Archive for the ‘Complete Upper Body Destruction’ Category




If you missed the Black Light Special workout… Looks like you’ll have to wait till February when I do my 5th black light workout! Who knows, if I get enough chatter, I just may do one out of the blue on a non Hulk day…

Also, a friendly reminder:


– Hulk

What is “Hulk?”
(Find out in the video below)

Last night, I went about “What is Hulk?” a little different with Team Green than with Team Black. I had a few messages that, at the last second, changed my approached. I’m not going to point anybody out or name any names, because that’s not the important thing. The important thing is that those who expressed concern about not being able to make it through to the end… Well I hope you got the message. This goes for Team Black as well… Please take these lyrics into account and apply them if necessary. If not necessary for you, keep a watchful eye… You never know when someone is having a hard time and they just don’t know how to/want to show it. One of the biggest lessons I learned in my struggle is to ALWAYS ask for help if you need it. I know it feels like sometimes your burdens are your own and it is selfish of you to project them on others, but WELCOME TO HULK. This is your zone to reach your hand out, to grasp at the hope of another and encouragement of many.

This is your time to fix you. To love you. To be you and be proud.

I will accept nothing less.

– Hulk

Introducing: Team Prime. Welcome Autobots!

So here’s how it’s goin’ down… The group thing has got people so jacked up that we couldn’t POSSIBLY stop the group training just because Hulk vs. Hulk starts August 13th! Solution? Let’s keep it goin’! Here is the group training Hulk/Prime combination as it be:

Thursday – 6pm – Trainer: Josh

Friday – 6:30pm – Trainer: Team Prime Tye

Saturday – 12pm – Trainer: Josh

The best part… the cost! Tye and I will be charging $10 an hour instead of $15 to make sure funds can stay alright (trust me, I understand it all adds up). In essence, $30 gets you 3 hours of kick ass workouts! What better way to either keep yourself on track OR get yourself prepped for Hulk vs. Hulk?!

E-mail, call, text, or smoke signal myself or Tyrone if you have any questions! I would also like to make the point that this is not “hulk only”… meaning if you’ve got some friends that wanna come, by all means bring ’em! Spread the word! The more the merrier baby ;). Can’t wait to kick butt with all you Hulksters and Autobots!

– Hulk

PS click on the picture, listen to the song, read the words, and get ready to dig like you’ve never dug before… The time is now y’all. If you’re not pumped, get dumped! When they ask, you tell ’em Hulksters…

PPS Well deserved of a repost. Thank you to John Bidleman for the fantastic production!

I'm ready to HURT!

Train the trainer is tonight baby birds and I couldn’t be more excited!!! Wanna know the most exciting part? The fact that tonight’s train the trainer is right before I get MY hands on YOU GUYS for one last time. If THAT’S not exciting, then I don’t know what is!

Seriously, you all better BRING IT tonight. I’m gonna keep this short since I’ll be updating with pictures and events of tonight’s butt kicking. When the smoke clears though I PROMISE I’ll still be standing! AhhhOOOOO!!!!

– Hulk

PS 3 days left…

I loved Jessica's Hulk shirt so much, I bought my own ๐Ÿ™‚

Last night’s episode of “The Voice” was intense! I gotta say, I enjoyed every single original song from every contestant. Surprisingly, I think my favorite song was Dia’s! She is tearin’ it up something fierce right now! Not only is the song really awesome (hint hint, song of the day, which can always be found by clicking the first picture posted of the day for those of you who forgot) but the message behind it is GREAT. Quit creating problems where there are now. Recognized what you are blessed with and latch onto that as opposed to getting hung up on problems just for the “woe is me” factor.

As for everybody else, jeepers they were fantastic! Vicci, Beverly, and Javier all destroyed not only their original songs, but they’re duets as well. Beverly and Christina’s rendition of “Beautiful” was amazing, and I really liked the Tom Petty cover Blake and Dia did! Alright, enough of “The Voice!” Especially since my man Nakia didn’t make the finals (but the tour is the top 8 performers so it works out!)

