Archive for the ‘September 11th’ Category

Red, White, and Bruised!

Well, I’ve gotta say, today’s “Red, White, and Bruised” workout… we weren’t s******’ around (love you to death Cara)! I wanted to honor the lives lost and the 10 year anniversary of an event none of us will ever forget, and boy howdy did we do that! You core is gonna be SCREAMIN’ tomorrow in honor of the fallen!

I also wanted to take this time to let everybody know… Good AMAZING job. Today marks the official “4 weeks down, 6 to go” period and let me tell you from MUCH experience… it’s going to go by SO FAST. It’s like high school… feels like you have a long time to go and before you know it, BOOM, you’re done and have made friends for life ;). This last 4 weeks though, holy geez-us… I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people bond together so fast in my life! In my years of doing this, THIS challenge has the greatest impact I have ever seen. Tean Green, Team Black… You, WE, are all in this together and I could not be more proud of each and every one of you. More importantly though (and I’ gonna sound like a broken record here) YOU should be proud of YOU. You get the results that people don’t get by doing the work that people don’t do? You all are doing that work and then some…

Next Saturday, we have measurements, so be ready. Inch day is a GREAT day. It takes the frustration of the scale and throws it right out the window because it puts in your face a living, breathing, tangible example of the fact that you all are accomplishing SO MUCH whether that scale says so immediately or not. For all of you frustrated by that god forsaken scale, remember that it has only been 28 days. Again, 28 days. Wrap your mind around that and realize that you’ve done more in 1 month that some people do in YEARS. I’m not exaggerating… I’ll be reminding everyone as we get nearer the time schedule in which I will be running the measurements. If you cannot make it, please e-mail me at I will most likely be doing a universal make up day so be ready to get a little flexible for me (TWSS). There is one of me and more than 50 of you… Thanks for the understanding :).

“Do this like Chris”

I just wanted to point out that Chris Keys, member of Team Black, lost 9 lbs this week. For those of you on Team Black, his work ethic is legendary after only 28 days. For those on Team Green, you’ll hear about him… I wanted to take this time to congratulate Chris. When someone fights as hard as he does (as you all do), it’s only right to broadcast the accomplishment! Speaking of accomplishments, the new board results will be up Monday ;).

Click HERE for 83 new pictures chronicling some of my favorites out of Team Green’s “Back Alley Beatdown”, Team Black’s Saturday “Upperbody massacre”, and our “Red, White, and Bruised” September 11th honor workout (Complete core destruction baby!). You know you want to!

– Hulk

PS special thanks to Tyrone Rivera and my beautifully gorgeous girlfriend Taryn Casalino! They ROCKED the decor while I weighed in and measured y’all. They truly are rockstars and I truly love them both. Over and out. 10-4. Roger that (no Jersey Shore)

1/5th of our Tough Mudder Team! The finale picture… I dare you to find a dry spot of clothing!

I just wanted to lete everyone know that your team shirts are on their way! I will share my shirt story with you in person since I’m not a big “Slander supporter” but let’s just say a local company screwed my HARD. I had shirts meticulously designed and worked out, only to be given the finger and a frown by said company… But never fear, I made it work! They’re just a little later than I would have liked them to be…

Also, a reminder that tomorrow is the red, white, and BRUISED workout! Come dressed accordingly! Your best red, white, and blue apparel :). Let’s honor the lives lost on the 10th year anniversary of September 11th! See you all in a few short hours 😉

– Hulk