Archive for the ‘Hulk Smash’ Category


[Nelly Furtado]
I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side

Something ’bout mary
Never won a pageant
Never felt pretty
Never looked like cameron
Diaz was her last name
Always been abandoned
Keep your head up

Baby girl this is your anthem
There goes hannah
Showin’ off her banner
Rocking that crown
Make them boys go bananas
When you’re insecure about yourself
It’s a fact
You can point a finger
But there’s three pointing bac
I can see her crying out, yeah
Is there anybody out there?

She’s really counting on your love
Still struggling uphill
But you act like you don’t care
Right now she could really use a shoulder
Hanging onto the edge til it’s over
She’s crying for your love tonight
Loneliest heart to survive, she said

[Nelly Furtado]
I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side
Is anybody out there? yeah, yeah, yeah

Is anybody out there?
(somebody, anybody)

His name was adam
When his mom had him
Dad was a phantom never took a look at him
Grew up mad and antisocial
Hated outdoors, always in playing madden
Adam was lonely
Drugs were the only
Way out of his own life
Now he’s slowly losing his fire
Close to retire
With one last hope he puts his arms up higher
I can see him crying out, yeah
Is anybody out there?

He’s really counting on your love
Still struggling uphill
But you act like you don’t care
Right now he could really use a shoulder
Hanging onto the edge til it’s over
He’s crying for your love tonight
Loneliest heart to survive, he said

[Nelly Furtado]
I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side
Is anybody out there?

If you feel the way I feel
Like you’ve been talking to yourself
Well this one’s for everyone who’s felt invisible
Lonely in a crowded room
Searching for someone like you
Can’t do it all alone (no one can baby)
Can’t do it all alone (no one should baby)
Is anybody out there?
(somebody, anybody)
Is anybody out there?
I’m right here for your
Is anybody out there?

I don’t wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?

Don’t wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you’ll run to my side
Is anybody out there? yeah, yeah, yeah
I don’t wanna do it all alone
I need your love to take me home
No one said you should be all alone
I’m right here
Is anybody out there?

Well there you have it… Hulk X’s team song. One team, one dream. Like I said in the 1st boot camp of Hulk X, think about what side of the line you’re on. Whether you need a helping hand or are giving one, everybody needs somebody. You signed up for a team experience as well as an individual experience. We will all be trading back and forth, and the sooner you lead with your heart and refuse to let your brain be your detractor, the sooner the healing can begin. The sooner the sunshine feels like sunshine. The sooner you can bask in the joy of being a leader when you are CONVINCED you are a follower. 

Get very familiar with this gem of a song. You will hear it often. This is your anthem Gamma, Beast, and Banner. Wear this song and its meaning on your sleeve as you go through this challenge living by the Hulken Rule; Treat others BETTER than you wish to be treated. Reach out with hand and heart as you know full well and without hesitation then when you are the one in need you can call along any of the sweat filled brows in front of you.

I want to share a story that was shared with ME today. I didn’t ask permission to retell so I will leave the names out. Yesterday (Wednesday) in the back alley, we were taking a little “jaunt in the park” (lunging 3 times down the length of almost a football field). Per usual, once everyone started to complete their 3 lap minimum, all the returning Hulksters started to go back to the line. A new Hulkster notices and says to one (the person who told me this) “hey, you already finished your 3! We don’t have to do more, do we?” and this person replies “No way, welcome to Hulk. We don’t leave anybody behind.”

That little anecdote will be one of MANY experiences that will play through my head when this rings out during wall sits, push up sessions, and plank-a-thons. Welcome to a movement.



PS for those of you who weren’t at orientation or haven’t heard… This challenge we have a goal. Based upon past challenge averages, I want to lose 300 lbs this challenge and 340 inches. I expect to blow those numbers out of the water. Based on what Hulk always does… by digging deep. I haven’t forgotten about these goals nor am I done addressing them. When the dust settles from the first week Hulksters…. BANGERANG!!!

– Hulk

Click to here a past team song perfectly suited for what we're about to embark upon...

Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and girls. Clowns and trapeze artists. Hulk and Hulk alike, I bring thee…

The Official Hulk X Roster

If I spelled your name wrong, got you on the wrong day, or you don’t see yourself when you’ve talked with either myself or Jessica about being a part of Hulk X, don’t worry! All is not lost. Just a quick e-mail to and we will get everything properly adjusted. For now, I strongly encourage everyone to get to know your new team members and of course welcome returning! Utilize Facebook and your new networking group… Put a virtual handshake out there! Hulk vets, organize some group workouts to get some new Hulksters used to the welcome embrace they’re hulk smashing into! Get to know these names real well… You’re about to go through heaven and hell together…

Team Gamma – Tuesday Night @ 6:30pm and Friday Night @ 6:30pm:

Alyssa Solberg
Amanda Vallee
Austin Finch
Samantha George
Bud Hull
Chenoa Busic
Cheri Whiting
Cliff Crocker
Fatima Pacheco
Hilary Buckley
Janine Crocker
Karen Solberg
Kim Yoxall
Kristie Clay
Kristina Tovani
Lorna Kennedy-Klein
Mario Pacheco
Matthew Moniz
Megan Gill
Nicole De Loach
Nicole Eaton
Nykky Graydon
Sam Enos
Shauna Bronson
Taylor Hull
Tony Geraldi
Victoria Nicolas

Team Beast – Wednesday Night @ 6:30pm and Saturday Morning @ 10am:

Amy Vander Vennet
Angela Scheing
Bobbi Rivera
Cara Jones
Cheryl Taylor
David Moody
Devin Booth
Jamie Bywater
Jerry Langerman
Jessica LaVenter
Katie Fahy
Kelly Dawson
Kelly Moody
Kima Lovold
Lindsey Caddy
Maricela Aguirre
Paul “Randy” Larsen
Rick Dawson
Tami Larsen
Tammey Clark
Tanisha Larsen
Tanna Allen
Tracie Caven-Larcom
Tye Rivera
Lucy Avalos
Alan Brogdon 

Team Banner – Thursday Night @ 6pm and Saturday Morning @ 11:30am:

Alyx Livingston
Art Villarreal
Carlo Piscitello
Sander Seymour
Erin Tenney
Gina Sarpy
Jessi Hull
Jisaela Tenney
Karin Bowhall
Kathi Tyler
Lori Knapp
Michelle Huntley
Nikhil Aiyer
Ruben Martinez
Shreya Naik
Tom Walton
Kristina Lamb
Lori DeMarco
Patricia Moyer
Shannon Mills
Nester Nazario (I hope!)

Remember… This is not just a commitment you’re making to yourself, you are making a commitment to these names you see before you. You are not only honoring the change you are pledging to yourself, but these very same individuals who are planning to honor YOU just as much. You are in this for a reason. This is not a toy. You WILL be signing a commitment contract promising that you will not shirk off the fire that is expected to be lit under you upon Hulk X’s arrival. If you are not ready to dig deep and get stripped of your comfort zone, then step off the ride now. I mean it. If this is just “something fun” you’d like to give a shot then please make way for someone who is going to give their best AHHHOOOOOO every time they show up. Clear a path for someone who is going to refuse to mutter any semblance of “I can’t” no matter how daunting the task. Move aside for someone who is going to live by the Hulken rule, which is treat others BETTER than you wish to be treated. Open up for someone who is going to recognize and implement the fact that you are providing hope for someone just as much as you are embracing hope from another. You are a leader and a follower when it comes to Hulk. We all are. We all lead by example and follow in the foot steps of those before us. If that’s not up your alley, let me know. If your boat is not floating, your cup of tea doesn’t seem familiar, and your rocks are in the full “on” position after reading that, then I beg you to speak up…

If that DOES work for you… Welcome to Hulk.

Click here to hear the Team song that originated the Team song...

Team Gamma, Team Beast, and Team Banner... Here we go!