I want to thank everybody for the continued support of Hulkster Amanda Martin, her Husband Jeff Martin, and their son Jon Michael. We’ve got a website in the works for them, countless people hoping to donate money, and even more people willing to donate time, labor, goods, and skills to do a silent auction. Together, as a Hulk family, I promise we will make sure you’re taken care of Amanda!

Hulkamaniacs, we have 10 days left in the current challenge. I need to reiterate how proud I am of each and every one of you. Seriously, this isn’t just a “light fluffy” challenge meant to give you something to do, this is a COMMITMENT. This is DIFFICULT. This is a challenge designed to incinerate the “old you” and leave a new, refreshed, healthy you standing. Well, those of you still with me (25 out of starting 26 – Best ending Hulk turnout yet), you have done just that and then some. Similar to how I LOVE the midpoint of the challenge when we do measurements because it shows exactly what you’ve accomplished, I love the last day for the very same reason. The “after picture,” the improved fit test results, the renewed measurements… I can’t wait to show you all the accomplishments you’ve made. Even those of you who know how kick ass you’re doing (a lot of you still don’t know how awesome of a job you’re doing, but that’s ok… you’ll know soon enough!) STILL won’t have the full spectrum of your transformation until the very last day…

… Which is 10 days away… 10 days of opportunity at its finest! To get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do! By planting that positive seed and getting that positive flower… By digging deeper than you’ve ever dug before and uncovering the you you’ve always wanted to be. “We could have had it all” will be changed to “we got it all and then some.” Hulk is growing everybody. I can feel it. You can feel it. It’s outreach is expanding the realms of the aerobic room here at Anytime Fitness on Santa Rosa Ave. and blossoming to something bigger than I ever imagined. All thanks to you.

– Hulk

3 weeks left Hulksters...

We’ve got 3 weeks left after today Hulkamaniacs… 21 days… We are on the final homestretch and all y’all are STILL killing it!! What do you do when you see the finish line? You don’t leisurely make your way across the ticker tape… You sprint for that bastard like it’s got the antidote to some rattler venom you’ve got coursing through your veins and you’ve got about 30 more seconds to live. Well, with 3 weeks left, start sprinting!!! Just be sure to bring your shovel with you…

Maggie Shuck, your energy was off the CHARTS today at bootcamp! For reals, you were in beast mode so hard “The Avengers” are thinking about recruiting you! Good god woman, work it like you’re unionized!

Chenoa Busic (Cheen-Wah as I like to say), you are just absolutely amazing. With 3 weeks left and the numbers you’re putting up, you are a MAJOR darkhorse coming up strong! I need to publicly recognize how much butt you’re kicking Chenoa. You lost 4 and a half lbs this week! In week SEVEN!!! That’s almost unheard of girl! No need to psych yourself out, start psyching yourself UP, because you MORE than deserve it! Also, thank you so much for the kind words today. They always, ALWAYS mean the world to me and you are one of the reasons I am the luckiest fella in the whole, wide world. Why? Because I get to work with people like you on a daily basis!

Everybody, Bud’s back is killing him. It’s getting better, and he wanted to be there today more than anything, but gotta rest those injuries!

Art had a work gig and Kathi is tending to her injured daughter, but they wish everybody the greatest as well!

This Thursday… We have a theme workout… I will make the announcement tomorrow since the details are still being ironed out… but it’s gonna be a fun one ;).

This Saturday, I also plan on having an outdoor bootcamp at the park!

Everyone, enjoy the rest of your Saturday… I’ve got a slideshow to work on ๐Ÿ˜‰

– Hulk

PS the song of the day is top 3 ALL TIME favorite workout songs.

Hulk vs. Hulk!

