Archive for the ‘Daylight’ Category

He collapsed 😦

Lately, I’ve been running.

That may not seem like much to some of you, but to me, it’s huge. I suffer from severe chronic shin splints that stem from being as overweight as I was as a kid and playing YEARS of football on the pavement. Don’t get me wrong, I was a fat white Barry Sanders with moves for days, but my shins took the brunt of the my obesity/agility.

Anyways, as many of you know, we have a little thing called TOUGH MUDDER rapidly approaching (September 18th baby birds!) and I have most DEFINITELY been on the ball with my training… except running. My endurance, strength, stability, and plyometric work is out of this world, but my body is not acclimated to running since I haven’t done it in YEARS.

The point of this post is that I’m running. Something I never thought I’d be able to do in a million years… I’m doing it. Out of the past 4 days, 3 of them I’ve run 4+ miles in the morning before my day starts. Again, never in a million years did I think I’d be running. It’s… liberating. Don’t get me wrong, my shins feel like they’re disintegrating… but not NEARLY as bad as it used to be. Before I could SWEAR a paint scraper was lodged in my tibialis anterior wrenching it away from the bone. Now, it just feels like that paint scraper is pressing against the exterior of my skin. Gnarly still, but not debilitating! Yay!

I definitely owe a big credit to my new running mate Tye-ran-asaurus Rex, but there’s a bigger drive…

I think of all of you. Team Black. Team Green. Team Hulk. The family and friends who have expressed their complete trust in me to help showcase a better way of living… I think of you. I think of all the struggle I see in the “House of Hulk” every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and the fact that you all are doing something a lot of you thought that YOU’d never be doing in a million years. I think of the sweat drenched faces soaked with the realization that “oh my god, I’m really doing this…” I think of the tears I’ve seen shed at a fitness journey coming to fruition, and my own tears I’ve shed along the way. I think about the fact that as much of a leader as I try to be, where do you all think I draw my inspiration from… You.

This post is an inadequate thank you to everyone putting their trust and faith in me and in Hulk. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all. Your faces flash across my minds eye as I’m running alongside Team Prime. My heart swells. Not with pride, but with the realization that as soon as my run is over, I’m going to see the very faces that inspire me doing the very thing that inspires me. It truly is a blessing to know each and every one of you.

While others are holding a candle, you are all spotlights pointed towards the sky. Only, it’s not Batman you’re calling… AhhhOOOOO!!!!!

– Hulk

A special message to everybody about to take part in this upcoming “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII”

– Hulk

Amanda Jane Martin’s Award Presentation – Overall Winner/ Best Mom

Kristina Lamb’s Award Presentation – Overall Inches Winner

Jessica LaVenter’s Award Presentation – MVP

Click Here for photo album #1 and Here for photo album #2 of the Hulk After Party!

The FINAL chant of Hulk – Round VI, Tye’s proposal video, Tye’s slideshow, The full length 20 minute slideshow, and a couple other juicy pieces of media will be posted. Stay tuned!

– Hulk

Jeff Martin, I figured I would like to let you know via here that I have found a spot on Hulk for you 🙂

I'm ready to HURT!

Train the trainer is tonight baby birds and I couldn’t be more excited!!! Wanna know the most exciting part? The fact that tonight’s train the trainer is right before I get MY hands on YOU GUYS for one last time. If THAT’S not exciting, then I don’t know what is!

Seriously, you all better BRING IT tonight. I’m gonna keep this short since I’ll be updating with pictures and events of tonight’s butt kicking. When the smoke clears though I PROMISE I’ll still be standing! AhhhOOOOO!!!!

– Hulk

PS 3 days left…

When they ask you tell 'em

Outdoor Bootcamp Day! (Click Here)

Video: Tye Breaks 200 lbs (Click Here)

Video: Disney Chant! (Click Here)

Team Hulk Facebook Fan Page (Click Here)


Subscribe to my blog and become a fan on Facebook and I’ll be your friend forever! AhhhOOOOOOOOOOO! Matt, thanks for the song of the day ;). Back to work on the slideshow!

– Hulk

Tye weighing in under 200 lbs for the first time since he was 10 years old.

The 2 on the bottom have lost more weight collectively than I weight total (200 lbs). AMAZING.

Bobbi, Tye's wife, is also the lowest she's weighed TODAY since being about a sophomore in High School. HELLLOOOOO Milestones!! Bobbi, I am SO proud of you. I will NOT let your accomplishments go unnoticed!

It was Cheryl Taylor's last Hulk workout before her surgery on Monday! We are gonna miss you these last two weeks scrumptious!

Punky swearing to Cheryl I'm going to visit the day of her surgery. See Cheryl, it's on my website, so it HAS to be true now!

