Archive for the ‘Incredible’ Category

Say goodbye to your shoulders now Hulkamaniacs

Your chest and shoulders are going to cease to exist after tonight. T-Minus 41 minutes…

– Hulk

We're the strongest ones there are...

First, I can’t start this update without singing Happy Birthday to Art! There, I just did it. I mean, I sang. Right here. At the computer. If you wanted me to type it out, that would be weird of you… Plus, if you don’t know the words, then I’m surprised you made it to my page… Anyways, Happy birth anniversary Arty the one man party! Artimus Prime! I got you and Lorna the same present… Complete soreness! Birthday BOSU class tonight anyone?

It’s pretty cool the impact my “scale address” is having on people. I’m getting messages and e-mails from all over the country saying basically that it was the slap in the face they needed to wake up and realize who is REALLY in control. You’re damn right! I got plenty more where that came from! I’ve been screaming for years, but it hasn’t been until now those ears have perked up!

“Everywhere there’s a kid that no one cares about, you’ve just gotta keep screamin’ till they hear you out.”

So let me remind you Hulkamaniacs, tomorrow we have a bootcamp at 6pm. Upper body time! Get ready for some push-ups till you drop (then more after that), some re-enactment of “Thor’s Hammer”, Isometric flexes, and the introduction to some BOSU action! Oh the fun times we are going to have…

In a couple of weeks, we’re going to be running our first theme workout… Black Light Special #2 is first up. This one is my personal favorite, and I even dropped some money on portable LED lights (Click Here to see the lights being used in “The Story of Et Ducit”) that will brighten the ground so we have the crazy black light, glow stick, lit walls effect with VISION!! Look forward to that June 2nd my pretties… Right before measurements!!

Alright bros and chicas, I’m off to go murder my core, destroy a few other kindhearted well-to-do individuals, then run a successful BOSU stabilization course with the intent to make it a birthday Art never forgets.

– Hulk

PS song of the day… another good cardio gem. I love me some Timbaland!

The world is ours, all we gotta do is grab it...

Alright Hulkamaniacs, let’s do some talkin’! First, I gotta say that as the day has gone on and I’ve seen everybody on Facebook changing their pictures to either “Hulk” or “She Hulk” pictures… My heart swells. I mean it. Y’all did that on your own, and I’m just sitting back and watching… So far I’ve got Lorna, Maggie, Jessica, Cheryl, Bud, Matt, Eric, and Tye down as having their pictures changed… Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, to latching on to what I so firmly believe in. Today is only Monday… GREAT day.

Just a reminder that this week we have THREE Hulk workouts. Wednesday at 6pm (Upper body), Thursday at 6pm (Core) and Saturday at 10am (Lower body – John will be taking care of weigh-ins while a very special guest is being brought in to destroy you ;D).

I’m gonna keep it short and sweet tonight, as I’m exhausted and about ready to grub down on some yum yum (Brown rice pasta, 7oz chicken breast, and sautรฉed peppers all tossed in olive oil and pineapple vinegar… Color you jealous!).

Song of the day is perfect for cardio!

– Hulk

That beast in you better be ready for the longest leg workout of the challenge tomorrow...

So a couple things… First off, it was Hulkster Lorna’s birthday on Wednesday! I promised her sore abs as my gift to her, I’m hoping my present pulls through! We had the pleasure of singing to her during our workout last night, but I wanted to give one last shout out… Happy birthday Lorna!

Another important note… Hulkster Jessica LaVenter is a BEAST! She is our resident Zumba instructor, and guess when her class starts? 7:10pm on Thursday evening. When does Hulk bootcamp end? 7:00pm on Thursday. She has a 10 minute window in between a BRUTAL workout and teaching her OWN class to have everybody sign in and get her class ready for action… I just wanted to say Jess that it DEFINITELY doesn’t go unnoticed! The mere thought gets me fired up… Not to mention the fact that Lorna and Tanisha and Meghan seem to be regulars in participating in the class right after mine… Motivation knows no limits when you’re in the House of Hulk! (which turns into the “House of Zumba” temporarily :P)

While I’m on a roll… Cheryl Taylor I love the hell out of you. You ATTACKED the workout last night! I mean you were rockin’ the mat, the ball, the floor… You KILLED it. I’m so proud of you girl, I’m just sorry I didn’t get to play “written in the stars” for you last night :).

