Archive for the ‘Embrace the burn!’ Category

Which would you choose?


So last night… I posed a question for Team Hephaestus. That question was NOT the one above. I had flubbed my own exercise with Hephaestus so I want to thank them for being the guinea pigs for a successful point made on Saturday. Don’t get me wrong, I was still able to make my point, just not quite as smoothly. So, Hephaestus… THIS was the intended exercise ;).

TODAY I posed the question of “Which would you choose? 60 minutes of discomfort for a day of positivity or  60 minutes of comfort for a day of negativity?”

The response was OVERWHELMINGLY positive. Talking only a couple of people chose to spend a day negatively, and one of those people even wrote down “I’m a glutton for punishment.” How cheery…

The point I was making is that we ALL have a choice, only it’s not always so black and white. How many times have you PROMISED yourself that you were going to start eating breakfast in the morning because you know it’s important. Because you know it is going to keep you on the pathway to being who you’d like to be. Because you know it will kick start your energy and leave you feeling good all day. Because you know that it’s an issue and you’d like to make good on at least ONE promise to change some of your ways. You may not be perfect all the time, but you can change some of the big things, right?

Then, that alarm that you set for 30 minutes earlier hits… You look over and don’t take more than a moment before you go “Nope… SLEEP!” and slam that snooze button for jammin’ back to dream land for a few more minutes.

That, my friends, is choosing a moment of comfort for a days worth of kicking yourself. You’ll try all day to say “oh it’s ok, I mean how important was that goal REALLY? I mean, I’ll DEFINITELY get up early and make breakfast tomorrow…” yet somehow, tomorrow never comes… You then fall into the rut of forever saying “tomorrow”… Today. You will forever be reaching for tomorrow when you choose a moment of instant comfort (sleeping in a bit longer) in return for letting yourself down and feeling secretly bummed about yourself. All day. Until “tomorrow.”

How about when you say to yourself “I need to do more… I’ve got a routine right now, but I’m complacent. It’s not as hard as it used to be and damnit I know I can push myself a little bit hard. You know what, I’m gonna add that extra gym day in! You know what… make it TWO extra gym days in! That’s what I NEED!”

Then, on the first “extra gym day” day, you start looking at the clock when it comes to quittin’ time… As each hour draws nearer and nearer to “go from work to the gym” mode, your brain starts to creep on you. It says “Really? Today? I mean… Today sucks… We’re tired you know! You still have errands to run, you crazy? You’re gonna choose the GYM over errands? That elliptical isn’t going to get that set pile of dirty clothes started! Dinner isn’t going to cook itself!” and so on and so forth so that by the time it comes to punch the clock and head to the gym, you’ve already convinced yourself that going to the gym after work would be the WORST decision you could make, all the while knowing that you’re going to regret that decision later. You KNOW you’re going to regret that decision, yet you go home anyway…

I can bet you 99% of then go home, sit on the couch, and “rest” before you end up doing your errands. That “rest” turns into a storage wars marathon/ nap (YUUUUUUP!) followed by those errands getting pushed into the ever popular “tomorrow.” If not getting done tomorrow, then guess what… 10 bucks says that you started your errands when you would have been back from the gym (or a trail, or a soccer game, or whatever floats your boat fitness wise) ANYWAY.

Again, you chose a moment of comfort (NOT going to gym… WOO!) by trading in the “I’m willing to feel down on myself for the decision I made” card.

What I’m trying to say is that when given the black and white choice of a moment of discomfort for a day of positivity or a moment of comfort for a day of negativity, you ALL (for the most part :-P) chose to feel good about yourself. I challenge you all to take a moment of discomfort: getting up a little bit earlier for breakfast… Drinking on the weekends a little less often… Packing those lunches you swear you’re going to pack and never do because you “just don’t feel like it”… Actually MAKING it to that gym appointment you made for yourself… and recognizing that you are setting yourself up to feel good ALLLLLLLLL DAAAAAAAAAY.

I hope you realize that you ALWAYS have a choice. ALWAYS.

 So remember Hulksters… The choice is yours. Which would you choose?

This holds true for every one of you...


And for good measure…

– Hulk 

Comin' atcha...

