Archive for the ‘Positively Anxious’ Category

Trinity Crest

I just wanted to remind everyone that we have measurements this Saturday! Please arrive ABSOLUTELY NO LATER THAN a half hour after your designated start point. I encourage everyone to get to the gym ON TIME, but if you come past a half hour after your team’s designated start point, I may not be able to get to you (one of me, lots of you…):

  • Team Poseidon: 10am – 11am

  • Team Hephaestus: 11am – 12pm

  • Team Apollo: 12pm-1pm

I would like everyone to wear either tank tops or form fitting clothing. The more you surface skin area shown for the picture, the better results you get in the AFTER picture. I get some people showing up in baggy shirts and they refuse to take the shirt off… Makes it VERY hard to show progress. Since we’re on the topic of the picture…

I want to let everyone know that ONLY myself and/or whoever the picture taker may be (either me or someone hand-chosen by me who I trust and thus, by default, is trustworthy in this process) will be the ones to see these pictures. That is it. They will not go on Facebook, and they will not be shown to ANYONE else past the point of when the picture itself is taken. With that said… I encourage you to recognize that you need to know where you’ve started to know where you’re going. If you don’t want to see the start point because you’re not exactly proud of it, then how is the END point (when you’re proud beyond your wildest dreams) going to be affect? If I had a dime for every time I heard “I wish I would have taken my shirt off…” or “I see what you were talking about in the beginning…” well then I’d have enough to buy lunch.

All I’m saying is that you’re entering a challenge that the whole point is to push yourself out of your comfort zone, and it starts with the little things. The little victories. The small moments where a whisper of “I can…” drowns out the deafening roar of “YOU CAN’T!” You are going to encounter MANY of these moments along the way. Embrace them, no matter how big or small. Every moment you can look back on and say “my defeatist side didn’t win that time, why should it now?” is just more ammo for your soul’s assault rifle.

Lastly, take note of the outfit you wear for measurements. You want to wear the same outfit at the end of the challenge as you do at the beginning so the before/after photos are a dead lively match.

Measurement day is going to be fast paced on my end. I will have instructions for what to do, what papers to fill out, where to go for pictures, and everything you need to have done. Once all the papers you need to fill out have been filled out, your measurements and picture have been taken, you are good to go!

For now, I’ll leave you a perfect “Warriors” rendition of what to expect come January 14th. The first day of the rest of Hulk’s lives. Be on the lookout for a post and video dedicated strictly to orientation day. Get ready to experience firsthand the movement you are part of.


– Hulk

It is now 12:10am on October 23rd and a very short time ago I completed Hulk vs. Hulk – Round VII. By “completed” I mean put the kabosh on the slideshow. You see, to me, the challenge isn’t over until the slideshow is completed.

Sure, I know who won. Sure, I know how many pounds and inches team hulk accumulated as a whole. Sure, I’ve completed the before and after certificates and matched them up with everyone’s personal recognition award. Sure the board is ready and the final workout is in the record books. Sure my car is packed with the shovels, markers, shirts, and various other goodies that are necessary to get down with the get down tomorrow…

But the slideshow… You see, I did it different this time. I USED to flood Facebook with photos so everyone could get a taste of what it is we all are blessed to be experienced! Now though, people know. It is understood Hulk is special… So I held back. I have about 5,000 photos. I have posted about 200 TOTAL the last 2 and a half months from this challenge. I am literally the only person on the planet who has seen these pictures…

Until sunday, at roughly 5pm. My baby will be unveiled to the world. I spent about an hour a minute on this slideshow. Not because it’s hard to string photos together (although let it be known I edit all the music, time all the photos, and splice the effects all myself), but because of the fact that I can think of nothing harder than to choose select few photos from THOUSANDS. Well, I did it. I told the story I wanted to tell, and you all lived it. Tomorrow, you get to see the last 2 and a half months replayed back to you on a 30 minute time span.

I find myself wanting to reveal planned events for the party so I am better off stopping while I’m ahead.

The champagne popped tonight was the sweetest I have ever tasted. The toast to a point in time that I feel is going on nowhere in the world but here was the finest toast I have ever clinked. I promise that everything you expect the final party to be, it will be.