So right off the bat, Hulk vs. Hulk is warming over well with a lot of individuals. I figure with no competitors in sight, I’ve got to make my OWN competition! The official announcement will be this weekend, but seeing as how I only have about 10 spots left out of 50, I’m putting the word out now! Start date is August 13th and the end date is October 22nd (With the midpoint falling on September 17th… the day right before Tough Mudder baby!!). If you’d like to reserve one of the few spots left, hit me up! (Click here)

First, I want to give some extremely heart-felt wishes to Amanda Martin on behalf of Team Hulk. Amanda, for those of you who don’t know, had a baby recently and he’s suffering from complications requiring multiple surgeries and intensive hospital care. That was the reason she wasn’t at Hulk last night nor will she be there this Saturday. She sends her best to the team and wants everybody to know she will be back Thursday! Well Amanda, on behalf of Team Hulk, we wish YOU the best, hope everything is going well with your son, and that if you need ANYTHING from any one of us, we’ve got you :).

Last night’s Zumba was amazing! I got Eric Van Diest to join in so right away it started off a success. Then, I let the rhythm get me so bad that Gloria Estefan’s tour bus flipped right side up (that reference is acceptable because she turned out fine). Jessica kept in my Britney jam and I was as happy as a Mavericks fan last night (Damn you Miami… Were you even THINKING about Tosh Tuesday?). Fellow Hulkster Chris Kelly joined in too! He even guest instructed once Jessica saw how much his hips influenced Shakira (not the other way around)! That last part may or may not be a lie… I’ll let you decide.

How many of you remember “ring ding dong” by Dr. Dre? You know, the “Friday” soundtrack and whatnot… Anyways, if you remember the song, do you remember the part at the end where he says “I know you’re bobbin’ your head…” Well, when that song first came out, I remember first hearing that and being AMAZED that Dr. Dre knew I was bobbing my head! It was like magic!

Then I realized I was an adolescent idiot.

Song of the day – I miss you Korn! Er… KoRn… Don’t want to offend anybody…

– Hulk


Get pumped or get dumped!!


Come on Miami! Close this business out!! LIke Daniel Tosh said, let’s get this thing done in 6 games so it doesn’t interfere with Tosh Tuesday!

So the live show of “The Voice” was off the chain. The “Lady Marmalade” performance was AWESOME. Next week though is the real testament to how awesome this show is… Next week we get to see Vicci, Nakia, Jorge, Jeff Jenkins, and the rest of Team Cee-Lo and Team Adam destroy the competition. I can’t WAIT to see what Nakia has in store! I gotta say though, I think Beverly is emerging as one of my favorites… If Team Cee-Lo could take on a 5th member, I would want her to be it. I never get wrapped up in these kind of shows until “The Voice”… Damn you NBC!

On a serious note, sickness is gone and the hunger is back. T-Minus 9 minutes until Hulk Hulks out. I have 10 spots left out of a possible 50 for “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII” so if you’ve got interest, better let me know now! I had 20 spots left until I made the announcement a couple hours ago… Get the picture?

If you have a friend or family member on Team Hulk, be sure to text your condolences to their upper body now, because RIP Chest, shoulders, Triceps, and Biceps!

Song of the day… Great cardio song ๐Ÿ™‚

– Hulk

Jessica LaVenter teaching Zumba. She MANHANDLES those barbels!

Hulk Zumba!!! Oh boy, last night was my second time doing Zumba and it was AWESOME. I am officially addicted. I would also like to think I’ve had a helpful hand in bringing some guys in there… I think the ratio was pretty even last night men/women! Me, Chris, Tye, Art, Matt, Bud, Carlo… Even if there was more women, whatever, at least us dudes are in there proving that our hips don’t lie! Jessica, I promise I’m gonna get the MJ sequence down… You’re gonna find Tye and I experts when this is all said and done!

In short, Zumba every Thursday night AFTER my Hulk bootcamp at 7pm! Be there or be “a honky square.”