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So, I gotta say… I’m excited. I’m excited like this is the first challenge I’ve ever done. I’m excited like a 5th grader who just got the powder blue schwinn he’s been aching so badly for for Christmas, only instead of some sweet new wheels I’ve got some awesome new people who are going to be entering into my life just as much as I’m entering their’s. I’m not S***ting around here people, I’m so amped up I cramped up!

I’m so stoked I could float!

I’m so jacked up I’m cracked up!

Get pumped or get dumped!

You get it… The point is, I’m ready if you are. I know you all signed a commitment contract. You know this as well. I also know you’ve heard about the magic that Hulk brings to the table, but it’s not an individual effort made by me, it’s a TEAM effort. It’s a “I’m gonna get out of my comfort zone because my comfort zone no longer works for me” kind of effort. It’s a “be who you WANT to be, not who you’re comfortable being” kind of effort. You’ll see…

I lose my voice every single workout. I have permanently scarred my vocal chords from Hulk. The kicker is it makes me want to scream louder, harder, more passionately… Because I care. This is my baby. This is my everything. This is my world. I live for Hulk. I live for you. I dare you to take part for a week and tell me you doubt me. I have crafted something so special, it’s been described as “a movement.” You know what? I’m ok with that… Because you can’t have a movement out of necessity. You can’t have the NEED for a movement with being backed into a wall and having no other option. For many of you, this is Custer’s last stand… Only we’re winning. Undoubtedly. Confidently.

“In the end, the hilltop was probably too small to accommodate the survivors and wounded. Fire from the southeast made it impossible for Custer’s men to secure a defensive position all around Last Stand Hill. On Last Stand Hill, the soldiers put up their most dogged defense. According to native accounts, far more Indian casualties occurred in the attack on Last Stand Hill than anywhere else. The extent of the soldiers’ resistance indicated they had few doubts about their prospects for survival. According to Cheyenne and Sioux testimony, the command structure rapidly broke down, although smaller “last stands” were apparently made by several groups. Custer’s remaining companies (E, F, and half of C,) were soon eradicated.” (credit)

So you see, we are Custer’s crew… So backed into a corner that what OTHER prospect is there? Fight for life, or take death as it comes… It’s up to you, but I promise that if you join me in the battle cry, that we will beat down these demons and insecurities that have taken over.

If you’re just in it for the workout and don’t need any mental stimulation to go with it, don’t worry, I proudly run one of the toughest boot camps in Sonoma County. Remember though, if you are in it for the “getting in shape” aspect and nothing more, fake it for me… You never know if you’re the person who someone is looking up to…

– Hulk

Here are the slideshows depicting “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII”… Enjoy!

– Hulk

1/5th of our Tough Mudder Team! The finale picture… I dare you to find a dry spot of clothing!

I just wanted to lete everyone know that your team shirts are on their way! I will share my shirt story with you in person since I’m not a big “Slander supporter” but let’s just say a local company screwed my HARD. I had shirts meticulously designed and worked out, only to be given the finger and a frown by said company… But never fear, I made it work! They’re just a little later than I would have liked them to be…

Also, a reminder that tomorrow is the red, white, and BRUISED workout! Come dressed accordingly! Your best red, white, and blue apparel :). Let’s honor the lives lost on the 10th year anniversary of September 11th! See you all in a few short hours 😉

– Hulk

Tough Mudder Training - Team Green Beach Edition

Just got back from the beach with some of the most inspiring and awesome people I know. All Hulk! With the exception of Mike (all the way on the left) but we live together, so he’s Hulk by default ;). I WAS looking forward to seeing some Team Black represented, but that’s ok, Team Green wanted it more today ;).

My alarm went off at 6:45am and I thought “No… Seriously? This can’t be right…” and sure enough, it was right. I did the “what functions?” test. Lifted my arms… “Shoulders, chest, and back are fried. Check.” Lifted my legs… “Psoas, butt, quads, hamstrings, calves, and knees are obliterated. Check.” Squeezed my stomach… “Abs and obliques are non existent. Check.” There was not a fiber on me that didn’t SCREAM “Please sir, for the love of god, PLEASE stay home today.” I’ve run the total of a marathon this week after having not run in 7 years. Mudder training on Friday was the TOUGHEST one yet (FYI This Friday is going to be an hour and prepare for your world to be ROCKED if you’re hoppin’ in!). My own personal workouts had somehow stepped themselves up a notch and I was left this morning with the realization of “I can barely move… We’re going to do an insane beach workout?” Then… I got up. Put my shorts on. Turned some jams on, and got ready. Know how long that doubt of “How am I going to be able to do this today???” lasted? About the amount of time it took me to stand up… This is the good life baby!

