Archive for the ‘Helping Others!’ Category


What’s up Hulksters!

I’m just here in the lobby of the crowne plaza hotel in Minnesota waiting on my shuttle to take me back to good ol’ California. Aside from a fierce bout of hunger, I’m also sitting here with the excitement of what I imagine it would have to feel like to win a superbowl. Or world series. Or NBA championship. Or Stanley cup. Or…

You get it.

The point is, when you win something so monumental, it’s not by chance. You hoist that trophy high with the memories of the hard work put behind it and an appreciation for your success unparalleled to any words you could ever come up with.

These last 3 days, I’ve hoisted that trophy high with 25+ individuals who are ready to lead a fitness rebellion.

Hulk, that’s you.

The point of the rebellion is to reach out to those who need a hand but just don’t know it. Who feel the perception of health and happiness is something that “just doesn’t work for them.” Who feel like to change habits that aren’t working for you is harder to do than just settling for mediocrity or worse.

Hulk, those are the people you already reach out to! I want all of you to remember when you joined Hulk… How’d you feel? We’re you scared? Intimidated? Anxious? Certain you were going to go home in a body cast? How’d that work out for ya?

Point is, the reason were so magical is we all have been that individual who feels like hope is lost. Who feels that the life you’ve dreamed of is just that… A dream. That unreal and slave-like obsessions with calories, working out, and misery are what it takes to be “healthy” and that there isn’t a snowballs chance in hell you’ll ever be able to stick to something that insane.

Let’s rebel against all that bullshit. The fitness rebellion is a slap in the face to those who believe all of the above and more. It’s a chance to reach out to EVERYONE saying yeah, working out sucks… But being miserable sucks more.

Knowing you’re not living life to your full potential sucks more.

Waiting for “better” to be handed to you on a nonexistent silver platter sucks more.

Spectating and NOT participating sucks more.

You know the saying the grass is always greener on the other side? That phrase can go to hell. I found out that when you water your grass, give it proper nutrients, and love it the way a living organism needs to be loved well… I’ll be damned if I don’t have the greenest grass on the block.

Im now waiting at the airport for my flight to los Angeles. All I’m thinking about Hulksters are the rebel yells were going to scream at the top of our beautifully functioning lungs as we embrace this opportunity to water some lawns.

Are you ready?

– Hulk



This photo right here… Well, all 25 of the original “rat pack” signed this baby and it is going to be hung at the Anytime Fitness corporate office. The fitness rebellion has begun…

Hulk Helping Hearts Helping Dylan

See that flier? You’re going to be able to see those all over in a bit. Reason being… It’s important. Just a little bit of time out of your day not only gets an AWESOME workout in with two great trainers, but also sends any funds you’d normally spend on such an exciting thrill ride of a workout directly to a good cause. Also, Tye Rivera is using his world class guitar making skills and building a Ukelele to be auctioned off at a local music show upon completion. Full information will be made available about this project so come on by if you’d like to learn more! Lastly, “Dylan Strong” bracelets will be available so grab them while you can because they’re flying! All the info is in the above flier, but the action points are:

Date: April 14th (Saturday)

Time: 12pm – 2pm

Cost: Donation of your choice (minimum $10)

Sign Up: E-mail Josh Cox ( or Heather Muysken ( or call the gym (Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave.) at (707)542-6500. Just say you’d like to be put on the sign up list for the Dylan Benefit Boot Camp and that concludes signing up!

We look forward to seeing you all there! As a reminder of what a community can do, we raised over here at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. about $10,000 for Jon Michael Martin (click HERE to learn more about this amazing little guy and his family). I posted the slideshow from the Zumbathon we held in his honor, so hopefully you can watch it and get excited for another opportunity to help AND get a little sweaty something in return! Let’s get the word spread y’all!