Today was a PHENOMENAL day. We had our first outdoor bootcamp, but more importantly some milestones were hit. Bobbi Rivera is the lightest she’s been since a sophomore in High School, Her husband, Tye Rivera, weighs under 200 lbs for the first time since he was 10 years old. Art Villareal solidified his “under 200” spot today. All you future Hulksters, this is what you get to look forward to.

Teygan Mason, Hulkster (and awesome Zumba instructor) Jessica LaVenter’s boyfriend is joining TOUGH MUDDER BABY. So far “Team Hulk” has 32 members and growing. We have the second largest team registered for Sunday, September 18th at Squaw Valley, and we are going to DOMINATE. It is my goal to cause such a ruckus that Tough Mudder has NO CHOICE but to do a story on us. Notice the camera with the microphone on the top picture in this post? Big things poppin’ for Hulk y’all. Hop on the train or get left at the station!

Alas, it was filled with some bitterness as well. It was our very own Cheryl Taylor’s last Hulk workout of the challenge before going in for hip surgery on Monday. Chery, your infectious spirit, inspiration, and constant dirty comments are going to be missed to the fullest. You are a TRUE Hulkster, and you better believe you’re gonna be having some visitors coming your way very soon!

Also, Amanda Martin’s baby sitter was feeling under the weather today and she was not able to make it today either. Don’t worry Amanda, we will be going outdoors again for you for sure!

I’d write more, but I’m starving beyond starving. Shaleena and Cory, hope you guys are ready to Hulk out!

– Hulk

PS in honor of Michael Jackson (RIP MJ!), all songs of the day today (each picture has a different one) are Jackson classics.

“They Don’t Care About Us”

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead
Everybody’s gone mad

All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us

Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
chew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don’t you black or white me

All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us

Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I’m tired of bein’ the victim of hate
You’re rapin’ me of my pride
Oh, for God’s sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy…
Set me free

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Black male, black mail
Throw your brother in jail

All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us

Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I’m tired of bein’ the victim of shame
They’re throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can’t believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don’t wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin’
He wouldn’t let this be, no, no

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me

All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us

Some things in life they just don’t wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin’
He wouldn’t let this be

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Kick me, strike me
Don’t you wrong or right me

All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us

All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us

All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us


My measurement day face!

This challenge

5 weeks – 23 people measured: 120.7 inches lost


Last challenge

10 weeks – 25 people measured: 197.5 inches lost


It’s safe to say (and I say this every time) that every challenge gets better and better. We lost 120.7 inches today, when we’re only 77.5 inches away from what we did TOTAL last time. I’m looking forward to setting a Hulk record this challenge with inches lost.

More importantly, today marked the day I was WAITING for (and why I “ranted” on Facebook about wanting people to be excited and stay for the commitment) because it showed you clear in the face how wrong that scale is. Yeah, we’ve got quite a few lbs lost so far, but I’m not posting that just yet INTENTIONALLY. Today showed EVERYONE that magic is happening. Sometimes, you just need the tangible kick in the pants to realize it. Seriously, I am SO proud of my team, I can’t even put it into words…

Good thing I have a blog I guess!

Also, I need to give props to Kristina Lamb for losing the most inches out of everybody! 11.5! In 5 weeks! What CANNOT be lost here is that these inches, these accomplishments, and this vigor and new-found mentality is all within a month and a week. We lost as a team 120.7 inches in a month and a week. What? Serious? YUP!

Hulk: Round VI Pictures! (Click here!) I added new pictures from today, and I’ve got new videos awaiting to be put up, including Tye kicking y’alls butts and Zumba Hulk style! Plus more Captain’s logs to come 😉

Song of the day? Chingys back!

– Hulk

Say goodbye to your shoulders now Hulkamaniacs

Your chest and shoulders are going to cease to exist after tonight. T-Minus 41 minutes…

– Hulk

The wall is symbolic of your core tonight Hulksters…

 Tonight marks the beginning to a new daylight… A daylight into your future that you will be made painfully yet heavenly aware of tonight. Tonight, we dine… in the House of Hulk ;).

Not only does the first core workout of Hulk: Round VI make its debut tonight, but this will also be the LONGEST workout we’ve had yet! I’m introducing one thing and one thing only tonight… “The Shovel.” Get ready to dig deeper than you’ve ever dug before!

I’m talkin’ y’all are the Gramercy Riffs and I’m gonna pull my best Cyrus impression (just make sure nobody kills me).


Warriors, come out to play tonight…

What I’m saying is be on the lookout for “The Shovel: The Video.”

Get what I’m sayin’?

Y’all better get hyped or get skyped cuz that’s the only way anybody is gonna want to talk to you… from afar. I’m talkin’ get so geared up that you tear up! Put your helmet on because we’re gonna have a blast! Make sure your ticket’s out cuz this train is about to leave the station! Clear the villagers from down below, this snowball of motivation has no brakes.

– Hulk