Tomorrow will mark the longest leg workout of the challenge so far. You better believe we’re visiting the alley again. Wall sits and four horsemen will rear their beautiful faces. Adele will make her presence known. The shovel will be brought down off the wall and you’re going to dig deeper than you’ve ever dug before Hulkamaniacs! Whether you’re a veteran or new to the team, you will have NEVER had a workout like the one you’re going to have tomorrow. I promise. And if you know me, I make good on my promises. If you can, rest up today baby birds ;).

Guess what day it is?! You’re welcome (Click here).

Alright y’all, time to destroy some more warm bodies! Be on the lookout for the link to the “Introduction to the Shovel” video! Some teams have trophies… Not Hulk!

– Hulk

PS song of the day (reminder, always click the picture of the “hulk of the day” to hear it) is one of my favorite workout songs of all time for cardio/undulating ropes. I need a respirator!

The wall is symbolic of your core tonight Hulksters…

ย Tonight marks the beginning to a new daylight… A daylight into your future that youย will be made painfully yet heavenly aware of tonight. Tonight, we dine… in the House of Hulk ;).

Not only does the first core workout of Hulk: Round VI make its debut tonight, but this will also be the LONGEST workout we’ve had yet! I’m introducing one thing and one thing only tonight… “The Shovel.” Get ready to dig deeper than you’ve ever dug before!

I’m talkin’ y’all are the Gramercy Riffs and I’m gonna pull my best Cyrus impression (just make sure nobody kills me).


Warriors, come outย to play tonight…

What I’m saying is be on the lookout for “The Shovel: The Video.”

Get what I’m sayin’?

Y’all better get hyped or get skyped cuz that’s the only way anybody is gonna want to talk to you… from afar. I’m talkin’ get so geared up that you tear up! Put your helmet on because we’re gonna have a blast! Make sure your ticket’s out cuz this train is about to leave the station! Clear the villagers from down below, this snowball of motivation has no brakes.

– Hulk

Beast Mode

So yesterday, I pop open Facebook on my cellular device, and I see this:

So, today in Culinary, I demonstrated the now infamous, ” Hulk Juice” …named in honor of YOU!
check it out:
2 cups frozen mixed Fruit ( go organic from Trader Joes, or Whole Foods)
1 banana
2 cups organic baby spinach
2 cups of water
blend all together. sip on it all morning.
delish…and you already get 5 servings of fruits and veggie, before lunch!
toasted to you, Josh!

Those are the words of my former culinary teacher and friend, Mrs. Marie Ganister. Needless to say I was floored! Not only for the honor… but that thing is sound nutritionally! Only thing you’re missin’ is a touch of protein and possibly some blended sunflower seeds and you go from a veggie/fruit energy blast to a complete meal replacement! Boy howdy are there options ;). In short, thank you to Mrs. Ganister for sharing and being the catalyst for the smoothie fun. Credit to Marcus Samuelson who added the “Hulk” (spinach) to the mix!

I hope you’re ready for tomorrow Hulk-a-maniacs! We’ve got our first Core workout of the challenge, as well as introduction to “The Shovel.” Eric and Anne, you 2 are in for an hour of heavenly core work a bit earlier than the rest of the Hulksters… See you in a few hours!

Also, I want to give a shout out to Hulkster Chenoa. Since January, she has cut her “Fitch Mountain” hike time in HALF. in a matter of a few months! That’s like going from running a 20 minute mile to a 7 minute mile. That’s my girl! Also, her and I had a one-on-one session from 6pm-6:30pm. My BOSU stability class is at 6:30pm. I say “You gonna do my class too? You know you wanna…” and she takes ONE SECOND to think about it before saying “Sure, let’s do it!” I couldn’t have been more proud/stoked/happy about jumping right in. Chenoa, you rock girl.

Time for some morning meditation!

– Hulk


Yesterday was a big big day. It was an encouraging day… It was inspirational, magical, efficient, energetic, bonding… Yesterday was amazing in every way. The Story of Et Ducit was a success. The new team song was a success. “The Chant: 2.0” was a success. Video is up all over my facebook (click the green square to the left to get to my facebook and see all the videos for those of you who haven’t seen my facebook before).

I do want to discuss however the toughest exercise we did… and that was looking in the mirror. You are goddamn right if you think that I intentionally wanted you to stare down an image that you aren’t too fond of. That was an EXTREMELY calculated measure! LOOK AT YOURSELF!!! Why don’t you like what stares back at you? You WILL learn to love yourself by the end of this challenge, and that is not a request. Not even close. It’s not even a demand… it’s an expectation.

