Archive for the ‘Josh Smash!’ Category

Sorry about the late notice everyone! That time of the challenge is upon us… It’s YOUR chance to train ME! I had to wait until this point to put it out there because I wasn’t sure it was possible to still put on… But I made it work!

Monday, October 17th is the official date for “Train the Trainer!”
6pm is the official time!

If you’re unfamiliar with “Train the Trainer” it is where you, yes YOU, are able to come to the gym and have your chance to bestow some pain upon ME! I figure that for 10 weeks, I’m pummeling you into the ground in the best way possible, it’s only fair you get a shot too! Come on down to Anytime Fitness on Santa Rosa Ave, and get ready to make me work!

Next up… Next weeks schedule! Pay very close attention and E-MAIL ME at if we need to schedule you at a seperate time. The final measurements are not like the midway measurements… If I don’t get your fit test, measurements, and after picture then YOU don’t get a before/after certificate! Also, if you are on Team Black but are able to come to Thursday’s fit test, that is ok too! Please make adjusting the “Hulk” schedule the very last possible option… There are 50 of you after all, gets a little difficult tailoring the schedule for so many of you!

Hulk vs. Hulk – Last Week Schedule


10/ 18: Team Black “Final Push.” A test of what you’ve accomplished the past 9 weeks. Team Black your fit test will be on FRIDAY (10/21) at 6:30pm.

10/20: Team Green “Final Push.” A test of what you accomplished the last 9 weeks. Starts at 6pm. Team Green, you are going to be run a bit different. This workout is TWO HOURS. It starts with the fit test and leads RIGHT into a true test of what you’ve accomplished the last 9 weeks. Get after it! No Zumba after on this day 😦

10/21: Team Black Fit Test! Starts at 6:30pm. If not able to make it, contact me via “” and we will work out additional arrangements. Please try your absolute besty best to make it here!

10/22: Last day! “After” picture taken, body fat % tested, blood pressure tested, circumference measurements done, and final weigh-in! No workout this day. Team Green, I will start measuring everyone at 9am until 11am. Show up no later than 10am (As soon as everything is done, you’re done!). Team Black, I will start measuring at 11:30am until 1:30pm. Show up no later than 12:30pm.

10/23: HULK vs w/ Hulk Party! Location to be announced. Be prepared to celebrate what you all have accomplished the last 2 and a half months. Before and After certificates will be handed out, as well as individual awards. The winning team, as well as winning individuals will be announced. The slideshow will be presented, as well as several other SURPRISES!! HULK!!!!

Jon Michael Martin!

Don't Be a Diock - Support Jon Michael

I know I don’t need to remind people this Sunday “Hulk Helping Hearts” is putting on a Zumbathon to help out Lil’ Jon and his family in need! Be there or be circlular (because it’s hip to be square). Seriously, I’m gonna be really pissed if you’re not there *points at you menacingly*

– Hulk

He collapsed 😦

Lately, I’ve been running.

That may not seem like much to some of you, but to me, it’s huge. I suffer from severe chronic shin splints that stem from being as overweight as I was as a kid and playing YEARS of football on the pavement. Don’t get me wrong, I was a fat white Barry Sanders with moves for days, but my shins took the brunt of the my obesity/agility.

Anyways, as many of you know, we have a little thing called TOUGH MUDDER rapidly approaching (September 18th baby birds!) and I have most DEFINITELY been on the ball with my training… except running. My endurance, strength, stability, and plyometric work is out of this world, but my body is not acclimated to running since I haven’t done it in YEARS.

The point of this post is that I’m running. Something I never thought I’d be able to do in a million years… I’m doing it. Out of the past 4 days, 3 of them I’ve run 4+ miles in the morning before my day starts. Again, never in a million years did I think I’d be running. It’s… liberating. Don’t get me wrong, my shins feel like they’re disintegrating… but not NEARLY as bad as it used to be. Before I could SWEAR a paint scraper was lodged in my tibialis anterior wrenching it away from the bone. Now, it just feels like that paint scraper is pressing against the exterior of my skin. Gnarly still, but not debilitating! Yay!

I definitely owe a big credit to my new running mate Tye-ran-asaurus Rex, but there’s a bigger drive…

I think of all of you. Team Black. Team Green. Team Hulk. The family and friends who have expressed their complete trust in me to help showcase a better way of living… I think of you. I think of all the struggle I see in the “House of Hulk” every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and the fact that you all are doing something a lot of you thought that YOU’d never be doing in a million years. I think of the sweat drenched faces soaked with the realization that “oh my god, I’m really doing this…” I think of the tears I’ve seen shed at a fitness journey coming to fruition, and my own tears I’ve shed along the way. I think about the fact that as much of a leader as I try to be, where do you all think I draw my inspiration from… You.