– Hulk 

Dylan Von Lahr (The one on the right)

Alright Hulkamaniacs, here is a chance where we can flex our “helping” muscles. That chance however comes with an unfortunate story :/

Above, you will see Dylan Von Lahr. If you have not had the pleasure of meeting this young man, then let me tell you a couple things about him. He belongs to Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa ave. and he is pretty much a staple at our gym. He’s one of the sweetest, caring, loyal, and compassionate people you could ever have the graceful luck of meeting. Working at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave, I had the pleasure of seeing him multiple times on a daily basis. Whether on my lunch when I would walk to Trader Joes (where he works) or at the gym listening to him and Alex pump some hardcore death metal through the aerobic room speakers as they work out like champions, I had the pleasure of having many a conversation with him. Whether giving him tips on how to get the results he was looking for at the gym, talking about our beloved 49ers, or shooting the shit at TJ’s, I always enjoy talking with Dylan. He has a brightness and warmth about him that is hard to emulate and even harder to describe. He strikes me as the “give you the shirt off his back” type and I am pretty confident I’m not wrong about that.

About a week and a half ago, Dylan’s light flickered. Details spared, he got in a car accident that has him hanging on literally for dear life. He went in to the ER with a 2% chance of recovery with the hope that he would hang on if taken off life support. Well, I’ve been told he has been taken off life support and is still with us. He’s in a coma, but the word I’m getting is that he’s being the fighter that everyone knows he is.

Where does Hulk come in? Well, we come in with the strength of numbers and power to do good in the community, THAT’S where we come in. Hulk, there are a lot of us. We KNOW we are a force, I want to show it. Trader Joes has done the “heavy lifting” so to speak and created bracelets to sell at $5 a piece with every bit of the proceeds going towards the medical expenses coming from this unfortunate circumstance.

$5. It’s $5. I repeat, only five dollars. I hope to see everyone get a bracelet. Here are the options… Either go to Trader Joes on the corner of Kiwana Springs and Santa Rosa Ave and inquire about buying a bracelet to support Dylan, or give the money to me and I will make big “bracelet runs” whenever I go to Trader Joes. If you’d like to help from afar, e-mail me at and I can set that up. Either way, it is cheap, easily accessible, and helps out a fantastic member of the Santa Rosa community.

Alone we are small, but together we are strong. I have a “benefit Dylan” boot camp I’m thinking of doing (I just need to get in touch with the right people hint hint wink wink if you’re a member of Dylan’s family reading this… E-mail me at Tye Rivera also has something up his sleeve utilizing his unique guitar making skills in a way that only Tye Rivera could pull off. Rather than summarize what he’s doing, I’ll give you his exact words:

“I am taking a collection for premium materials to make a uke to be auctioned off with 100% of proceeds going to Dylan! I have some material that I have already put work into that will be part of this project. If you are interested in donating to this project let me know. ( I will be starting a website with pictures showing progress of the instrument to be posted in the next few days. My ultimate hope is to get a local band to play at a local brew co. the night of the auction and gather not only bids for the instrument but donations in Dylans name.”

Thank you for taking the time to read this Hulksters and friends of Hulksters alike. Let’s help out not only such a wonderful human being by the name of Dylan, but his friends and family who can use all the help they can get I’m assuming.

Hulk Helps Hearts. Let’s show everyone just how much…. AhhhOOOOO!!!

– Hulk

Sometimes, we tend to do the wrong kind of smashing...

Alrighty everyone, I’ve had an idea for a bit that I tossed out today in regards to getting together as a group and discussing everything under the sun in regards to nutrition! From sharing recipes to talking about the struggles that come with a healthier lifestyle so you can maybe get a different perspective or hear a few tips and tricks maybe you haven’t heard before. Well, when I tossed the idea out there, it was received so well that rather than e-mailing those interested, I felt it necessary to sound out a mass hulk post! Another action I’d like to take with this “Hulk Food Group” is to answer any questions as a group and address the question to everyone. You’d be surprised at how many people have the same question you do!