Alright y’all, it’s that time… What time might you ask? Well, it’s that time to get excited as excited can get because in roughly 3 weeks… HULK X IS HERE! Now, in order to start Hulk X off with the epic motor rev that it deserves, the orientation is going to be something you’re not gonna want to miss… Let me give you a few reasons why:

  • DJ Peter Panic will be orchestrating the music and providing the sound system, complete with Microphone set up (yes, I get a microphone, you’re in for it now!)
  • “Hulk memorabilia” displayed everywhere. From all the shovels, “Book of Failure,” “Scrolls of Success,” Banners, flags, past shirts… Everything Hulk will be available to check out so you can get a full feel of the legacy you’re about to embark upon
  • Slideshows will be playing on flatscreens so at any given moment you can catch a glimpse of yet another small sliver of the beautiful road you’re about to travel down.
  • Guest speakers! A few select Hulksters will be speaking about what Hulk has meant to them, and give the new Hulksters some insight on what to expect.
  • A 1 hour outdoor boot camp will immediately follow! Details below….

Date: April 29th

Time: 12pm-1:15pm (Orientation) 1:30pm –  2:30pm (Outdoor Boot Camp!). I suggest getting there a little early to check out everything displayed and to meet some new Hulksters. Shaking hands and learning new names never hurt anybody :).

Cost: Absolutely nothing at all in the slightest.

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave.

What to expect: To learn about the subtle theme of HULK X. To hear the story of how it came together. To learn the chant and how we sound off (plus a couple cool new editions), to hear what is expected of YOU, and to hear other Hulksters’ person accounts of their own experience (and what you might be able to draw from it).

Parking: VERY IMPORTANT!!! Due to the minimal parking, I need to encourage car pooling to the MAX. If you need help finding someone to carpool with, cruise the Hulk X forum on Facebook! You can even talk with me and I can try to set something up for you. There are also people who live near the gym (myself included) so you can also park your car where THEY live and either walk/drive over together. I need to stress this point so the business parking for the places AROUND us don’t get over run with the power of the people. Let me know if you have any questions here, but it went off without a hitch last time so I expect the same to happen this time! Because you all are quite awesome :).

Who’s invited?: EVERYONE! Scream this invite from the mountain top! This is your chance to bring friends and family together in one spot to show them EXACTLY what Hulk is all about. This is also an opportunity for the new people who have a tough time explaining what they’re in for to bring friends and family so you are able to say “Here ya go, this guy will explain it WAAAAAAY better than I can!” No need to ask me if it’s alright to bring anybody, because the answer is yes to WHOEVER it is. Trust me, this is something you’re going to want to share… 

Boot Camp Afterwards: IMMEDIATELY after the orientation is done, I will be leading all of those willing and able (friends of Hulksters included) to the park down the street for a total body demonstration of what a Hulk workout consists of. All levels are welcome. There isn’t a soul that’s not invited. There is not a single cost to be sprung upon you… A FREE workout with ALL of Hulk on a sunny day after getting charged up to the point of exploding from the orientation… How are you gonna find a reason NOT to hop on board and sweat with a smile? THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! Remember, dress accordingly because there will be a 15 minute intermission after the orientation and then we make like Tebow and JET!

So I leave you with this… Spread this link like wildfire. Share this page with anyone who will listen. Make fliers and turn this thing into a frenzy. You’re not gonna want to miss this…


PS Official Team Rosters announced on Wednesday… 

Hulk X... Are you ready?

Start: May 1st (Fit tests 4/24 through 4/26, Measurements 4/27 & 4/28)

Ends: July 14th

Location: Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave.

Boot Camp Days: One team will meet every Tuesday 6:30pm/ Friday 6:30pm, one team will meet every Wednesday 6:30pm/ Saturday 10am, and one team will meet every Thursday 6pm/ Saturday 11:30am. Boot camp lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: $300 for members and $350 for non members for the entire 13 week experience. Members get first priority! If you are not a member but sign up after joining Hulk, your nonmember fee of $50 goes towards sign up!

How to sign-up: E-mail me (Josh Cox) at All I want you to do is tell me you want to be a part of Hulk X. Nothing else. I will ask for all other necessary information (like what team you will be on, contact information, shirt size, etc., etc..) as I need it.