This post is an inadequate thank you to everyone putting their trust and faith in me and in Hulk. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all. Your faces flash across my minds eye as I’m running alongside Team Prime. My heart swells. Not with pride, but with the realization that as soon as my run is over, I’m going to see the very faces that inspire me doing the very thing that inspires me. It truly is a blessing to know each and every one of you.

While others are holding a candle, you are all spotlights pointed towards the sky. Only, it’s not Batman you’re calling… AhhhOOOOO!!!!!

– Hulk

I'm ready to HURT!

Train the trainer is tonight baby birds and I couldn’t be more excited!!! Wanna know the most exciting part? The fact that tonight’s train the trainer is right before I get MY hands on YOU GUYS for one last time. If THAT’S not exciting, then I don’t know what is!

Seriously, you all better BRING IT tonight. I’m gonna keep this short since I’ll be updating with pictures and events of tonight’s butt kicking. When the smoke clears though I PROMISE I’ll still be standing! AhhhOOOOO!!!!

– Hulk

PS 3 days left…

I'm back and ready to destroy some bodies!!

Oh boy howdy am I back and ready to destroy some people! After a momentary hiatus in St. Diago, I’m back to bring on the rapture (you know, to make up for the one that definitely didn’t happy on Saturday). After some fun in the sun and time with some great people, I’m filled with the sort of hunger for destruction that only a rabid Hyena in the middle of an Antelope hospital could be filled with! Seriously, if you’re coming to my BOSU class tonight, be ready to HURT!

Couple things… Board will be up this week! I know it’s been 3 weeks and we’ve got nothin’, but don’t worry because we will have 7 weeks of somethin’! I’m only one man, gotta gimme a break here people ;).

Shirts are here on Saturday. Get ready to Hulk out in some team uniforms!

Alright, time to go Hulk EAT, since my stomach is about ready to punch me in the face. I don’t want that to happen… Good thing Mountain Mikes is across the street!

Song of the day… is a fun one ;). Definitely a pump up jam, with some lightheartedness with it 😉

– Hulk

PS totally kidding about Mountain Mikes 😉

The wall is symbolic of your core tonight Hulksters…

 Tonight marks the beginning to a new daylight… A daylight into your future that you will be made painfully yet heavenly aware of tonight. Tonight, we dine… in the House of Hulk ;).

Not only does the first core workout of Hulk: Round VI make its debut tonight, but this will also be the LONGEST workout we’ve had yet! I’m introducing one thing and one thing only tonight… “The Shovel.” Get ready to dig deeper than you’ve ever dug before!

I’m talkin’ y’all are the Gramercy Riffs and I’m gonna pull my best Cyrus impression (just make sure nobody kills me).


Warriors, come out to play tonight…

What I’m saying is be on the lookout for “The Shovel: The Video.”

Get what I’m sayin’?

Y’all better get hyped or get skyped cuz that’s the only way anybody is gonna want to talk to you… from afar. I’m talkin’ get so geared up that you tear up! Put your helmet on because we’re gonna have a blast! Make sure your ticket’s out cuz this train is about to leave the station! Clear the villagers from down below, this snowball of motivation has no brakes.

– Hulk

Best MC Hammer impression... Too Legit 2 Quit (hey heeeeeey)

So, a couple of things…

First off Happy belated Mother’s Day everybody! Mostly to the moms though… Actually, mostly to my mom too. I’ll share some of the happy, but I hope my mom is the happiest. Sorry “other moms.”

Second off, I saw “Thor” yesterday and it was  awesome. Just pure awesome. Got me SO psyched for “The Avengers.” What aided in that “psychedness” was the fact that “Captain America” had an extended preview in the beginning I hadn’t seen yet. Evans and Hemsworth… You guys are GINORMOUS (Enter “Buddy the Elf). I still am waiting who’s going to play the BEST Avenger now that Edward Norton’s dive status got him kicked out…

Third off, Bobbi and Tye come back from Maui today. Unfortunately they had the best vacation ever so all of our jealousy was with merit :/. Glad to have ya back guys!!!

Fourth off… It’s Monday. Welcome back to the GRIND (Get Ready It’s a New Day). We’ve got our very first CORE workout this Thursday Hulkamaniacs! You thought you hated me after legs and upper body… Oh boy! Alright, short and sweet today. Gotta get to my morning meditation!

– Hulk

PS Song of the day is one of my FAVORITE workout songs ever (@RandyPaul). It reminds me of going through a transformation… Of being something other than human. Beat that chest, shake the tree limbs, and breathe that fire!!!! AhhhhOOOOOO!!!!!