Those who would like to bring food journals for me to look over are more than welcome to do so! Click HERE to get some easy to use food journal templates that you can print right from the website and keep track of what you’d like me to look over! You can also get a simple notebook and document that way as well. If choosing that method, please still check the template website and seeing the basic info I’d like you to keep track of for me :).

The goal of this is to unify! To support! To encourage! To listen! To speak! To broaden your nutritional horizons! To get a better grasp of the MENTAL side of changing your nutritional lifestyle for the better! I have already talked to a couple people (and a couple more I still need to contact) that would love to come guest speak in the future. When that happens, best believe I will post about it :).

I would like to get this started next Wednesday, February 8th at 7:30pm (after Team Poseidon meets) at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Avenue. If you are not a part of Team Hulk or a “hulk associate” then please e-mail me at so that I can be ready for a new face :).

This first HFG (Hulk Food Group) I will be providing a post workout juice mix to any Hulksters who worked out prior as a “thanks for staying!” along with a “this will make it so you can sit, listen, engage, and not feel like you’re going to die.”

This coming first HFG, I will also be starting it out. I will go over whatever struggles I’ve experienced during the week nutritionally (I go through lots daily, trust me!) as well as providing a quick, easy, and healthy “homemade protein bar” recipe to share with anybody who would like one :).

Lastly, if any of you get the chance, please check this film out. That intangible energy that is hard to explain that makes a Hulk workout so lively… They talk about exactly that in this movie, among many other intriguing perspectives that will leave you thinking for sometime after the ending credits have rolled. I still plan on putting up a post about this movie in relation to “Hulk” and the connective energy you all harbor, so be on the lookout for that :).

– Hulk 

Love you Jon Michael!


Hey everyone! So, I wanted to give a day of absorption for the orientation announcement before throwing this little tidbit your way… 

Fantastic Scentsy consultant and fellow Hulkster Jodi Curry has decided to throw a fundraiser of her own for Jon Michael Martin (Click on the little guy’s name to be directed to the Jon Michael Martin Foundation website) the day of the orientation! She will grace Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. with her presence starting at 10am and will be there AFTER the orientation as well! What is “Scentsy” you ask? Click HERE to find out!

For good measure, here are Jodi’s own words on the matter;

“Hey Hulksters!!! I want to take this opportunity to 1) Welcome all of you to Hulk. For those of you that I have Hulked with before and to those of you that are first time Hulksters ….. let’s get after this!!! and 2) as all of you know Saturday is the Hulk orientation. On the same day, I will be having a Scentsy fundraiser for the Jon Michael Martin Foundation. For those of you that don’t know, Jon Michael is a 10 month old baby Hulkster who was born with a heart defect. Jon Michael has already successfully battled 2 surgeries and has at least one more to go. As you know, medical bills are outrageous and Jon Michael’s amazing mother has had to quit her job to be a full time caregiver to her son. As a Scentsy consultant I am going to donate 100% of my earnings from this fundraiser on Saturday to the JMM Foundation. If you are already a Scentsy fan, please be ready to stock up on your Scentsy. Also, think about buying for birthdays, housewarmings, anniversary’s, valentines, or a just because gift. For those of you that don’t know, Scentsy is a wickless/flamess fragrance system. It is an awesome product for those of you that like your homes, work, car, locker smelling good. I know I personally don’t go to the gym with money in my pocket but I am asking that this Saturday, you come with a check, cash, or credit card so we can help this amazing little man and his family. I will be there at 10 for those that want to come early to look and smell and I will also be there post the orientation for those of you that have been moved to help this family. Also, if we are lucky, we may even have the chance to see this little Hulkster. He has been known to make an appearance on occasion at Anytime Fitness 🙂 Thanks in advance for your contribution to this most worthy cause.”

For good measure, here’s the slideshow of the Zumbathon put on a few months ago that through Hulk Helping Hearts and our very own Jessica LaVenter, Bobbi Rivera, Kima Lovold, Tye Rivera, Kristie Clay, and several other key helpy helpers that raised roughly $10,000. We ARE making a difference!

