the Hulk record books!
July 4th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast):  Get ready for a thrill because this is gonna be one BAD workout! This Michael Jackson themed core workout will be going down in the Hulk record books! Also, I’m sure you have all noticed this is JULY 4th! In honor of independence day, I ask that Team Beast wears red, white, and blue! We can incorporate both!
July 5th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner):  Get ready for a thrill because this is gonna be one BAD workout! This Michael Jackson themed core workout will be going down in the Hulk record books!
July 6th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Last leg day of the challenge. Same workout as day 1, but with a twist 🙂
July 7th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Last leg day of the challenge. Same workout as day 1, but with a twist 😉
July 7th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Last leg day of the challenge. Same workout as day 1, but with a twist 😉
July 9th – 6pm (Monday – TEAM HULK): Train the trainer! Show up in support of whooping my butt! I’ve spent the last 2 months and some change working you over, now it’s your turn! Everyone who shows up gets one exercise they’d like to bestow upon me… Better make it good!
July 10th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Upper body! Dress in as much Hulk spirit as you can! IT’S THE LAST WEEK!!!! I know I don’t need to say more than that…
July 11th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Upper body! Dress in as much Hulk spirit as you can! IT’S THE LAST WEEK!!!! I know I don’t need to say more than that… 
July 12th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Upper body! Dress in as much Hulk spirit as you can! IT’S THE LAST WEEK!!!! I know I don’t need to say more than that… 
July 13th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Last official workout… Core!
July 14th – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Last official workout… Core!
July 14th – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Last official workout… Core!
July 15th – 12pm (Sunday – TEAM HULK): Last chance workout! ANYBODY can come! It is going to be a hellacious  total body purge of everything you’ve got left. Cost: $10. Location: The park! Meet at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. Be there or be square!
July 17th – 6:30pm (Tuesday – Gamma): Ending Measurements
July 18th – 6:30pm (Wednesday – Beast): Ending Fit Test
July 19th – 6pm (Thursday – Banner): Ending Fit Test
July 20th – 6:30pm (Friday – Gamma): Ending Fit Test
July 21st – 10am (Saturday – Beast): Ending Measurements
July 21st – 11:30am (Saturday – Banner): Ending Measurements

July 28th – PARTY! Click HERE to get a PERFECT idea of how Hulk wraps up its parties… Cost will be $20 for food, location, and everything else 😉 

Let's get ready to transform...

I want to remind everyone to print this out. Save it somewhere. Put it in your calendar. Make it your home computer background… ANYTHING to know exactly where to look for this schedule again whenever you need it. I have organized this completely detailed schedule so you know EXACTLY what to expect. I will remind everyone of themes and whatnot as often as I can, but I don’t think it is out of line at this point to expect YOU to be in charge of this extremely in depth schedule from now on. That is what I expect, I am letting you know now. You forgot a theme? I will definitely hold you accountable. You have been warned… 😉

Happy Scheduling…

– Hulk