Archive for the ‘Last Workout – Round VI’ Category

Lightest wall sit I've EVER done! 😉

Click HERE for Train the Trainer Pictures! Videos coming shortly! Or longly… I haven’t decided yet…

Last night was FUN. No way around it, had a BLAST. Thank you to everyone who showed up (including my lovely girlfriend Taryn!) and I ESPECIALLY thank you for not making me do the 4 horsemen! I tried, you all know I tried! You all, tonight however, are not going to be so lucky…

I just want to say that tonight is going to be a very intense night. Physically and emotionally. It is a tough DAY for me in that sense because I NEVER want a challenge to end… Fortunately though, it allows us to make way for Hulk vs Hulk starting August 13th!

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all to bring your A game tonight, because you’re gonna need it… Let’s make this last bootcamp one to remember, shall we?!

Cheryl Taylor, we miss the hell out of you.

Everyone, you’re doing Zumba after. Jessica support! AhhhOOOOO!!!!!

– Hulk

PS song is pretty self-explanatory given the weight of the situation… 😉