“Adele – Rollin’ in the Deep” is the new team song, and I had everybody turn, face the mirror, and sing the song to themselves. The person in the mirror is representative of the only thing on EARTH AND OTHER holding you back. YOU are the one thing in your way from attaining what you want to attain. The song is all about telling someone “we could have done something great, but you didn’t let it happen.” Well say goodbye to that individual who won’t let greatness be attained… May 5th, 2011 is the day that person died forever and a new you was reborn… Just in time for our upper body workout tomorrow ;).

I want to remind everybody what “Hulk” stands for. The “Hulk” images, persona, and mentality is NOT just for fun. YOU are Hulk. YOU are the incredible Hulk. An unstoppable beast hell bent on getting what it wants. Whenever you see an image ofย  “Hulk,” remember that THAT is your inner beast. It’s what lies deep inside every single one of you. That animal waiting to get out… THAT’S Hulk…

I’m going to be sending everybody my “I Can” video from last challenge. That is all. No words need to be spoken about that other than.

Click on the Hulk comin’ atcha for the Adele video. There’s a fire burning deep inside my heart…

– Hulk

PS tomorrow brings the upper body Hulk out!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

Till we collapse... The first Hulk Workout of Round VI has arrived!!

It’s here! It’s here! Oh boy, you don’t wanna mess with me today. Don’t worry, I’m not angry… I’m focused. I’m amped. I’ve got wattage coursing through these green hulk veins that can only get grounded come 6pm tonight. Until then, the forces that be will start a slow build of insanity within my soul, ready to explode in a fury of sweat, screams, and self revelation. What I am about to say next is fact. Not an exaggeration. Not an embellishment. Not an understatement. Fact.

Tonight will change some lives forever. Not everybody, but some. In a week someone else might have an epiphany. In 3 weeks Somebody else. The next to last week… a few more. Not EVERYONE’s life will be changed tonight… but I guarantee you at least SOMEONE’s life will be changed tonight forever. That’s a pretty damn powerful thing. It really IS that epic. I’ve been doing this for years, this is NOT a “hope.” I fully recognize the tall claims I’ve made, but that’s fine, because I guarantee there is nothing hyperbolic about what I said. Again, this is fact. I’ve lost 90 lbs. I’ve beaten depression and disorders. I’ve conquered my demons. I’ve climbed that mountain. I’ve stared down and not only SEEN the light, I’ve had the blessing to be given the ability to help create it. I didn’t get in shape and attain happiness… I attained happiness once I realized I was the ONLY one holding me back. Once I realized my self worth, I fell in love and that union will NEVER get annulled. So trust these words that I speak… Tonight will be life changing. Out of the darkness comes the light..


1) The Story of “Et Ducit”
2) “The Chant 2.0”
3) Introduction to the new team song (Getting pumped just thinking about it…)
4) “Four Horsemen”
5) Complete leg workout
6) Hobble out the door…

Time to go deadlift with Bud. Yeah, that’s right. Hulkster Bud Hull is deadlifting with ME hours before his legs get annihilated. I love that man. I love this team.

I also love my mommy :).

Song of the day? A twist on an OG “pump up to the max” song of mine from about 6 years ago. Till the roof comes off…

– Hulk

PS I just saw Edward Norton won’t get recast as “Hulk” in the new “Avengers” movie. Reason? Because he was too much of a diva… Pick me! Pick me! I work well with others! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Round 6 starts tomorrow. I mean… Tomorrow. That’s t-o-m-o-double R-o-Double U. Tomorrouu! I mean Tomorrow! I mean, I don’t need to stress it anymore, because You get it. Trust me, you get it.
That’s all I wanted to say. It’s about to gettin’ poppin’ like some zits in this piece cuz tomorrow we’re gonna Erupt like Eddie Van Halen! We’re gonna rock like granite, so take nothing for granted! If you’re not pumped you’re gettin’ dumped. If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’, and y’all know how alive I am ;). T-minus = 16 hours and 20 minutes till start time. T-Mac = Tracy McGrady…

Be on the lookout for the results of my fit test and pictures/videos of “Friday before Hulk!” Grab on to your seat… and make sure nobody steals it… A gang of gypsies have been seen running amuck lately…

Song of the Day: I was going to make it “Friday” by Rebecca Black but I respect you too much for that. So instead, click on the image you’re going to need to get used to seeing…

– Hulk

If the answer is “yes”, please leave a comment with your name so I can keep track of people interested ๐Ÿ™‚