Are you ready? I said ARRRREEEEE YOOOOUUUUU REEEAADDDYYY?!?!?! Hulk X is here, and I’d like to welcome you to the Hulk Nation. This Hulk challenge is going to be the most epic Hulk challenge yet. Get ready to join Team Gamma, Team Beast, or Team Banner as we create one, unified Team Hulk. This time around there will be ONE team color, ONE team song, ONE team shirt, and ONE team goal (to be announced…). Weekly weigh-ins, before/after photos, circumference measurements, body fat percentage testing, “sound offs,” award certificates, a complete “what you accomplished” certificate, and a support group the likes of which you have never seen are all just a fraction of what Hulk X is going to bring to the table. I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve for this one. New themes, new exercises, new “callouts,” and much more are what lay ahead. Hulk is a movement… Are you in?

This time around, I expect only the most committed. When you put that pen to paper and sign that commitment contract, I want it to MEAN something. This is NOT a toy to throw away and come and go as you please. It is an experience that is what YOU make it. No, you will not have the same experience as any challenge you’ve ever done before because it is DIFFERENT. You will have different, new teammates. There will be new themes, new points brought up, new events surrounding this challenge that will make it impossible and fruitless to aspire for “challenges past.” I PROMISE I will make this challenge amazing, you’ve just to meet me halfway. Bring your enthusiasm, step out of your comfort zone, refuse to submit to old habits. You WILL be forced to step outside of your comfort zone, but in the best way possible. Hulk wouldn’t be as big if that last statement wasn’t true.

Life’s best lessons are learned outside your comfort zone, so why stay in it? Your comfort zone is doing nothing for you except falsely convincing you that your habits and lifestyle are totally ok when the fact that you’re even thinking about joining up with Team Hulk means that clearly isn’t true.

Again, I ONLY want the most dedicated, the most excited for change, the most hungry for a team spirit unrivaled by anything this side of the Mississippi and beyond, and the most cognizant that this isn’t just a “boot camp,” this is MUCH MUCH more. If you match all of that criteria… WELCOME TO HULK!!!


– Hulk

ps Get excited!

There are a few names not on these lists because I am unsure of the day structure that works for that individual. If your name is not on here, e-mail me at “” and let’s get that corrected!

Without further adieu…

Team Hephaestus (Every Tuesday at 6:30pm and every Friday at 6:30pm):

The Forge and Hammer - God of War and Fire, but firm believer in peace. Giver of tools.

  1. Tony Giraldi
  2. Bud Hull
  3. Cliff Crocker
  4. Liz Rait
  5. Hilary Buckley
  6. Kaylyn Garrison
  7. Karen Donahue
  8. Kevin John
  9. Kim Yoxall
  10. Kristie Clay
  11. Kristina Tovani
  12. Lori Demarco
  13. Lorna Kennedy Klein
  14. Megan Gill
  15. Nicole Eaton
  16. Sam Enos
  17. Taylor Hull
  18. Terri Baker
  19. T-Bones Nicolas
  20. Shaleena Gibson
  21. Cory Lacey
  22. Samantha French
  23. Chenoa Busic
  24. Dezi Reeves
  25. Laree Barrow
  26. Austin Patrick Finch
  27. Danielle Dizebba
  28. Melissa Collins

Team Apollo (Every Thursday at 6pm and every Saturday at 11:30am):

The Laurel Wreath. God of Music and Healing. Purveyor of light and truth. One of the mightiest Titans Mt. Olympus has ever fathered.

  1. Alisa Tocchini
  2. Amy Tocchini
  3. Jason Esquibel
  4. Kristie Lamb
  5. Jodi Curry
  6. Art Villareal
  7. Carlo Piscatello
  8. Chris Keys
  9. Sara Keys
  10. Gina Sarpy
  11. Karin Bowhall
  12. Kathi Tyler
  13. Maggie Shuck
  14. Sander Seymour
  15. Shannon Mills
  16. Ruben Martinez
  17. Nikhil Ayer
  18. Shreya Ayer
  19. Alyx J. Livingston
  20. Jisaela Tenney

Team Poseidon (Every Wednesday at 6:30pm and every Saturday at 10am):

The Trident. God of the sea and creator of horses. Second most powerful next to Zeus himself. Known as "The Earth Shaker" due to Earthquakes being direct results of his anger.

