Archive for the ‘Last Day’ Category

The Family

Well team, we did it…

What is “it” you ask? “It” is proving to yourself you can stick with the gym before giving up LONGER than 2 weeks. “It” refers to completing a challenge that, on the outside, some deem “too intense for me” yet when you hear that you swell your chest with pride. “It” refers to love you’ve found not only for those who started out complete strangers, but more importantly yourself. What you 25 have done (Cheryl, I’m talking to you) is not only unrivaled, but unprecedented. Nobody is doing what you guys are doing around here. NOBODY. Want proof?

Here’s your proof (Click Here).

Want more proof? Well, you’re gonna have to wait because if I posted the proof I WANTED to show you all it would give away who won the categories of composition lost and inches lost. That wouldn’t be fair now would it 🙂

I will say this though… As a team you all have lost 192.4 inches and 124 lbs. I repeat:

Inches Lost: 192.4

Pounds Lost: 124

I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the most dedicated team I have ever had (and lord knows I’ve had some dedicated teams!) and my heart couldn’t beat harder or faster for each and every one of you 25 individuals who finished this challenge out with your heads held high and your legs wobbly (yet still a smile).

Tomorrow, we party like we just endured 10 weeks of rigorous hell. I’m hesitant using the word “hell” however, seeing as how I’ve seen and experienced some of those most amazing things I have ever witnessed or been a part of in my short time here on Earth. The best part? It’s not done yet… We have MANY more surprises planned for tomorrow. If you think you know everything that’s going down tomorrow, you don’t. Tye and Bobbi, and I’m talking to you guys as well. Be prepared to let loose and shed some tears with some loved ones (VERY high probability) because you all earned it.

With all that, remember Monday is a new week. Don’t get sucked up into the fun that tomorrow is going to be. Enjoy the moment and leave it at that… Don’t let the “good times” steam roll into “crap, I lost it…” I’ve seen it happen far too many times for it to go unmentioned. Along with being the most dedicated team I’ve ever worked with, I think y’all are also the group that runs the LEAST risk of falling off. Remember, you are Hulk. You are part of something others WISH they could do. You are now a representative of Hulk via a positive outlook and healthy lifestyle!

I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow. If you get a moment, please click on “The Family” photo and listen to “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. For the moment, no truer words have been spoken.

– Hulk

PS just NOW got done with all the awards and certificates, and now I’m about to finish the slide show. I love when a plan comes together!!