I told you “hulk vs. hulk” was going to be life changing, after all, didn’t I?

– Hulk

Sorry about the late notice everyone! That time of the challenge is upon us… It’s YOUR chance to train ME! I had to wait until this point to put it out there because I wasn’t sure it was possible to still put on… But I made it work!

Monday, October 17th is the official date for “Train the Trainer!”
6pm is the official time!

If you’re unfamiliar with “Train the Trainer” it is where you, yes YOU, are able to come to the gym and have your chance to bestow some pain upon ME! I figure that for 10 weeks, I’m pummeling you into the ground in the best way possible, it’s only fair you get a shot too! Come on down to Anytime Fitness on Santa Rosa Ave, and get ready to make me work!

Next up… Next weeks schedule! Pay very close attention and E-MAIL ME at if we need to schedule you at a seperate time. The final measurements are not like the midway measurements… If I don’t get your fit test, measurements, and after picture then YOU don’t get a before/after certificate! Also, if you are on Team Black but are able to come to Thursday’s fit test, that is ok too! Please make adjusting the “Hulk” schedule the very last possible option… There are 50 of you after all, gets a little difficult tailoring the schedule for so many of you!

Hulk vs. Hulk – Last Week Schedule


10/ 18: Team Black “Final Push.” A test of what you’ve accomplished the past 9 weeks. Team Black your fit test will be on FRIDAY (10/21) at 6:30pm.

10/20: Team Green “Final Push.” A test of what you accomplished the last 9 weeks. Starts at 6pm. Team Green, you are going to be run a bit different. This workout is TWO HOURS. It starts with the fit test and leads RIGHT into a true test of what you’ve accomplished the last 9 weeks. Get after it! No Zumba after on this day 😦

10/21: Team Black Fit Test! Starts at 6:30pm. If not able to make it, contact me via “” and we will work out additional arrangements. Please try your absolute besty best to make it here!

10/22: Last day! “After” picture taken, body fat % tested, blood pressure tested, circumference measurements done, and final weigh-in! No workout this day. Team Green, I will start measuring everyone at 9am until 11am. Show up no later than 10am (As soon as everything is done, you’re done!). Team Black, I will start measuring at 11:30am until 1:30pm. Show up no later than 12:30pm.

10/23: HULK vs w/ Hulk Party! Location to be announced. Be prepared to celebrate what you all have accomplished the last 2 and a half months. Before and After certificates will be handed out, as well as individual awards. The winning team, as well as winning individuals will be announced. The slideshow will be presented, as well as several other SURPRISES!! HULK!!!!

Jon Michael Martin!

Don't Be a Diock - Support Jon Michael

I know I don’t need to remind people this Sunday “Hulk Helping Hearts” is putting on a Zumbathon to help out Lil’ Jon and his family in need! Be there or be circlular (because it’s hip to be square). Seriously, I’m gonna be really pissed if you’re not there *points at you menacingly*

– Hulk

Lightest wall sit I've EVER done! 😉

Click HERE for Train the Trainer Pictures! Videos coming shortly! Or longly… I haven’t decided yet…

Last night was FUN. No way around it, had a BLAST. Thank you to everyone who showed up (including my lovely girlfriend Taryn!) and I ESPECIALLY thank you for not making me do the 4 horsemen! I tried, you all know I tried! You all, tonight however, are not going to be so lucky…

I just want to say that tonight is going to be a very intense night. Physically and emotionally. It is a tough DAY for me in that sense because I NEVER want a challenge to end… Fortunately though, it allows us to make way for Hulk vs Hulk starting August 13th!

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all to bring your A game tonight, because you’re gonna need it… Let’s make this last bootcamp one to remember, shall we?!

Cheryl Taylor, we miss the hell out of you.

Everyone, you’re doing Zumba after. Jessica support! AhhhOOOOO!!!!!

– Hulk

PS song is pretty self-explanatory given the weight of the situation… 😉

I'm ready to HURT!

Train the trainer is tonight baby birds and I couldn’t be more excited!!! Wanna know the most exciting part? The fact that tonight’s train the trainer is right before I get MY hands on YOU GUYS for one last time. If THAT’S not exciting, then I don’t know what is!