  1. Adam Gray
  2. Alan Brogdon
  3. Bobbi Rivera
  4. Caitlyn Ioli
  5. Cara Jones
  6. Cheryl Taylor
  7. David Moody
  8. Kelly Moody
  9. Jamie Bywater
  10. Jessica LaVenter
  11. Kelly Dawson
  12. Rachel Brogdon
  13. Rick Dawson
  14. Tammey Clark
  15. Devin Booth
  16. Tami Larsen
  17. Randy Larsen
  18. Tanisha Larsen
  19. Tracie Caven-Larcom
  20. Shawn Fitzgerald
  21. Kima Lovold
  22. Paul Marcheschi
  23. Krista Kemp

The FULL OFFICIAL schedule of the ENTIRE challenge will be posted next week. Could be Monday, could be Friday. For now, start getting so amped up you cramp up because this challenge is going to keep the Mayan prediction of the end of the world in 2012 at bay… We’re going to kick start the world with one big, giant, fibrillated SMASH.

Sound off…

– Hulk

Fair warning… This post is all about me. Yup, like you don’t get enough of me… This post is to help you understand the psyche I carry behind Hulk. My mentality before every workout that started the “train leaving the station” saying way back when no one really knew what Hulk was…

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You see, I approach every single Hulk workout like it’s the Superbowl. Yes, that intensely. Not because I’m so high on myself that I’ve lost all sense of reality, but because… well, why shouldn’t I? To me, Hulk is my baby. I’ve been kicking, screaming, and raising this little guy since he was entered into this world 3 years ago. I fed him, washed him, taught him the tools necessary to be as great as he can possibly be, and gave him enough love for 3 back-to-back lifetimes that to know anything BUT would be an impossibility… That’s when he grew. Hulk grew up into a beautiful monster. A Frankenstein unlike anything the world has ever seen, nor will it again at the rate Hulk is consuming everything it gets its hands on…

Enter: Gameday. I spend all day thinking about Hulk. Every minute it is on my mind in some capacity. From who said they aren’t going to be there to the people I know need to be there the most. From the workout I’ve got designed for the evening to the approach in which I want to make it. From special “audibles” that need to be called from time to time to the faces I can’t wait to see contorted in beauty.

Every Hulk workout is an opportunity to say “I’ll be damned, I really AM amazing!” or “I had no idea I was capable of this kind of hard work…” right on down to “I’ve worked out, but never like THIS.” Not all, but to many, this is a game changer. This is a life changer. When I say “this” I’m not referring to my challenge, I’m referencing the moment when you’re on the ground doing a plank or in the thick of the most push-ups you’ve ever done in your life and a small whisper creeps up behind you saying “I know this is hard, but you can do this” and ending in a primal internal scream bellowing at the top of your souls lungs saying “I AM DOING IT.” It’s that very instance in which you can subconsciously grasp on to that one moment when you thought you were a loser, and you were the greatest you’ve ever been. Your brain will NEVER forget that. Nor will your heart… What are the two things success listens to the most? See where I’m going with this?

I reference how life is one big Hulk workout, and I’ll stand by that forever. Life is not pretty, and life is anything but easy, but when you are hit with that moment of “I can’t handle this…” you do. You handle it. You have to. You have no other choice. Do you want to lay down and “settle” or do you want to rise up and battle? I want to battle…

My intensity is born through years of being meek. My screams are the voice of many, and everything from the lighting to the music needs to be perfect. In the House of Hulk, in that very moment, I am king. You are king. We are all kings. Why should the championship game be reserved for sports stars? In the House of Hulk, we’re a team taking on insecurities, vulnerabilities, low expectations and the paralyzing vision of failure constantly dancing on our retinas. We are the underdogs with the bookies stacking all the numbers they know against us. We are the Rudy’s. We are the Rocky’s. We are the Bad News Bears. We are a rag tag assortment of individuals that come together under the lights and will stop at nothing to grab that championship shovel, hoist it high above our heads, and let the look in our eyes say it all… We won.

Wanna know why I’m so intense? Because every single day is the Superbowl. That’s why.