Seriously, what better what to spend a Sunday morning than with people you love, doing something you love, in the best environment ever (beach baby… I’m in love…), preparing for one of the most insane things you’ve ever done in your life? Boy howdy was it insane… video to come ;).

Let me just break it down though “pre” video… We got to the beach, took off our shirts, and SPRINTED for that water. What did we do beforehand? The CHANT baby! There were 6 of us but we made that Chant sing like we had a Hulk army RARIN’ to scare that beach! With no “toe test” we hit that water HARD. Head first. I’ve gotta say… I’ve never felt adrenaline surge up so instantaneously and intensely before. It was needed. Why? Because we had to run back to the beach to do Push rolls! Push up, barrel roll left, push up, barrel roll right, push up, barrel roll left… You get the idea. 2 minutes of that followed IMMEDIATELY by about a mile and a half beach coast run. Were we done? No way! WE ARE HULK!

The double dipped fun ride cream dream was what was next… Sand Dune? Yup. Able bodies? Got ’em. Steep sandy incline that looks about 20 yards long but FEELS like 2 miles? That was there too… DUNE SPRINTS!! It was like Satan crafted this exercise for his subjects who led ESPECIALLY bad lives. I thought we were good people until today… 1 sprint was challenging, but fun. Good work! It only took one more sprint to slap us right upside the head and say “remember oxygen? Good, because that’s all it’s going to be… a memory.” We did 5. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but we did them BACK to BACK with minimal rest in between. I DARE you to say to ANY of those Hulksters there this morning that “that wasn’t THAT bad.” You’ll get a Bobbi Deanne Rivera backhand to the dome-piece talkin’ that mess! Thank God for Cory Lacey… I led the charge HAPPILY the 1st 4, but the 5th one… Oh boy. Now, for those of you who have worked out with me, I pride myself on my leadership role and will ALWAYS grab your hand if you need a help up and a push. I recognize and embrace the shape I am in. Rarely do I need to be led. That 5th sprint… Cory took off like a bat out of hell (fitting for the earlier analogy). In that moment, I needed to be led. Thank you Cory, for filling that role when most people assume I’m infallible. Even lions need to be shown how to roar on occasions where maybe the vocal chords are a little frazzled.

We polished this blast of a workout with some sand agility work, light cool downs, and pushups until our chests and shoulders wanted to pop. Oh yeah, all the while repeatedly hopping in that scrumptious beach water.

Life is beautiful.

– Hulk

PS A couple videos to wet your Hulk appetite. Find out about the Shovel AND what goes on in the House of Hulk!

That is all.

Lightest wall sit I've EVER done! 😉

Click HERE for Train the Trainer Pictures! Videos coming shortly! Or longly… I haven’t decided yet…

Last night was FUN. No way around it, had a BLAST. Thank you to everyone who showed up (including my lovely girlfriend Taryn!) and I ESPECIALLY thank you for not making me do the 4 horsemen! I tried, you all know I tried! You all, tonight however, are not going to be so lucky…

I just want to say that tonight is going to be a very intense night. Physically and emotionally. It is a tough DAY for me in that sense because I NEVER want a challenge to end… Fortunately though, it allows us to make way for Hulk vs Hulk starting August 13th!

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all to bring your A game tonight, because you’re gonna need it… Let’s make this last bootcamp one to remember, shall we?!

Cheryl Taylor, we miss the hell out of you.

Everyone, you’re doing Zumba after. Jessica support! AhhhOOOOO!!!!!

– Hulk

PS song is pretty self-explanatory given the weight of the situation… 😉

I'm ready to HURT!

Train the trainer is tonight baby birds and I couldn’t be more excited!!! Wanna know the most exciting part? The fact that tonight’s train the trainer is right before I get MY hands on YOU GUYS for one last time. If THAT’S not exciting, then I don’t know what is!

