Archive for the ‘Prime Tye’ Category

Click the "Big Tye" to hear the song that reminds me of him every time I hear it!

Newest Personal Trainer at Anytime Fitness off Santa Rosa Ave, CA! Team Prime! Click to listen 😉

You guys are getting a treat! Two posts in one day! It’s like the world is ending and it’s not even 2012 yet!

Let’s get to it. That man you see above (the bottom one, definitely not the top one) is accomplishing a milestone tomorrow. Anytime Fitness’ own and my best friend Tyrone Rivera will be running his first 5k.



Don’t get me wrong, he’s run that distance before, but only within the last year. Know what he did before that? Nothing. He had NO memory of running. Ever. Unless to get a snow cone after sitting miserably in the outfield during tee-ball that he didn’t want to be a part of (grape is most favorite).

Ladies and gentlemen, that BOTTOM picture is Tyrone 2.0. Optimus Tye. He is alive. That man at the top is no more… I want everyone to wish this man the best (Click here) in his 5k run tomorrow! He’ll be wearing his old school “Hulk: Round V” T-shirt (while rocking the Phillies cap of course). I want to put on public accord how proud I am. Not only has he lost 160 lbs in the last year, but he also has accomplished more in terms of baseline physical fitness than I think I have seen ANYONE achieve in just 12 short months. Who does that? Tyrone Rivera does. My heart couldn’t be more swollen for the love I have for this man. Not just because of his friendship, but the light he shines is brighter than he will ever know. He is a source of inspiration to not only myself, but countless others. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hit a low point in energy during a workout and thought “I’m NOT going to let Tye down.” That is the god honest truth. Know why? Because he has NEVER let me down and I’m not going to be the one to start that trend in this friendship…

A year ago, this man was SURE he was going to die in his sleep. Whether it was clogged arteries, deadly sleep apnea, or just a broken heart… Now, he’s running San Francisco tomorrow and I dare you to find a moment when a smile isn’t spread across his face as the breeze whips through those gorgeous gauges and adorable baby-thin hair.

Tomorrow is what Hulk is all about. We have another fellow Hulkster by the name of Cara Tocchini who, only a few short years ago was smoking TWO PACKS A DAY. She’s a marathon runner now…

The power of personal will power and mental grit is undeniable. The power of love (cue the Celine Dion references) is an unstoppable force that can take the most dejected, down-trodden soul and lift it high above to bask in the sunlight. Tyrone Rivera, I want you to bask in the sunlight tomorrow. I hope you allow the tears to fall when you complete what is sure to be a roller coaster of a ride and wash away ANY potential self doubt that may still linger. Tomorrow, the world is yours, it just doesn’t know it yet. Always remember the past that lies behind you even as you run as fast you can towards the wonderful future directly in front of you. I love you more as a trainer, coworker, person, and best friend than I can express, and just know that even though I can’t be with you tomorrow, my thoughts will be with you every thud of the pavement and every deep breathe you take that fills your lungs with the life others DREAM of getting a taste of.

– Hulk

PS Bobbi Rivera, Tyrone’s wife, will also be completing the 5k! She has lost 90 lbs and went from “immoveable” knees to… hittin’ the pavement with her man! Together, they have lost the amount of weight *I* was at at my heaviest (sans 15 lbs or so) and such an incredible feet is MORE than deserved to go to 2 of my very best friends.

Bobbi Rivera, you are the Captain of this Hulk ship sometimes. I’ll always be Master Commander, but without your leadership, sharing your struggles, sweetness and compassion (I won’t tell anybody, I know you’ve got a hard ass reputation to uphold), and desire to ALWAYS help, Hulk wouldn’t be what it is. I promise you. It is inarguable. Need I point to the countless times you’ve helped set up themed workouts? Or the fit testing on Thursday for your team? Or EVERYTHING you did for the “Hulk: Round VI” Challenge party? Or the board you made with Tye out of Hulk comics? Or the fact you almost NEVER miss a Hulk workout or BOSU class? Or your cookbook idea? I could go on and on, but I’m going to choose to say I love you just as much Bobbi Deanne Rivera, and I’ll never be able to express just how much. I will, however, always try!

Introducing: Team Prime. Welcome Autobots!

So here’s how it’s goin’ down… The group thing has got people so jacked up that we couldn’t POSSIBLY stop the group training just because Hulk vs. Hulk starts August 13th! Solution? Let’s keep it goin’! Here is the group training Hulk/Prime combination as it be:

Thursday – 6pm – Trainer: Josh

Friday – 6:30pm – Trainer: Team Prime Tye

Saturday – 12pm – Trainer: Josh

The best part… the cost! Tye and I will be charging $10 an hour instead of $15 to make sure funds can stay alright (trust me, I understand it all adds up). In essence, $30 gets you 3 hours of kick ass workouts! What better way to either keep yourself on track OR get yourself prepped for Hulk vs. Hulk?!

E-mail, call, text, or smoke signal myself or Tyrone if you have any questions! I would also like to make the point that this is not “hulk only”… meaning if you’ve got some friends that wanna come, by all means bring ’em! Spread the word! The more the merrier baby ;). Can’t wait to kick butt with all you Hulksters and Autobots!

– Hulk

PS click on the picture, listen to the song, read the words, and get ready to dig like you’ve never dug before… The time is now y’all. If you’re not pumped, get dumped! When they ask, you tell ’em Hulksters…

PPS Well deserved of a repost. Thank you to John Bidleman for the fantastic production!