Seriously, you all better BRING IT tonight. I’m gonna keep this short since I’ll be updating with pictures and events of tonight’s butt kicking. When the smoke clears though I PROMISE I’ll still be standing! AhhhOOOOO!!!!

– Hulk

PS 3 days left…

BOSU Stability Course tonight, 6:30pm at Anytime Fitness, Santa Rosa Ave.

First off, I hope everyone had an amazing memorial day! I know I sure did… but now it’s back to reality! Enough BBQ and good brew for the month… My water retention this morning definitely reminded me of that haha. I definitely needed to recharge the mental battery, but now that it’s recharged, I’m ready to destroy some bodies and create some smiles!

First order of business… BOSU stability class tonight! If you’re in the area, it’s at 6:30pm at the Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave. Get ready to get your butt kicked with what I call “quiet chaos.” It may not look like much, but internally AND externally… get ready for that butt to be severely kicked! And Core… and shoulders… Nothing is safe!!

Secondly, the shirts are DEFINITELY going to be done by this Saturday (in your possession I mean). It’s no secret that I’m very unhappy with how long these shirts are taking, and rest assured I won’t allow for this to happen next time. Not to point any fingers, but there was some slacking going on (not on my end) that has me pretty damn fired up not in a good way… But don’t worry, I’ll use that energy on y’all come Thursday when we’ve got you under the black lights 😉

Which is a perfect segway! The first themed workout is this Thursday and if you haven’t done one of my themed workouts before, get ready for the time of your life. Trust me on that.

Matt Moniz, I wanted to give you your own paragraph to let you know, we all see how much you’re DESTROYING this challenge. Your effort and tenacity definitely is noticed, appreciated, and inspiring. The change PHYSICALLY these last 4 weeks have been off the charts. Mentally, you’re definitely on point or else you wouldn’t be transforming the way you’re transforming. Keep it up my man!!!

Remember everyone, every day is a new day. If you’ve been sick, down, or just had a bad week, now is the chance to get after it. I mean REALLY get after it. The past is the past, and if you let it affect your future, well then you need a few more Hulk workouts to destroy that negative mindset. You know how I get down…

Song of the day… The chorus is my personal anthem. “Had to grind from the bottom all the way to the top/ I swear I won’t flop/ Give it all that I got/ I know why they jock… x3”

– Hulk

I'm back and ready to destroy some bodies!!

Oh boy howdy am I back and ready to destroy some people! After a momentary hiatus in St. Diago, I’m back to bring on the rapture (you know, to make up for the one that definitely didn’t happy on Saturday). After some fun in the sun and time with some great people, I’m filled with the sort of hunger for destruction that only a rabid Hyena in the middle of an Antelope hospital could be filled with! Seriously, if you’re coming to my BOSU class tonight, be ready to HURT!

Couple things… Board will be up this week! I know it’s been 3 weeks and we’ve got nothin’, but don’t worry because we will have 7 weeks of somethin’! I’m only one man, gotta gimme a break here people ;).

Shirts are here on Saturday. Get ready to Hulk out in some team uniforms!

Alright, time to go Hulk EAT, since my stomach is about ready to punch me in the face. I don’t want that to happen… Good thing Mountain Mikes is across the street!

Song of the day… is a fun one ;). Definitely a pump up jam, with some lightheartedness with it 😉

– Hulk

PS totally kidding about Mountain Mikes 😉

The world is ours, all we gotta do is grab it...

Alright Hulkamaniacs, let’s do some talkin’! First, I gotta say that as the day has gone on and I’ve seen everybody on Facebook changing their pictures to either “Hulk” or “She Hulk” pictures… My heart swells. I mean it. Y’all did that on your own, and I’m just sitting back and watching… So far I’ve got Lorna, Maggie, Jessica, Cheryl, Bud, Matt, Eric, and Tye down as having their pictures changed… Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, to latching on to what I so firmly believe in. Today is only Monday… GREAT day.

Just a reminder that this week we have THREE Hulk workouts. Wednesday at 6pm (Upper body), Thursday at 6pm (Core) and Saturday at 10am (Lower body – John will be taking care of weigh-ins while a very special guest is being brought in to destroy you ;D).