I gotta say, last nights upperbody workout wasn’t too shabby either! Sucks cuz I lost my voice within 10 minutes with ONE yell. Usually it’s a slow build… Last night, my voice just said “we’re sick of this abuse and punishment… we’re outta here!” It’s funny to me, because when that happens I literally have 2 speeds; Scream OR whisper. My voice is either liberal or conservative. Vanilla or “Half baked.” The cowardly lion or the wicked witch of the west. Today, I’m trying to make my voice more resemble Glenda the good… Tea and throat lozenges, here I come!

I want to take this podium time to let you all know how proud I am of you. What you are doing in such a short amount of time, it takes some people YEARS to accomplish. Whether it’s a new mindset, an epiphany, getting fed up with “yo-yo-ing,” bonding with your teammates, losing weight, gaining weight, losing inches, gaining fitness, clothes fitting better, better eating habits, more energy in the morning, better work production, more family time, chronic smiling, a new “addiction” (heading to the gym after work instead of the bars). Whatever button you want to press, you’re doing it faster than most, with more tenacity than most. I understand I’m a very impassioned person (someone looked in on bootcamp last night and told their friend “oh my god… he’s intense…”) and I thank each and every one of you for your committment and response.

You plant a negative seed, you get a negative flower. You, my Hulkamaniac friends, have planted the most positive seed of all; Love and happiness. Bonded through torture with a smile on your face. Making you feel like you’re dying so that you have never felt more alive. It’s something special to be a part of, and I feel like the luckiest man in the world to be at the heart and center of it. I’ll never be able to truly convey in words what you all mean to me, but that’s not going to stop me from trying!

On that note… if you’re reading this NFL, I feel the opposite about you. You’re that billionaire rich kid on the block who doesn’t want to share ALL of their toys, only the crappy ones. When the other kids rebel, you hole up in your mansion and wait for the other kids to succumb to your spoiled, selfish ways. The FANS are the ones who provide you with the billions you are trying to squander, and the FANS are who you are isolating. I know money isn’t the only issue, but I’ll be damned if it’s not the biggest and most pressing, yet you’re still trying to implement rule changes for next season? We don’t even know if there is going to BE a season, so please don’t treat us so disrespectfully and with such disregard to our intelligence by going “business as usual.” It’s insulting in the worst way… The way in which I loved you unconditionally and now I’m starting to get the sense you don’t feel the same… If that’s the case, you know what I do in that situation? I break up with the person… The straw that breaks the camel’s back hasn’t been loading on yet, but that straw keeps getting heavier and heavier…

Song of the day; Can’t stop jamming to it on cardio. In 15 minutes, Tyerone and I are going to working the undulating ropes like it disrespected our loved ones, so I’m off to prepare to give and receive a beat down! Look for a 2 part “captain’s log” on the matter later in the day ;).

– Hulk

Time to break the chains tonight team...

I’m still floored Nakia checked out my page. Hulk, we are supporting that man through the entirety of this competition. If you didn’t want “The Voice” before, you’re watching now! Once the live shows get rolling, Nakia on team Cee Lo is the man to beat. Vicci, I love ya girl… but any supporter of Team Hulk gets my undying support in return ๐Ÿ˜‰

Who’s ready to get destroyed tonight? We’ve got my boy Billy making a guest appearance (the one who we rescued from theย  dreary and desolate lands of San Diego) and I fully expect, intend, and am floored for you Hulksters to show him how we get down. Billy is family, I know you will treat him as such… but also let him know why the utterance of “HULK!” can ignite a frenzy… The loudest “sound offs”, the loudest chant, and the most energy this gym has ever seen… tonight. Get pumped or get dumped!

Again, I can’t wait for the first outdoor bootcamp next Thursday!! I might even bring Honky Tonka. Should I dye his hair green? Just kidding, I don’t want P!nk to call animal control on me and get me in trouble. Even if it is an organic based paint that doesn’t harm my dog-horse in the slightest… Just kidding about the paint. NOT just kidding about bringing Tonka!

The song of the day is one that if I wrote music, I would write this song… I LOVE the message! Get ’em Taio!

– Hulk