– Hulk

Hulk Success!

This last Saturday was so successful, I'm doing it again!

Well, I must say… This last Saturday was a complete success! For a 1 hour boot camp, Hulk Helping Hearts managed to collect an OVERFLOWING barrel of toys as well as half a barrel of food. Not bad if you ask me… Even though you didn’t, I’m still going to tell you! With Christmas fast approaching I thought I’d be insane NOT to do another 1 hour Hulk Helping Hearts Toy and Food Drive boot camp! Without further adieu…



DECEMBER 17th!!!!

It’s time to get into the giving spirit and help Hulk help hearts once again! By now, most of you should know I’m into the whole “helping people out” thing. Well, on December 17th, this Saturday, I have a boot camp I’m running. The cost? A toy (Must be new and unwrapped) or 2 bags of food. Or both. Bring whatever amount you deem necessary, there is no “minimum” so don’t feel like I’ll turn you away ever! Bring what you can, as much as you’re willing, and let’s partake in making some families holiday season just a bit better this year!

Date: December 17th

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave, CA (Click Here)

Cost: A toy, 2 bags of food, or both! As much as you can! Toys must be new and unwrapped!

Time: 10am – 11am

Please let me know if you are planning on attending so I can keep track. I top out at 30 people, so I gotta know! A simple e-mail to will do the trick :).

Once again, we have the barrels here that will be getting picked up and dropped out to Redwood Gospel where the toys and food will be dispersed (Special thanks to Chris Keys!!!!).

Also, you don’t have to do the bootcamp to show up and drop stuff off! The more, the merrier!

– Hulk


Let's get in the spirit of giving!

Best Christmas Song Ever 🙂

Bring Hulk Toys!



DECEMBER 10th!!!!

It’s time to get into the giving spirit and help Hulk help hearts once again! By now, most of you should know I’m into the whole “helping people out” thing. Well, on December 10th, next Saturday, I have q boot camp I’m running. The cost? A toy (Must be new and unwrapped) or 2 bags of food. Or both. Bring whatever amount you deem necessary, there is no “minimum” so don’t feel like I’ll turn you away ever! Bring what you can, as much as you’re willing, and let’s partake in making some families holiday season just a bit better this year!

Date: December 10th

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave, CA (Click Here)

Cost: A toy, 2 bags of food, or both! As much as you can! Toys must be new and unwrapped!

Time: 10am – 11am

Please let me know if you are planning on attending so I can keep track. I top out at 30 people, so I gotta know!

We have the barrels here, we will have people prepared to pick the food and toys up at 11am, all you’ve gotta do is help Hulk help hearts! I look forward to seeing you all! Also, spread the word… pass this link around… Show the world!

Also, you don’t have to do the bootcamp to show up and drop stuff off! The more, the merrier!

– Hulk

Hulk Helping Hearts in conjunction with Liz Rait!

Here we go again y’all! On December 14th at Powell’s Sweet Shoppe in Windsor, Liz Rait in conjunction with Hulk Helping Hearts has organized a fundraiser benefiting Jon Michael Martin! Starting tonight, come by the gym and pick up these flyers so you have your ammo to do a little good on December 14th (Wednesday).

20% of your total purchase will be donated to the Jon Michael Martin foundation, as long as you have one of these flyers! The flyer is good for all day! They have more than just candy too… You need stocking stuffers and gifts from the heart to give to families and friends anyway, am I right? Of course I am :).

Need to know more? E-mail me at

– Hulk

Hulk Helping Hearts! Just a fraction of the turkeys! Thank you to Kristie Clay (click here) for donations, pictures, and kicking butt in the workout!