PS I swear on all that is holy I have never seen this video in my life. I created the Hulk chant on my own, sitting in my room. I think Drew Brees knew a good thing when he saw it…

Here are the slideshows depicting “Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII”… Enjoy!

– Hulk

Tough Mudder 2011 – Team Hulk Edition

– Hulk

Red, White, and Bruised!

Well, I’ve gotta say, today’s “Red, White, and Bruised” workout… we weren’t s******’ around (love you to death Cara)! I wanted to honor the lives lost and the 10 year anniversary of an event none of us will ever forget, and boy howdy did we do that! You core is gonna be SCREAMIN’ tomorrow in honor of the fallen!

I also wanted to take this time to let everybody know… Good AMAZING job. Today marks the official “4 weeks down, 6 to go” period and let me tell you from MUCH experience… it’s going to go by SO FAST. It’s like high school… feels like you have a long time to go and before you know it, BOOM, you’re done and have made friends for life ;). This last 4 weeks though, holy geez-us… I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people bond together so fast in my life! In my years of doing this, THIS challenge has the greatest impact I have ever seen. Tean Green, Team Black… You, WE, are all in this together and I could not be more proud of each and every one of you. More importantly though (and I’ gonna sound like a broken record here) YOU should be proud of YOU. You get the results that people don’t get by doing the work that people don’t do? You all are doing that work and then some…

Next Saturday, we have measurements, so be ready. Inch day is a GREAT day. It takes the frustration of the scale and throws it right out the window because it puts in your face a living, breathing, tangible example of the fact that you all are accomplishing SO MUCH whether that scale says so immediately or not. For all of you frustrated by that god forsaken scale, remember that it has only been 28 days. Again, 28 days. Wrap your mind around that and realize that you’ve done more in 1 month that some people do in YEARS. I’m not exaggerating… I’ll be reminding everyone as we get nearer the time schedule in which I will be running the measurements. If you cannot make it, please e-mail me at I will most likely be doing a universal make up day so be ready to get a little flexible for me (TWSS). There is one of me and more than 50 of you… Thanks for the understanding :).

“Do this like Chris”

I just wanted to point out that Chris Keys, member of Team Black, lost 9 lbs this week. For those of you on Team Black, his work ethic is legendary after only 28 days. For those on Team Green, you’ll hear about him… I wanted to take this time to congratulate Chris. When someone fights as hard as he does (as you all do), it’s only right to broadcast the accomplishment! Speaking of accomplishments, the new board results will be up Monday ;).

Click HERE for 83 new pictures chronicling some of my favorites out of Team Green’s “Back Alley Beatdown”, Team Black’s Saturday “Upperbody massacre”, and our “Red, White, and Bruised” September 11th honor workout (Complete core destruction baby!). You know you want to!

– Hulk

PS special thanks to Tyrone Rivera and my beautifully gorgeous girlfriend Taryn Casalino! They ROCKED the decor while I weighed in and measured y’all. They truly are rockstars and I truly love them both. Over and out. 10-4. Roger that (no Jersey Shore)

Start: November 1st

End: December 27th

Boot Camp Days: Tuesday and Thursday (potentially Wednesday and Friday as well depending on demand!)

Cost: Affordable! Dependent on volume of participants


The holidays can be flat out stressful. Between not-so-good-for-you food and drinks running rampant, visiting family and friends every single weekend, holiday shopping, and dreary weather, it’s EXTREMELY easy to get comfortable, throw on those baggy clothes, and say “I’ll get back to it in January.” I say no. We say no. If you’ve seen or heard of “Hulk” and would like to know more, please put down your name and e-mail and I’ll send you all the info you need! Hulk Holiday Help will provide “Inner-week” boot camps to make sure you stay on track with your health and fitness goals without interfering with weekend travel times. Tools, tips, tricks, and the most supportive people you could ever meet will all be at your disposal to make sure that you not only maintain your “holiday health” but in the process, better it! Sound off!!!

If you’d like to get on my list, send an e-mail to and let me know! I will make sure there is a spot for everybody, I just need to know well in advance! Let’s do this!
