Archive for the ‘Positively Anxious’ Category

It was written...
You just gotta keep screamin’ till they hear you out…

So I’m at Safeway this morning, right? I don’t know why I asked.. I was… Anyways, I hear “Hey, aren’t you that ‘Hulk’ guy?” and I turn around expecting to see someone I know aaaaaand… no. A guy a couple of inches taller than me who I’ve never seen before in my life. clueless. I say “Yep, that’s me! How ya doin’? And uh, how’d you know that?”

“I’ve seen your videos at my friend’s house, pretty awesome man! I’ve lost 20 lbs recently myself!”

“Who’s the friend? Congrats too by the way, it never starts out easy man”

“[insert friends name for privacy purposes]”

“Hmm, I don’t know them either… You made my morning man!”

So I gotta say, that has been the highlight of my day thus far, and it’s only 9:30! Speaking of highlights, I think I’m going to dye the tips of hair blond circa “98 degrees” in 1998. Then, I’m going to dye them Hulk green and shave a big fist in the side of my head. Who’s with me? If you’re down to do it, you do it FIRST so I can make sure it’s the right decision. Deal? Deal! Glad we had this talk.

If you were one of the lucky, dedicated, and hungry 25 to be a part of Hulk: Round 6, well then your engine better be revved up because we get down with the get down in TWO DAYS. I’m talking hand-on-the-nitrous-button ready to get FLOORED. If you’re not pumped, you’re gettin’ dumped cuz come Saturday the Silverback Gorilla in you is gonna be coming OUT!! Need some inspiration newbies?

Meghan Hoyal, Tami Larsen, Paul Larsen, Art Villareal, Kathi Tyler, Tye Rivera, Bobbi Rivera, Bud Hull, Nicky Marrin, Cheryl Taylor, Jessica LaVenter, Ruben Martinez.

That’s your returning lineup from “Round 5.” For you greenies (rooks) you look to ANY of these fine individuals and they will show you what it means to be on this team. You don’t start out a complete Hulk, you get forged into one…

Lastly, I’m organizing a “Hulk 5K” (as I’m sure you saw in the poll on Facebook,, and here) and I got private message after private message after private message of interest… Looks like we’ll easily be able to roll through the streets of San Francisco about 15-25 people deep! Let’s add some green pride to the orange and black shall we? @Jim Kinsey I know you’re reading this… Come on a little 5k with us huh? 😉

Song of the day: Click on “Emo/Overly Contemplative” Hulk to find out!

– Hulk

PS the story of “Et Ducit” a week from today…