Seriously, you all better BRING IT tonight. I’m gonna keep this short since I’ll be updating with pictures and events of tonight’s butt kicking. When the smoke clears though I PROMISE I’ll still be standing! AhhhOOOOO!!!!

– Hulk

PS 3 days left…

Champion. Newly Certified

Goodness gracious, emotions keep overflowing now don’t they! I would like your eyes to avert upwards towards the newest personal trainer in the HULK family. Tyrone Rivera, through blood, sweat, tears, unrivaled determination, and a ferocity this side of the West Coast has never seen has lost over 152 lbs and quit his job at being the best guitar maker of his generation (not an exaggeration, more as an important indicator of how big of a deal this is) to become a PERSONAL TRAINER. The photo above is smilin’ Tye, complete in Hulk shirt (he said it was the reason he passed, I think it more fell on how awesome he is, but tomato/tomawto), after he passed his certification test through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). No more group leader for this man, he is now a certifiable threat!!!

I want to extend this post to the importance of the accomplishments this man has achieved, as well as…

Bobbi lost 90 lbs officially today!

I will NOT let it go unmentioned that today, Tyrone’s better half hit her OFFICIALLY 90 lbs down mark. Bobbi, you are just an inspirational, you just take a more quiet approach. The world needs all sorts of heroes, and whether you like it or not, you are one of mine.


– Hulk

I loved Jessica's Hulk shirt so much, I bought my own 🙂

Last night’s episode of “The Voice” was intense! I gotta say, I enjoyed every single original song from every contestant. Surprisingly, I think my favorite song was Dia’s! She is tearin’ it up something fierce right now! Not only is the song really awesome (hint hint, song of the day, which can always be found by clicking the first picture posted of the day for those of you who forgot) but the message behind it is GREAT. Quit creating problems where there are now. Recognized what you are blessed with and latch onto that as opposed to getting hung up on problems just for the “woe is me” factor.

As for everybody else, jeepers they were fantastic! Vicci, Beverly, and Javier all destroyed not only their original songs, but they’re duets as well. Beverly and Christina’s rendition of “Beautiful” was amazing, and I really liked the Tom Petty cover Blake and Dia did! Alright, enough of “The Voice!” Especially since my man Nakia didn’t make the finals (but the tour is the top 8 performers so it works out!)

I want to thank everybody for the continued support of Hulkster Amanda Martin, her Husband Jeff Martin, and their son Jon Michael. We’ve got a website in the works for them, countless people hoping to donate money, and even more people willing to donate time, labor, goods, and skills to do a silent auction. Together, as a Hulk family, I promise we will make sure you’re taken care of Amanda!

Hulkamaniacs, we have 10 days left in the current challenge. I need to reiterate how proud I am of each and every one of you. Seriously, this isn’t just a “light fluffy” challenge meant to give you something to do, this is a COMMITMENT. This is DIFFICULT. This is a challenge designed to incinerate the “old you” and leave a new, refreshed, healthy you standing. Well, those of you still with me (25 out of starting 26 – Best ending Hulk turnout yet), you have done just that and then some. Similar to how I LOVE the midpoint of the challenge when we do measurements because it shows exactly what you’ve accomplished, I love the last day for the very same reason. The “after picture,” the improved fit test results, the renewed measurements… I can’t wait to show you all the accomplishments you’ve made. Even those of you who know how kick ass you’re doing (a lot of you still don’t know how awesome of a job you’re doing, but that’s ok… you’ll know soon enough!) STILL won’t have the full spectrum of your transformation until the very last day…

… Which is 10 days away… 10 days of opportunity at its finest! To get the results people don’t get by doing the work people don’t do! By planting that positive seed and getting that positive flower… By digging deeper than you’ve ever dug before and uncovering the you you’ve always wanted to be. “We could have had it all” will be changed to “we got it all and then some.” Hulk is growing everybody. I can feel it. You can feel it. It’s outreach is expanding the realms of the aerobic room here at Anytime Fitness on Santa Rosa Ave. and blossoming to something bigger than I ever imagined. All thanks to you.

– Hulk