I’m gonna keep it short and sweet tonight, as I’m exhausted and about ready to grub down on some yum yum (Brown rice pasta, 7oz chicken breast, and sautéed peppers all tossed in olive oil and pineapple vinegar… Color you jealous!).

Song of the day is perfect for cardio!

– Hulk

You better be ready to HULK SMASH those legs tomorrow

I would like to start off by saying that of the 17 people who finished last challenge, for 13 of them the goal was weight loss. Out of those 13 people, they lost a total of 165 lbs. Out of the 17 total people who completed it, 197.5 inches were lost. More importantly, a new grasp on life was seized. Those numbers I just mentioned? Yeah, I care… but those will come no matter what. That’s the cherry on top. Wanna know what I REALLY care about?

I care about the husband and wife Hulksters who have a new found lease on life. Who have gone from miserable and sinking to daring their grandchildren to keep up.

I care about the Hulkster whose back doesn’t hurt to brush his teeth anymore.

I care about the 3 Hulksters who recently told me that they can tie their shoes without holding their breathe anymore.

I care about the children of the people on Hulk who send me private messages about how they thank GOD their parents found Hulk, because they are positive it saved their lives (I’ll never tell).

I care about the Hulkster who has lost 140 lbs total and has gone from going to bed every night CONVINCED that was the night he was going to die to going to bed every night having never felt so alive in his life.

I care about the Hulkster who was convinced she could never play soccer again due to past knee injuries, but who has a soccer field with her name written all over it in the very immediate future (I’m still going to get you those cleats!)

I care about the Hulkster who couldn’t do a squat with his own body weight, and now is running circles around everyone around him doing lunges, squats, push-ups, planks… There is nothing this man can’t do now.

I care about the Hulksters who have lost ALL of their pre-diabetic symptoms. There are quite a few of you.

I care about the Hulksters who have perfect blood pressure now, beating hypertension.

I care about the Hulksters who want to live for their kids. Be better wives or husbands. Better boyfriends or girlfriends. A better son or daughter.

I care about the Hulksters who want to LIVE, not float.

With that being said, Eric Rhodes has lost 6 lbs since Saturday y’all. It’s Wednesday. AhhhhOOOOO!!!! The MOST important factor? His eating is perfectly healthy, not restricted. His workouts are spot on, not “too much.” His balance of training is even between cardio and resistance. He’s doing it the RIGHT way people. Nothing extreme, nothing unhealthy (the complete opposite!). I care about THAT Hulkster!

I’ll let you know now, the song of the day (located by clicking the badass Hulk picture) is what we are going to start our wall sits too tomorrow after “The Story of Et Ducit.” Listen and get pumped, or tomorrow you’re gettin’ dumped!

– Hulk

PS everybody, I’ll be deadlifting with our very own Hulkamaniac Bud Hull tomorrow morning, so everyone remember that this cornfed freakshow is coming in with some of his armor stripped. He’ll be more “humanish” for the leg workout…

PPS Bud I’m just messin’ with ya man! Except we really are gonna deadlift into oblivion tomorrow morning.. AhhhhOOOOOO!!!!!

Round 6 starts tomorrow. I mean… Tomorrow. That’s t-o-m-o-double R-o-Double U. Tomorrouu! I mean Tomorrow! I mean, I don’t need to stress it anymore, because You get it. Trust me, you get it.
That’s all I wanted to say. It’s about to gettin’ poppin’ like some zits in this piece cuz tomorrow we’re gonna Erupt like Eddie Van Halen! We’re gonna rock like granite, so take nothing for granted! If you’re not pumped you’re gettin’ dumped. If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’, and y’all know how alive I am ;). T-minus = 16 hours and 20 minutes till start time. T-Mac = Tracy McGrady…

Be on the lookout for the results of my fit test and pictures/videos of “Friday before Hulk!” Grab on to your seat… and make sure nobody steals it… A gang of gypsies have been seen running amuck lately…

Song of the Day: I was going to make it “Friday” by Rebecca Black but I respect you too much for that. So instead, click on the image you’re going to need to get used to seeing…

– Hulk