Archive for April 28, 2012

Time to get those results people don't get...

There you have it everyone, fit test and measurements are over with…. The “boring” part is in the books and now it’s time to yell our faces off until we can’t do anything but smile. Plant a positive seed, you get a positive flower… Tomorrow, you’re going to learn all about that seed. Tomorrow, the fireworks begin. Tomorrow, you learn all about the modified Hulk chant, how to sound off, the meaning of the team names, what to expect, and much much more. Tomorrow, you better bring your seatbelt with you…

Bottom line: Get pumped or get dumped. Timid and meek doesn’t live here… Determination and the will of a Hulkster does. At the end of this, your measurement and fit tests numbers are going to be insane. I guarantee it. I know the first fit test and picture taking is always an anxiety fuel experience for many of you, but it is necessary to get the heart swell and self pride you’re sure to receive at the end of this journey. How that journey is going to go, well… you’ll hear all about it tomorrow… For now, bask in the joy that measurements and fit tests are over… Let the games begin! 

Personal Letter:

By the start of the first boot camp (May 8th, 9th, or 10th depending on your team affiliation) I want you to bring back a letter (hand written or typed, just as long as YOU wrote it) addressed to yourself. In this letter, I want you to finely detail the things you’d like to accomplish by the end of this challenge. Write down your fears and anxieties with as much detail as possible. Explicit detail please. I will NOT be reading these letters. What I will be doing is sealing them in an envelop and giving them back to you upon completion of this challenge. These letters are for you and only you. Ask anybody who has done a challenge before and they’ll tell you… You have a whole lot to look forward to and a whole lot to write down. This is not for me, this is for you, so I implore you to take it very seriously. 

Make up Measurements and Fit Test:  

6PM this coming Friday evening (May 4th) will be the make up measurements followed by make up fit test at 6:30pm for those who were not able to make it this last week. I encourage you to do whatever you’ve got to do to make it to make it to this second chance. These stats are extremely important, and a very full schedule for me makes for limited time to get everybody in on days other than scheduled. I will be e-mailing those who were not able to make one or both of the days (between fit test and measurements) but for now get your brain piece wrapped around this make-up day and time.

Lastly, as a fun little edition, I’ve compacted Team Gamma’s 1 hour measurement experience into 4 minutes of awesome… Enjoy an inner look at the process: