Archive for the ‘Fire!’ Category

Ahh!! So excited!!!

Black light special!! It’s tomorrow! I couldn’t be more excited… I mean really, I truly couldn’t. I mean… I posted a Captain’s Log (Click here!) about it! I have special LED lights, more black lights, and more tricks up my sleeve for this one… I promise you, I’m gonna make this a workout you will never forget. If you’re not able to make it tomorrow, don’t worry, I’ll be doing more! I won’t leave ya hangin’ Hulkamaniacs ;).

Now, the next thing I’m about to say could sting a little bit… I just hope some people don’t get too offended, because that is never the goal. However, I need to say what I’m about to say or I’d feel like I’m not staying true to myself…

I’m stoked The Heat took the first game. Miami all the way baby.

Whew… there… I feel better.

“The Voice” last night was pretty good. I’m excited for the live shows! Hit me with some Vicci Martinez, Nakia, and Jorge Cologne please. Sing to me baby birds, sing to me…

Just a reminder to those who maybe didn’t get the e-mail, we’ve got Tyerone Rivera leading a group workout this Friday at 6:30pm. He’ll be doing an assortment of things that DON’T involve too much of legs (since I’ve got that covered the day before :D). I’m excited to see how it turns out, because I know it’s gonna be a doozy! The workout will be personally approved by me, so it will be Hulk worthy no doubt. Not like you all don’t have faith in Tye ;).

Song of the day… We sure are! ALL of us!

– Hulk

BOSU Stability Course tonight, 6:30pm at Anytime Fitness, Santa Rosa Ave.

First off, I hope everyone had an amazing memorial day! I know I sure did… but now it’s back to reality! Enough BBQ and good brew for the month… My water retention this morning definitely reminded me of that haha. I definitely needed to recharge the mental battery, but now that it’s recharged, I’m ready to destroy some bodies and create some smiles!

First order of business… BOSU stability class tonight! If you’re in the area, it’s at 6:30pm at the Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. Get ready to get your butt kicked with what I call “quiet chaos.” It may not look like much, but internally AND externally… get ready for that butt to be severely kicked! And Core… and shoulders… Nothing is safe!!

Secondly, the shirts are DEFINITELY going to be done by this Saturday (in your possession I mean). It’s no secret that I’m very unhappy with how long these shirts are taking, and rest assured I won’t allow for this to happen next time. Not to point any fingers, but there was some slacking going on (not on my end) that has me pretty damn fired up not in a good way… But don’t worry, I’ll use that energy on y’all come Thursday when we’ve got you under the black lights 😉

Which is a perfect segway! The first themed workout is this Thursday and if you haven’t done one of my themed workouts before, get ready for the time of your life. Trust me on that.

Matt Moniz, I wanted to give you your own paragraph to let you know, we all see how much you’re DESTROYING this challenge. Your effort and tenacity definitely is noticed, appreciated, and inspiring. The change PHYSICALLY these last 4 weeks have been off the charts. Mentally, you’re definitely on point or else you wouldn’t be transforming the way you’re transforming. Keep it up my man!!!

Remember everyone, every day is a new day. If you’ve been sick, down, or just had a bad week, now is the chance to get after it. I mean REALLY get after it. The past is the past, and if you let it affect your future, well then you need a few more Hulk workouts to destroy that negative mindset. You know how I get down…

Song of the day… The chorus is my personal anthem. “Had to grind from the bottom all the way to the top/ I swear I won’t flop/ Give it all that I got/ I know why they jock… x3”

– Hulk

Time to break the chains tonight team...

I’m still floored Nakia checked out my page. Hulk, we are supporting that man through the entirety of this competition. If you didn’t want “The Voice” before, you’re watching now! Once the live shows get rolling, Nakia on team Cee Lo is the man to beat. Vicci, I love ya girl… but any supporter of Team Hulk gets my undying support in return 😉

Who’s ready to get destroyed tonight? We’ve got my boy Billy making a guest appearance (the one who we rescued from the  dreary and desolate lands of San Diego) and I fully expect, intend, and am floored for you Hulksters to show him how we get down. Billy is family, I know you will treat him as such… but also let him know why the utterance of “HULK!” can ignite a frenzy… The loudest “sound offs”, the loudest chant, and the most energy this gym has ever seen… tonight. Get pumped or get dumped!

Again, I can’t wait for the first outdoor bootcamp next Thursday!! I might even bring Honky Tonka. Should I dye his hair green? Just kidding, I don’t want P!nk to call animal control on me and get me in trouble. Even if it is an organic based paint that doesn’t harm my dog-horse in the slightest… Just kidding about the paint. NOT just kidding about bringing Tonka!

The song of the day is one that if I wrote music, I would write this song… I LOVE the message! Get ’em Taio!

– Hulk

Gettin' down and dirty in the back alley behind the gym. That's how Hulk gets down!

I’m expecting some SORE Hulkamaniacs this morning my friends! Last night was definitive brutal, and I’m proud to say that you guys brought it to another level last night. I’m not sure how many of you remember me saying (screaming) “I can see the transition!” last night near the end, but the cohesiveness was palpable. It happened at about 6:47 (I remember because I looked up to see how far along we were) and I could FEEL everybody take it to another level. Worries, frustrations, and insecurities were pushed aside and everyone just SWEAT. Definitely gave me something to clean up!

One of my favorite moments last night was when Chris and Tye got to their ropes and Chris looks over at Tye and says “You ready to do this?” and Tye doesn’t skip a beat when he says “Yup.” This was their first workout together (Tye had been in Hawaii) and none of that mattered when it came down to it. It said “we’re in the trenches together, let’s fight our way out together.”

Another favorite moment was seeing Chenoa fight every urge to drop her arms on the isometric flexes (Bathroom mirror pose) and keep those babies up for the reminder. Chenoa, you truly are a soldier.

ANOTHER favorite moment was Jessica saying “I need to leave for Spanish now, but don’t worry… I’ll be late.” I don’t HOPE for that, but her instant willingness meant a lot. Thank you Jessica. Also, the look in your eye on those ropes got me all KINDS of fired up!!!

Yet another favorite moment was walking by when we were in the back alley and hearing Art chanting to himself during the resistance band curls “I’m not going to stop, I’m not going to stop, I’m not going to stop.” It’s that quiet lightning that turns into Hulk Thunder!!

Kima, thank you for pushing through a tough upper body workout when your elbows bug you as much as they do.

Bobbi, I hope you got those covers on alright!

Meghan, thank you for giving as much as you gave even with a migraine and rough week. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Kristina, I didn’t say it out loud, but you looked like you wanted to legitimately and intensely cry after the last set of Isometric flexes, and I couldn’t have been more proud of that effort. You don’t look the way you looked without giving your absolute all.

Ruben, that pec grab after the “Team Hulk on 3!” didn’t go unnoticed! Neither did your insane effort… I look forward to cleaning your sweat off the floor multiple times a week ;).

Chris, welcome back from the midwest! Hulk missed you. Way to jump right into the deep end my brotha!

Krista, Vegas was kind to you because you destroyed this workout. You’ve got this animalistic look when you’re gettin’ down with the get down that rivals Tug’s war face!

Tug, I hope that you were able to relax your stress ball of a body after that workout! You were red, shaking, and contracting every muscle you had. You, are HULK.

Amanda Martin, you have so many reasons not to give 110%, and none of them ever show. You are so magical, keep it up!

Bud, I NEVER doubt the fact you’re going to give your all whether you need to leave 15 minutes early or not. Last night was no exception.

Kathi, I LOVE hearing you call everybody’s name out and counting down with me. Please don’t ever stop, k?

Cheryl, you are a beacon when people are looking for inspiration. That, and you laugh at my jokes harder than most. Let’s keep that last part up shall we? 😉

I’m flyin’ off the top of my head here, so anybody I miss, it’s not because I don’t love you, more because I’m scattered!

New “Team Hulk: Round VI” photos! Click Here!

– Hulk

PS song of the day has a slow build… About 2 minutes in get ready to be more pumped than you’ve ever been in your life.

Say goodbye to your shoulders now Hulkamaniacs

Your chest and shoulders are going to cease to exist after tonight. T-Minus 41 minutes…

– Hulk


Good god almighty was that a leg workout if I’ve ever seen one! You all just wait… They are going to only get more and more intense… I mean, we haven’t even steamed up the room OUTSIDE the aerobic room yet! Regardless, that was AWESOME. I can’t WAIT to get my hands on y’all on Wednesday!

Just a reminder, I will be gone in San Diego bringing my boy Billy back from the greater Southern Region, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a special surprise for you on Saturday. Get GEARED, because it may even be worse than me! Come on now, you didn’t think I’d leave you hangin’ did you? Puh-leez, that ain’t my style baby birds. My style goes for miles but the buck doesn’t stop short on gettin’ out of dodge! I’m EVERYWHERE!!!! AHHH!!!

So I gotta give the shout out of all shout outs to Cheryl Taylor. Cheryl is going in to have her hip replaced in about 7 weeks, and she DESTROYED the workout on Thursday. Well today, she wanted nothing more than to stay home and bundle up in some blankets and not move. When I asked her “I don’t want you to push it if you’re dying girl, you sure you wanna get going on another extreme workout?” and she says “Honey, that’s what this is all about, right?” God I love that woman. Sound off for Cheryl!

Also, if you didn’t know, TOUGH MUDDER 2011 (September 18th) TEAM HULK  (Click here to register for Team Hulk! Password is: “Bangerang.”) is growing and getting stronger by the day! We are going to OWN that mountain. We will be mapping out the course, breaking down strategy, and a couple of months out we are going to get together once a week and do some terrain training with the team! We will be heading out the day before (Saturday, September 17th) where we will be organizing lodging for everybody as well as having a “family dinner” to make sure everybody is fueled the hell up! Also on the agenda is family breakfast the next morning before we go out and claim Squaw as our own. Our objective is to leave NO man or woman behind. This is a challenge, not a race, and we are treating it as such. If we have to walk, we will walk. If we have to carry someone on our shoulders, we will. If we have to push someone over a wall, it’s going to happen. One team, one dream, and we are going to make some real life magic that day. Registration is $100, but you get $20 back when you get there. I know it seems a bit steep, but it is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I beg you not to miss out on. Come join Team Hulk, let’s show the other 5000 contestants who REALLY came to play!

Lastly, the new board will be up at the latest by Tuesday everybody! We had an AMAZING week this week! The numbers were through the ROOF! And guess what, I didn’t see a single GLIMPSE of what made me so angry last week. Weird how the mentality switched and the numbers were through the roof amazing… I mean, we lost something like 30 lbs this week alone team! AhhhhOOOO!!!!

For your viewing pleasure, a couple important videos…

Wall-sit for Tyerone (Dedication)(Click Here)

The Introduction to “The Shovel” (Click Here)

Bionic Robots #9 and #10 (Click Here)

The First Team Hulk: Round VI Chant (Click Here)

– Hulk

PS song of the day? Yeah, this is your moment team…