Coming to a gym near you...

Ok, so maybe Bin Laden and Hulk: Round 6 didn’t relate to one another… but you know what, Hulk: Round 6’s starting weekend will always be remembered! Moving on…

I’m gonna come right out and say it. Bud, you watch out. I worked with Tami today and she is ready to tear into you like a Hyena who hasn’t eaten in a week who stumbled upon a chicken farm and the farmhand stepped out for the day… She’s upgraded her breakfast to steel topped with thumbtack gravy, a side of bullet casings, and she washes it down with gasoline. Don’t worry, it’s Shell V formula, unleaded. It helps clear the sludge out. Your legs will bow to Tami…

This Thursday Hulksters is going to start the actual workouts. And we’re starting with legs. Which means we’re starting with a bang. Which means this Thursday, if you didn’t know… Now you know. The story of “Et Ducit” will also be told, as well “The Chant 2.0.” I know I posted that in a couple other postings but… It’s my blog and I do what I want! Go start your own titled “” I’ll visit every day!

The order is going to be “Lower body/ Upper body/ Core” meaning this Thursday is lower body, Saturday is upper body, and the following Thursday is core… Then it starts all over again! Now you know, that’s the order!

Duty calls! If you haven’t figured out by now, the song of the day is always going to be located by clicking the Hulk picture. Today is no exception… GREAT song! WILL be played during some workouts.

– Hulk

The Beast

Posted: April 27, 2011 in AhhhhOOOOO!!, Josh Smash!, When they ask...
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You better be getting pumped up...

I wasn’t even going to update this early, but I’m feeling like a Kelly green PHOENIX right now! Oh yeah baby, rising from the mucus and lung-constricted ashes that are my pollen, grass, and dander induced allergies emerges a new being… A stronger being. Nothing in my way is an obstacle, more so a destruction derby contestant just itchin’ to lose hard in the first round. Drawing from “Thor’s Hammer” has wielded an ungodly Hulk capable of even the most impossible of feats…
Well, actually, I guess I’m just back to normal, but whatever.

So we’re 3 days out and that’s a Ron Burgundy (big deal). Tomorrow is the last “public” bootcamp before it gets overtaken by tenacious green and “AhhhOOOOOOs” at every corner. Before we have workouts so intense that the room OUTSIDE the aerobic room fills up with sweat and condensation. Before I need to sweep the floor with the mop every 10 minutes so people don’t slip and slide dangerously on the salt-and-electrolyte encrusted floor boards. Before I start waiting to see whether Art ends up doing cardio after the workout or not (because if he doesn’t, then that means it was a KILLER workout. Art, my goal is to make it so you don’t have the energy to do cardio after these bootcamps. By the sheer fact that I said that though… you’re gonna be doing cardio just to spite me. I love it :P).

One thing I forgot to mention is I’ll be doing my own challenge this challenge! As most of you know, I’ve gotten my body fat percentage down pretty damn low… Well, I’m going back to my bread and butter of strength training. The catch? The goal is to maintain low body fat percentage with significant size and strength increases. I look forward to seeing what I can pull off! I’ll be putting up pictures and stats, don’t worry :).

Alright, off to go kick some ass! I’d take names, but I already know them… so just kicking ass is good enough!

Song of the day? The one you hear when you click on “Thooom!”

– Hulk

My favorite is actually cookies and cream...

Get it all in before Saturday...

So far the random introductions between new team Hulk members is going great!

“Hey Maggie, this is Tyerone! Look at him! Now Tyerone, look back! You’re best friends now!!”

I’m a firm believer in things are only awkward if you make it awkward. I just so happen to be really good at making things awkward…

So allergies? Haven’t had them really in a long time… until they slapped me with an orange-and-sand filled sock Saturday night and haven’t stopped since! Ever seen that scene (yay grammar!!) in “Full Metal Jacket” where… well, if you have you know what I’m talking about. Well, I’m Vincent D’onofrio (spelt his name right BEFORE I checked it… that’s spelling-winning at its finest) and my allergies are the platoon that are sick of me enjoying myself.

I wish I was as handsome as Jake Gyllenhaal (I forgot only ONE “l” before I checked… I dare you to do better!), that way I could live in a plastic bubble and not feel so guilty about it (don’t you judge me for how my mind works).

PS if any of you Hulksters fill out “Nickleback” on the questionairre under the portion “music that pumps you up the most” on the first day this Saturday… you’re off the team.

Today’s theme song… Anything BUT Nickleback.

– Hulk