Archive for the ‘Black Light Special’ Category

We gets down!

You can't imagine how much fun we're having

Black Light Special 5.0 is here! I couldn’t be more excited, seeing as how I have the most black lights I’ve ever had and some of the rowdiest “Bad News Hulksters” this side of the Mississippi all the back on to the OTHER side of that very same river. AhhhhOOOO!!!!

Basically, I want everyone to wear whatever neon or white clothing options you’ve got. The flashier the better! I’ll provide the black lights and festivities if y’all bring me some flare! Be careful with those white shirts though… think “CSI.”

Black Light Zumba this Thursday night!

We’re going to be Hulk smashing your upper body right before BLACK LIGHT ZUMBA KICKS OFF!! I’ll be sure to leave your hips intact so they can swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth in order to prove that your hips beyond a shadow of a doubt do NOT lie (Shakira Shakira).

We gets down :)

Notice the shovel? We dug in the dark!

Lastly, I want to congratulate everyone on the number of inches lost! I will be posting the top totals on the boards along with number of people who measured over the weekend (because I missed quite a few of you). The halfway measuring point is something I highly recommend, but if we are not able to get your halfway measurements done due to schedule conflicts, well then we will be SURE to get them done at the end! NO EXCUSE! 🙂

Like I posted in the Facebook Trinity forum, take away from the measurements that you took part in this weekend what you’re supposed to take away. If they weren’t what you were hoping they were yet you know why, use it as a chance to pick yourself up by the bootstraps! We’ve got 5 more weeks, PLENTY of time to get rockin’ and work on breaking some of those “not so good for you” habits! If you haven’t lost much weight but your inches tell a different story, remember that! When it feels like you’re giving your all and the scale isn’t listening, remember that your body IS changing. It’s been a long and short 5 weeks… meaning we’ve gotten a LOT accomplished in a very minuscule amount of time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same applies to fitness. It took a long time to build the habits a lot of us are trying to break, so don’t beat yourself up too bad if you’ve still got “bad habits” left after 5 weeks.

We’re at the official half way point… imagine what the NEXT 5 weeks are going to bring! I know I’m excited…

– Hulk

PS here is the “No excuses” video I told some of you about…

Lastly, I love this song and wanted to share it. Reminds me of Hulk. Let’s pave our own way and ROOOOOOLLLLLLLLL!!!





If you missed the Black Light Special workout… Looks like you’ll have to wait till February when I do my 5th black light workout! Who knows, if I get enough chatter, I just may do one out of the blue on a non Hulk day…

Also, a friendly reminder:


– Hulk

We gets down!

You can't imagine how much fun we're having


Yeah baby!

Team Black doing what it does best... kicking ass 😉


We gets down :)

Notice the shovel? We dug in the dark!



She made it through, and then taught Zumba afterward, don't worry everyone


So I must say… Black Light Special 3.0 was a success! There are sore cores and smiles running abound, and that was one hundred percent the goal… The only thing that could be cooler is… 80’s night! Next Tuesday and Thursday teams, rock your best 80’s gear! Whether Don Johnson and Cyndi Lauper or Flock of Seagulls and Culture Club, I’m expectin’ to see EVERYONE black velvet their sweet asses on in with some gusto!

I wanna say thanks again to everyone for showing up for the Black Light Special 3.0 :). I promise they will continue to get bigger and better as we go, while the workouts will stay retaining the ability to make you feel as if you’ve never felt more alive by making you feel like you’re dyin’ ;).

Also, Black Light Zumba might be turned into a monthly event… FYI 😉

– Hulk

Time to pray those legs make it tonight...

Ohhhhhh boy. Black light tonight! TONIGHT! Better yet… TONITE!!! Which one of those is the correct spelling? Spell check says “Tonite” is wrong, but I feel like I’ve seen it typed out like that before… Hmm… BLACK LIGHT TONIGHTE! I combined them, I feel better…

What’s better than a black light Hulk workout? Black light Zumba right after!! That’s right, we’re going to clear the decks and rock the house with some black light Zumba action immediately after Hulk. Don’t worry, if you’re not there, you’re sure to hear about it ;).

What’s better than a black light Hulk workout and a black light Zumba class? My parents are probably going to come by and see Hulk in action! That means a lot to me since, you know, they created and raised me (and I like to think I turned out alright eventually!). Mama She-Hulk and Papa Hulk have the potential to be in the house and that makes me so very very excited!

What’s better than a black light Hulk workout, a black light Zumba class, and my parents coming to witness the magic? Unicorns guest DJing both classes while Lil Wayne makes it rain $100 bills every time I yell “Sound off!” Guess we’ll have to stick with the first 3…

Shirts for SURE this Saturday! Alright, time to go beat some bodies into oblivion. I’m training Taryn in 5 minutes everybody! If she breaks up with me, you all know why… because we’re doing legs today. She has no idea what she’s in for… I get down!

Song of the day is… Awesome 🙂

– Hulk

Ahh!! So excited!!!

Black light special!! It’s tomorrow! I couldn’t be more excited… I mean really, I truly couldn’t. I mean… I posted a Captain’s Log (Click here!) about it! I have special LED lights, more black lights, and more tricks up my sleeve for this one… I promise you, I’m gonna make this a workout you will never forget. If you’re not able to make it tomorrow, don’t worry, I’ll be doing more! I won’t leave ya hangin’ Hulkamaniacs ;).

Now, the next thing I’m about to say could sting a little bit… I just hope some people don’t get too offended, because that is never the goal. However, I need to say what I’m about to say or I’d feel like I’m not staying true to myself…

I’m stoked The Heat took the first game. Miami all the way baby.

Whew… there… I feel better.

“The Voice” last night was pretty good. I’m excited for the live shows! Hit me with some Vicci Martinez, Nakia, and Jorge Cologne please. Sing to me baby birds, sing to me…

Just a reminder to those who maybe didn’t get the e-mail, we’ve got Tyerone Rivera leading a group workout this Friday at 6:30pm. He’ll be doing an assortment of things that DON’T involve too much of legs (since I’ve got that covered the day before :D). I’m excited to see how it turns out, because I know it’s gonna be a doozy! The workout will be personally approved by me, so it will be Hulk worthy no doubt. Not like you all don’t have faith in Tye ;).

Song of the day… We sure are! ALL of us!

– Hulk