So, this weekend, I had a goal of raising 25 turkeys for 25 families by running a bootcamp on Saturday with the cost being… 1 turkey! Well, thanks to Hulking Helping Hearts (Special thanks to Jodi Curry!) we successfully doubled that goal. Not to mention clothes, blankets, and additional fixins’ for a Thanksgiving feast for those who wouldn’t normally have such a pleasure! Not to mention ALSO that the workout was pretty killer… One of those workouts where when the workout is done and I turn the music down, everyone stays sprawled out on their mat in silence. My favorite :). Thank you SO MUCH everyone for helping make the holiday season a little more enjoyable for families in need out there. I want to take this opportunity to have everyone save the date for December 10th! That is the date I’ve got a big event planned to collect toys and food for families of Sonoma County. Details to come shortly 🙂

Hulk Helping Hearts

Hulk Conquer!

I just wanted to remind all you Hulksters of Heart & Soul that we’ve got a FOOTBALL THEMED workout tomorrow and Wednesday! Come decked out in your favorite teams gear! Or a cheerleader! Or a ref! Get ready to Tebow the hell out of this fit test workout, which is going to take our fit test exercises and do them in new, creative ways that are going to leave your body aching for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries (canned please), corn, twice baked potatoes with bacon and cheese melted on top, yams, Hawaiian bread rolls, and whatever other Thanksgiving delicacies your tummy desires! Which brings me to my next order of business…

Post Turkey Day Master Trainer Challenge!

Heather Muysken (Click here) and myself will be running a TWO HOUR MASTER TRAINER workout where we combine our talents and rock your holiday socks off and get you back into gear and out of the insulin-soaked coma a lot of you are going to be in.

Date: November 25th (BLACK FRIDAY – This Friday…)
Time: 1pm-3pm
Cost: $20
Location: Anytime Fitness off of Santa Rosa Ave.

All levels of fitness are welcome, as well as people who do NOT belong to Anytime Fitness! If you’d like to sign up e-mail either myself ( or Heather Muysken ( Be prepared to sign a waiver and sweat your tryptophanned butt off!

Next post? Be ready to read my interpretation of how I treat every Hulk workout like we’re the underdogs in the superbowl. Same level of importance… Think it’s a little exaggerated? That’s fine, you’ll see it my way soon enough ;).

– Hulk



The way I see it... Every Turkey collected is a family fed on Thanksgiving. Let's do this.

Goal: To collect at least 25 turkeys for less fortunate families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to enjoy a home cooked meal on a day where many of us take for granted how fortunate we REALLY are.

How: I will be hosting a boot camp! It will be a total body blitz, so be ready to feel pretty damn euphoric after being responsible for feeding a family AND getting your adrenal glands dumped while your endorphins get pumped!

Time: 11am-12:15pm

Location: Anytime Fitness on Santa Rosa Ave.

Cost: 1 Turkey. That’s it. A turkey. If you can afford a boot camp, you can afford a turkey. There will be someone here from the food bank to collect the turkeys at 11am sharp so be sure to be on time!

Date: November 19th (This Saturday!)

Special Note: PLEASE E-mail me (NO OTHER METHOD PLEASE) to let me know if you plan on attending so I can keep track of head count. I ask you e-mail me so I can consolidate responses :). Social networking can be a nightmare when you’re busy!

The way I see it, Hulk Helping Hearts is going to make a big difference in a lot of lives this Holiday season, starting this Saturday. Plant a positive seed, get a positive flower. We all have so much going for us even when we think life is miserable… As tough as life can be sometimes, ask yourself if enjoying a home cooked meal on Thanksgiving is one of those issues. If it’s not, let’s help those out where it IS an issue!

If you’d like, you are MORE than welcome to donate more than 1 turkey! I hope that goes without question ;). If you need me to come pick up a turkey in the morning because you’re not able to make it to the gym, just let me know and I’ll pick it up in the AM! E-mail me at and I will be your liaison.

Lastly, PLEASE spread this link on your facebook page. For every 5 people that would like to go to boot camp but can’t make it, at least 2 of those people will donate a turkey even if they can’t attend so SPREAD THE WORD! HULKSTERS, SPREAD THE WORD!

See you all this Saturday, at 11am, for a butt kicking workout while making a difference :).

– Hulk